Reviews from

in the past

Eu joguei Forager obsessivamente por alguns dias. O começo dele é tão gostoso, ir descobrindo como o jogo funciona, explorando o seu pequeno espaço, comprando mais terreno e descobrindo o que tem além, desbloqueando novas habilidades, materiais e ferramentas. O senso de descobertas é muito gostoso.
Eu também aprecio muito os visuais e o senso de humor do jogo. É uma experiência agradável e que te faz se sentir bem.

Infelizmente, a falta de um fio narrativo ou de um objetivo maior me perdeu depois de algum tempo. Isso pode ser positivo, mas o fato de ter TANTA coisa pra fazer depois de um tempo me fez eu me sentir sobrecarregada e com a sensação de estar jogando para completar uma lista de tarefas apenas. Eu tenho certeza que quem gosta de jogos de crafting e sobrevivência vai encontrar um prato cheio em Forager.

É um bom jogo, mesmo que eu não tenha visto tudo o que ele tem para oferecer me diverti no tempo que dediquei a ele.

Pretty cute game so far. Addicting and slightly relaxing, so far it's a fun little time killer.

More of a barebones stardew in terms of lore/story, just simply focused on gathering resources, upgrading equipment/structures and exploring as well as some puzzles thrown in.

It's highly addictive, it ramps up quite quickly and gets fairly chaotic. Definitely not the calm approach of something like stardew where you're waiting to do stuff in different seasons or at different times in the day/night cycle.

There's not really an ending to this game but I mean once you've completed all npc tasks, all the puzzles, gotten all the seals, I'd call that done. You can play on just to keep upgrading weapons/tools, build even more structures and increase your resource gathering and building rate but I only find that fun when I've got something to work towards (like unlocking more lands or complete another task etc...). Once you've collected all the seals etc, nothing happens, and so I was kind of left disappointed when ending this game even though I thoroughly enjoyed playing it. Just something special to show that you've completed everything rather than just another reward would have been appreciated.

Even finishing the museum, you spend so long completing it and you get nothing special for doing it lol.

The game also has performance issues that need addressing. If you've got a high refresh rate monitor, make sure you cap your framerate to 60fps otherwise the framerate seems to tank into the 30s. For some reason it doesn't like that the framerate can go over 60fps. Once capped it will stay at a solid 60fps. However the bigger issue is the gradual slow down of this game as you play. By the end, I would see a black screen for a few seconds going in and out of menus. This is on a high end gaming pc.

My friend is experiencing this slow down just a few hours in on the Nintendo Switch, which means I doubt he may even be able to finish this game due to the poor performance.

I always get sucked into crafting games and incremental games, so no surprise this one got me hooked. But it has too many annoying bugs and no meaningful endgame (such as ascension or prestige type mechanics) so it was meh at the end, sadly.

fun little indie game, super repetitive though

This game is an ADHD time sink. There's too many variable resources that do not have a consistent way to get them and the skill tree layout is a nightmare, there's no clear progression path meaning you can get locked out of something leaving you to grind away at your level for hours into the later game.

Most of that is forgivable but what isn't is a developer taking advantage of his workers. Don't buy it and invest your time in games that both respect your time and are made with care.

Pretty simple game, reminds me of all those web-browser games, but it's very clean and polished. 3,5/5

Joguinho maravilhoso. Perdi boas horas da minha vida nele sem nem perceber. Da para continuar jogando e jogando mesmo depois de comprar todas as ilhas.

forager starts off strong but becomes unreasonably grindy and unfun

Not my type of game, craft and create your own stuff sandbox survival mode.

Não gostei do jogo fazer brotar os recursos toda a hora do seu lado, me fez desistir do jogo

I had so much fun playing through the feats (achievements) and expanding my digital world. Once you expand and upgrade tools, there's a HUGE jump for grinding. There's no ending, you can keep playing and jump into a never-ending procedural dungeon. I loved playing through the game: building my factories, upgrading tools, solving puzzles, and buying new land. The art style is adorable. The rewards for completing feats were customization of your character and I loved that. There are some bugs still in the game you may have to work around.

But the grinding really killed it for me. The money feats were too much. I have read players that have put hours into this game just to AFK for the banks or set weight on their mouse to auto click. That is not gameplay. Minimizing the game to let it play itself isn't rewarding. You don't have to complete these feats, but if you're an achievement hunter, godspeed to you.

Es adictivo y entretenido pero cuando ya llevas 15 horas te queda grindear, farmear y esperar a que se hagan las mejoras y los items. Sumado a eso el formato de la última mazmorra es una gran pija y no incentiva mucho a que intentes completarla

As an old man (27) with very little free time of his own to spend on my hobbies, games of this nature have become more and more of a chore for me to play, and at a point, I just have to ask myself if spending an hour gathering the material to make a pickaxe that harvests 15% faster is worth the time I'm putting into it. Forager is not a bad game. It's cute, its relaxing, its cozy, but its not for me. If you like games like minecraft or terraria, you'll enjoy this game. It is much less complex and intricate which will limit the levels of creativity you can express, but the game is more focused on a streamlined type of exploration. Feels a bit like a mobile game in that way.

Excelente jogo indie de progresso e sobrevivência, talvez um pouco fácil no PvE (ou talvez eu seja bom mesmo, rsrsrs 😳)


Cute and conceptually sound, with some novel twists on the farming sim genre. Lacks the creative personality to make it a world worth learning. Sound design and art direction are missing.

A short term time sink that has a lot of charm to it, but a bit too bland to play a significant amount of. I feel like this game wants to be good, but falls short at having way too much going on to be able to keep track of everything and results in an infinite grind that never lets up. It isn't bad but I can't say I recommend it.

I wish multiplayer was a thing

The game is really fun but the problem is that when you are done playing you sit there contemplating what you actually accomplished with the last X hours of your life.

Gets repetitive and boring extremely fast. You have to grind to get anywhere in this game.

remarkably addictive. Gets better the more time you put into it to a degree. Playing without certain modded content would be pretty unbearable, or atleast i found it extremely boring/grindy until I found some mods that sped up certain parts of gameplay (crafting times are miserable). Otherwise, numbers going up made my weeweehard.

50 hours in 5 days speaks for itself

It's not artistic in the same way most games I review are. It's pleasure-fodder in the same vein as Cookie Clicker and Vampire Survivors. It's a drug, a welcome member of the "number go up, brain go brr" genre. I picked it up because it looked like a fun challenge to get all the acheivements and cut myself off upon completing that as my brain kept buzzing in how to min-max the most minute details of farming. While basting your brain in dopamine and letting your eyes grow beet-red as the game refuses to let you blink is some people's jam, I struggle to properly evaluate it. I know it was psychologically puppeting me to keep playing in a way most games just don't. It's modelled around a mobile game that was to squeeze every drop of advertising revenue out of you, but it isn't. It's a baffling experience, but a cute one, and certainly an addicting one.

When i played Forager I was in the middle of the most stressing part of my university semester. It was a perfect game to destress with, especially because it is not challenging in the way other types of games in this genre can be.

The only negative I have for it is that it is quick to "finish". When you have gained all the best of the weapons, armor, and all of the land, it gets easily boring.

Meu primeiro jogo na steam, curti muito

this is a game about becoming a resources tornado and i love that. a real serotonin spiral