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in the past

One of my favourite games of all time, an absolute gem and a huge highlight of the Final Fantasy series. This has the most mechanical depth of all the 2D Final Fantasies and introduces a huge amount of sidequesting and optional extras and powerups not present in IV. Beyond that it has a fantastic variety of dungeons, brought to life with excellent pixel art and music. The Ancient Library, the Ronka Ruins, Exdeath's fleshy castle, all great.

I won't wax lyrical about the Job system because it's already famous, but it's extremely good and the innovations this game offers over Final Fantasy III are huge. It's no surprise that the system is so enduring it pops in up X-2, or forms the foundation for the Bravely games.

This is also the only game where I've found Blue Magic to be super good, I don't think Square Enix captured it again on the Playstation os PS2.

One area where it falls down is the writing and characterisation, compared to IV and VI. The main characters feel thinly characterised, and while there are a couple of big revelations for them early on, they generally don't grow or change much or have strong individual relationships beyond direct familial ties. The supporting cast is small, and undermined by the fact that characters from the first act can't appear in the second act and vis-versa. Sympathetic characters like the Warriors of Dawn are introduced too late, while Cid & Mid are offscreen for too long. It feels much closer to III in terms of storytelling, and that's a big step back.

Still, I love the mechanics and presentation of this game so much I cannot give it less than a perfect score. An all timer, if you like old school JRPGs you've got to give this one a try.

My favorite in the series. Job system goated, and the cast/story are quite good as well. Bartz is the cutest FF protagonist.

Surprisingly really good for an older Final Fantasy game. AP grinding is the fucking worst though.

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Exdeath turned himself into a fucking tree. Wow.

Lowkey one of the best FFs in the franchise. The perfection of the "Old School" style FFs before 6 and 7 started to really mess with the formula (and strangely after 4 had already started messing with the formula.)

Always liked this one even if it wasn’t the story powercock that 4 and 6 were

melhor experiencia com video game que eu nunca tive cid volta pra mim gilgamesh best waifu

i ran out of mp and ethers right before neo exdeath but i tell everyone that i beat this game anyway

Story is kinda funny but sometimes boring, gameplay though is some of the best ever in the genre surpassing even some of it's superiors

Peak gameplay, and honestly pretty good narrative all things considered. Job system is amazingly fun

The best of snes trio with the best storyline and characters

It's odd, Final Fantasy I had a really cool job system, which was then abandoned in Final Fantasy II for its incredibly poor EXP system, then in Final Fantasy III they brought back jobs and built upon them, great! Then in Final Fantasy IV, once again we abandon the job system for EXP, albeit this time done much better. And now again we return to the job system, with it finally being developed to near perfection, it really feels like the culmination of what FF1 and 3 were building up to. The job system allows so much customisation without it being insanely complicated/overwhelming and encourages replayability so much as it grants so much freedom from the very start. "Grinding" in this game is a piece of cake, as your actual EXP level is way less important, as its more based around your strategy of job/ability use, it builds upon the ideas of approaching encounters that started in FF3, with its "puzzle-like" encounters which had very specific requirements to complete, which was then expanded in FF4 having a few different options to solve said encounters, and now at FF5 each encounter has nigh endless possibilities of approaches due to the jobs and combinations. Having jobs by themselves is interesting enough, as seen in FF1, then theres lots of jobs, as seen in FF3 (but now with even more), and then on top of that you can now combine job attributes, then on top of THAT you can combine ALL of your mastered classes using the freelancer job, its amazing. And on top of that, the visuals for the jobs is improved upon too, no longer does your character just turn into somebody else per job ala FF1/FF3, instead every character has a variant for their job, and they all look really cool, graphically speaking this game looks really good, not a huge leap above FF4, but it looks good.

Outside of the jobs, the gameplay has a few minor alterations from FF4, for example you now have a bar to show when you can move in the active time battle system, which is appreciated! The row system (which allows you to place characters at the back for lower attack/higher defence) is now also applied to enemies, but this isnt really a good thing, as it simply encourages you to ALWAYS attack the enemy at the front, as they will always die fastest and do the most damage. Final Fantasy was already moving closer to the "Spam A through encounters" issue after removing the need for you to not select blank spots on the battle field (i.e dont attack an enemy twice if its going to die in 1 hit), but now every single time you wanna simply attack the same space no matter, not the end of the world, but not really a good addition.

