Reviews from

in the past

minus half a star for that cringe-y laughing scene hahahaha.

HD changes are for the worse but it's still a great game

Little grindy in certain areas that I didn't like but overall a very good and comfy ps2 rpg

shit got me crying man
fuck you seymour and fuck that sin battle though

Wonderful game - a tight puzzle box of encounters with a story that's perfectly up my street: a group of outcasts going on a road-trip which changes their lives.

Bit of a hassle in parts. Encounter spawn rate is a bit heavy at times and I wish there was a way to speed up the combat.

even after the remaster it this





I have only played X yet and I am stuck at the final boss fight. Other than that, Final Fantasy X is a phenomenal experience with an intriguing story and a tight battle system.

One of the greatest games of all time, sullied by how fucking ugly they made Tidus

kind of a huge mess of a game, to be honest, the cutscenes feel like they were cut from different cloth half the time, like the events that occur make sense in order but the tonal shift or the way they jump from one camera angle to another is just... weird

i dunno

the characters all have a nice arc and tidus especially really matures from the entitled dipshit he is at the start to a guy who actually bothers to empathize with all his new friends by the end

which i think is where this really differs from most previous ffs (maybe 8 is the same, actually) in that it's far more characters and emotions focused than plot focused - not that there isn't a LOT of plot, but it's secondary

gameplay wise i sure was yawning for most of it until the end when i started going for the optional bosses at which point it became wayyyyy too hard until i maxed out the sphere grids and then it became wayyyyy too easy lol

not my favorite ff that's for sure but not terrible

Eu já gostava da série antes, porém foi nesse jogo que eu me apaixonei de verdade e que me deu vontade de jogar os outros títulos. O X tem seus pontos ruins (Cloister of Trials), mas de forma alguma consegue ofuscar os vários acertos do título. Facilmente recomendo para qualquer pessoa que quer entrar no mundo de Final Fantasy.

Excels on a lot of aspect but I really hate the minigames or side activities which is also necessary for getting the ultimate weapons also the cloister of trials are a pain and not fun at all

It may have taken me 4+ years but all four years were so worth it this game I'd incredible

Final Fantasy X would mark the franchises first foray onto the PlayStation 2 and the leaps made from the previous entries is immediately present. Breathtaking FMVs that still hold up today serve as one of the main cinematic storytelling elements. The in-game cutscenes are equally as high of quality, though at some times jarring when blended with the FMVs. The story is slow to start, but once it gets going it is hard to put it down. This is a somber story that reflects largely on the meaning of death, free choice versus fulfilling our perceived duty, and the relationships we share with our family, our friends, and ourselves.

This review contains spoilers

I love how ffx presents you with scenarios that are both genuinely tragic and really fucking hilarious. The aforementioned made up boyfriend thing is so silly but it doesn't feel that way when tidus tells yuna he has to go and he's about to jump off the airship and she runs after him and literally passes right through him and falls to the ground. And everything about tidus and jecht... having to defeat the "sin" that threatens to destroy the world, but also the current incarnation of that entity is your father, who wasn't nice to begin with and then he started drinking... and then he left and your mom got so depressed she died. But he also loved you and just didn't know how to show it, and as tidus comes to realize this he has to reconcile his hatred of his father with the empathy he feels for him upon seeing what he's become. So they're transposing that kind of fraught parent/child dynamic onto a conflict for the fate of the world, and you as the player have all of this information and at the same time tidus is running around yelling in his johnny test voice about how much he hates his dad. And it's funny, even some of the party members joke about it, but then as you defeat sin and he dies as plain old shitty dad jecht, tidus runs over and hugs him and cries as he tells jecht he hates him one last time. Like I cried too it was a lot. There are other elements of the game that contribute to how tonally bizarre I find it to be (not a bad thing!), whether it's the growing pains of the early ps2 graphics or the voice acting (truly not hating it is very fun), but the emotional whiplash looms large in my mind. Did you know people in this world can just choose not to die. You can get killed and say. Actually no thank you!

