Reviews from

in the past

eu te odeio hopfrog
me de meu multiplayer.

Very chill and addicting I wasted a good chunk of my life playing it and I would do it again

As primeiras horas tem o ritmo perfeito de liberar e descobrir coisas e sempre ter um objetivo claro que parece logo ali. Infelizmente fica muito lento e monótono mais pro final, mesmo sendo meio curto.

Divertidinho, mas não dura mais que um ou dois dias de jogatina.

not bad but it has some demon inside it that forces me to play it

Buen vicio y es original para haber salido de una jam

ideal para echarle dos semanas de adiccion descontrolada para volver a dejarlo abandonado en la biblioteca de steam

Very addicting game about non stop building and hoarding. The only limit is the time you are willing to spend on it... or if you fry your console/pc by filling the screen with so many effects, enemies, forges, factories, and (especially) droids, that the fps reaches single digits.

The start is extremely slow. I was actually disappointed since my expectations came from crazy yt videos, but once the ball gets rolling it never stops. The key moment for me was obtaining the thunder rod, that was a game changer. Also unlocking the lighthouses sped up everything.

This clearly was a small game that over time grew out of proportion. Due to this, it's quite glitchy, with some major glitches still existing in the current version, like item duplication, bugged trophies and ways to softlock yourself. It feels like the game's foundation is being held together by glue and a dream. Thankfully, it works well most of the time.

If nicotine was a game I think this would be it.

Super addicting right from the start. Simple yet oddly fun. Can easily see the Terraria and Stardew inspiration.

Still have to finish this game, so consider this review more like a introspective view into someone who is a part of the way through. So far, honestly quite solid gameplay, bar maybe the weird dungeon things that are just like... there in the game, besides that, it's a bit of a wiki scrawling type game which isn't a negative for me, but probably will be for some. Good game so far, maybe one day I'll pick it up.

97/103 Achievements.

If you like a game that has a lot of grinding, this is it. It's really quick toward the beginning, with lots of different methods of making supplies and money. The last few achievements are difficult only because it requires almost an unreasonable amount of time and resources. So if you want to 100% achievement this game, you might have to leave the game running for a bit, which I didn't want to do.

Iniciei o jogo e fui jogando sem parar até platinar, muito divertido de se jogar e bem polido.

jogo mto legalzinho mas enjoa dps de jogar umas horas

a very fun, cute game you can 100% just before it gets old

Lembro de ver o trailer desse jogo pela primeira vez e babar de vontade de jogar essa perola. Quando lançou me viciei tanto que zerei mais vezes do que eu posso contar e cada save com pelo menos 30 horas de duração. O jogo pode ser bem simples no começo mas com forme você vai avançando na progressão do jogo ele vira algo que o limite só depende do quão forte seu PC é para aguentar a quantidade de itens na tela.

Indie indispensável, joguinho de farming muito bom

Aprimoramento, upgrades, melhorias, crafting, tudo em um jogo só em um estilo diferente. É muito satisfatório progredir nesse game, liberar novas ferramentas, melhorar as que já tem, comprar novas terras, você fica muito curioso em saber qual será o próximo desafio ou puzzle que vai ter na próxima terra que comprar. De modo geral é um jogo muito bem feitinho, você nem vê o tempo passar enquanto joga. Recomendo.

He llegado a estar 2 horas queriendo ir a por agua y este juego no me dejaba levantarme

Very fun, though would have liked multiplayer to release, also wait times for some things felt long but I understand that is part of the appeal. Game/world broke so wasn't able to fully complete it but still got rather far.

Ya no había más que farmear.

On dirait un Idle mais où l'on est actif.

This is one of the "you must play before you die" games. A cute pixel art that, at baby steps, transform himself into a huge storm of resources you must get, and to obtain those resources you will have to automatize the way to them.

eh divertido, mas nada além disso, recomendo

Perfect if you like a game with a lot of grinding. The progression flow was entertaining, always kept me focused on the next thing to start. My only complaint is that progression can get a bit stuck if you don't know the right skills to grab, but when you've got a good understanding of the game, you can breeze by with relative ease.

Also kind of soured by the situation with the dev, but it wouldn't be fair to rate the game itself by that metric.

this is a game about becoming a resources tornado and i love that. a real serotonin spiral