The plot is pretty good, definitely the best in the series so far. It has grand moments that actually impact the plot, unlike the annoying fakeouts in FF4. And for once it has a real villain that is actually present in the story rather than just appearing at the end. The characters are really likeable, although the loss of of one party member is then made less impactful as they are instantly replaced by a forgettable, underdeveloped character that never really forms into anything, they just exist as a replacement. It tries to be funny quite a lot, and atleast for me it usually lands, although I can see how for some it would be annoying, but I can appreciate the amount of personality this game has.

The music is, well, Nobuo Uematsu, so of course its amazing.

In conclusion, Final Fantasy V emerges as a standout entry in the series, seamlessly weaving together the strengths of its predecessors while introducing groundbreaking elements. The refined job system, building upon the foundation laid by FF1 and FF3, reaches its pinnacle, offering players unparalleled customization and strategic depth. Its worth playing for the job system alone, and I instantly want to play it again. Perhaps one day I'll try a four job fiesta run.

i like this game a lot. any game with a job system just gets me good.

a better version of final fantasy III with a somewhat basic but still interesting plot. noteworthy for having the best gameplay loop of any classic final fantasy. best played emulated.

This is the one. I love everything about it. The world, the story, the characters, the designs everything is so charming and just calls you to adventure without taking itself too seriously. All that is fantastic but the real meat of the game is the job system and oh man it's so good and surprisingly deep for a game this old. A masterpiece in my opinion and possibly the best final fantasy game

decent game but his name is "Bartz" the the zimpsons character, awkwaaard

Final Fantasy V aged so well for me, the more I think about it after playing all the FF tactics, the more I love the job system. Now it got all improved compared to FF III, the abilities, the stats... the customization is limitless.
What I really love about the job system is how you can use the neutral job and still have access to all the abilities acquired from other jobs. The possible combos that this features provides is just awesome and it adds some replay value to the game.
The history is a bit whatever, what really stands out the gameplay. Maybe that's why it's considered as one of the black sheeps of the series.
The most rewarding battle ever to me was to kill Omega weapon, that's what I call a tough boss!

the most boring classic ff. even the music sounds uninspired, which is honestly perplexing for uematsu. the battle system and job system are kinda cool, it's just that the main story is so dumb it's not even interesting.

Faris is in this game. That makes it good.

Out of all the old pixel FFs this was my favorite hands down. From the story, to the characters over to the job system everything slapped cheeks!


I've tried playing this game three times and I've dropped it all three.

There's nothing that it does that's actively awful, but it just proceeds at such a glacial pace that every time I get sick of it. Not only are the dungeons long but the story is filled with padding upon padding, the last time I quit was at the point that I realized that I was in the middle of a detour through a dungeon to get into another dungeon to solve a quest (that was at best tangentially related to the actual story) so that I could get finally get past a barrier that was preventing me from actually doing what the plot was pointing me towards. So much of this game is just derailing you to do some random errand and I think that gets boring fast.

she let me hit cause i'm full of whimsy

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What a smooth, funny, and well paced game. It does a beautiful job introducing the job classes and guiding you on where to go. Exdeath is a truly great protagonist, always one step ahead of you. Is Galuf’s death sadder than Aerith’s? Probably not, but he is such a larger than life personality it’s a genuinely huge twist. I always tear up a bit at Faris and Lenne’s story. Bartz is one of the best bumpkin protagonists of all time.

The fun and well thought-out job system makes this game appear more interesting than it genuinely is. Take the job system away and you have a bland game where the story, characters and world are incredibly forgettable.

Clash in the big bridge is the best song here, and with Gilgamesh everything is better.

That Chocobo Has Accomplished More Things Than I Will In My Entire Lifespan

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what is up with this neo exdeath, the game was piss easy until this fucker arrived.

Job system is really cool but frustratingly imbalanced. Some jobs are bad but unlock incredible abilities, while some are just terrible with no upside. If you pick the wrong jobs you might find yourself grinding to correct course. Story is generic and not particularly moving (though faris is cool). Bosses are exciting and have a lot of interesting strategies, will probably take you a few tries. Overall one of the harder final fantasies.