I wrote this as a tumblr post but figured it would serve as a decent backloggd review too lol. What I will add here is that even though I despise the sphere grid and fucked it up so badly I bricked myself out of the final dungeon, this game hit all the right emotional marks for me at the most opportune moments in my life. I played most of the game up to that final dungeon last summer on vacation. I remember the nights I spent sleeping on my friends' couch playing this on the tv after everyone else was in bed. The famous lake scene was a highlight. Coming back to the ending now after spending the last few months working through complicated feelings re: my own family did actually make me cry a little. This is all so incredibly vague and meaningless to anyone other than myself but I think about these things and I want to remember them

Hi welcome to my ted talk where i rant about how misunderstood the laughing scene from ffx is due to later story revelations for about 5 hours 47 minutes and 3 seconds

Tidus dad is an asshole and Tidus is a goober.

While i love parts of X the full experience is often lacking and the cast ain't really my jam, but I did enjoy this entry a lot followed by 10-2 in the same package which i think has an amazing gameplay system for the series I wish would return again.

The entry for the PC port bundles X and X-2 together so I'm using this one for it.

This is the first Final Fantasy game that after finishing made me think "damn I want to replay this already", the turn order and rock/paper/scissor combat system is such a natural evolution from the ATB system that makes the game just so much more fun because it gives you control of everything that happens while still facing an adequate challenge.
I also love the sphere grid because it's a cool way to add variety in your builds.
I feel like the only real flaws this game has are the PC ports jankyness, the fact that menus are not able to be scrolled fast and that some areas feel pretty barren, but these are so minor and overwhelmed by the great story and my favorite gameplay in the series that they are null in my eyes.
On a side note the arranged music is amazing, with tracks like "Assault" being an absolute standout.
Amazing game and great entry point if you need a feel for the modern FF games.

Final Fantasy X might be one of the most linear FF games but it makes up for it with a story that has stood the test of time to be the best. Most of the characters are fleshed out incredibly well and its the game in the series to sell the romance. The great soundtrack is one of Uematsu's best, really punctuates the great story moments, To Zanarkand being one of the most meloncholic yet unforgettable songs. Combat is great, having a order timeline and the ability to swap party members mid battle introduces a ton of flexibility. Blitzball is alright, not as good as previous card games but it fits into the world so well. The only thing i dislike is the sphere grid, normally its a fine way to "level up" stats but going for the plat it becomes a real chore to fill it out completely. Otherwise the games still a Masterpiece.

Probably the best written final fantasy story but I didn't like the leveling up system.

The story and music are great. The art looks great, and I think it's aged pretty well.
However, the actual game parts, the combat elemenets, cloisters, and other minigames, only come out to "passable at best".
While the combat mechanics are interesting on their own, the actual performing of the fights isn't so fun. You're either having to fight too many small encounters to get all your sphere levels built up, or you're fighting a boss with twice (or more) as many HP as it should have to avoid being tedious. And all the high-damage spells that you'd use on a boss have animations that are neat the first few times but that kinda just take too long after that. And to top it all off you have to switch around the party every fight to make everyone gain EXP evenly.
The sphere grid sounds interesting when first presented, "ooh, so many possibilities to level up!", but the actual amount of player choice it adds to the game, compared to the amount of busy work it makes the player do, is just abysmal.
Ever since FF7, the Final Fantasy series has mostly consisted of cool stories with great music trapped inside of bad-playing video games. FFX is a proud member of this tradition.

A new favorite of mine, possibly beating out FFIX as my favorite Final Fantasy game. Very minor complaints about this game but I definitely wish I played the original since the remaster is a little ugly in comparison.

the good: no ATB
the bad: most of the rest of it

Overall, I enjoyed playing this gem and I was really fond of the battle system and the sphere grid. The characters are hit-or-miss for me, especially Tidus, and some of the gameplay does show its age, which is at no fault of a 20+ year old game but did affect my experience.

just a better version of an alread good game

Jogo fantástico
Fazia muito tempo que queria jogar, e valeu a pena a expectativa
Gosto muito de todo esse setting de peregrinação, combinado com o design linear do jogo, que apesar de épico do meio pro fim, sempre é bem fechado na relação entre os personagens e na jornada deles
Curti muito o sistema do sphere grid, queria que mais jogos usassem algo parecido

A terrible remaster of a series landmark. Just play the original.