Reviews from

in the past

Great mix of Genesis-era 'Sonic' and 'Ristar' platforming here, without the main drawback in Sonic of getting hit while going full speed and losing all momentum. There's also more variety in playstyles between Lilac, Carol, and Milla, compared to Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. Bosses are a solid challenge as well, and the card collectibles are hidden well and worthwhile to go find.

Just make sure you play Classic mode. Ignore the story at all costs.

I liked 2d sonic when I was a kid but to be honest now I only enjoy the music of 2d sonic games. Freedom Planet though? love the music AND the gameplay.

For some reason never clicked with this game, dunno what it is but I can never seem to do a full playthrough.

I don't think it's fair to call this like. A Sonic game like I've seen some say, more it's just the whole ass SEGA Genesis

A pretty solid fast paced action platformer. It has a good blend of speed, platforming and exploration, all helped by pretty solid controls. Each level has unique gimmicks to keep things fresh, and it goes at a pretty good pace. Bosses are all decently fun too, except a couple near the end that get annoying. Some endgame stages also drag a bit, with overly spammy enemy placement. But overall fun to play.

The story, on the other hand, is not great. It starts out pretty bad with a ton of new characters, places, and ideas being thrown at you too quickly. It gets a bit better as it goes along, but takes an odd tonal shift that feels out of place. The story probably would have benefitted from being smaller scale instead of covering a global power struggle with aliens and stuff. There is an option to turn story off, so not a huge deal.

Isso aqui é melhor que Sonic!

This game never gelled with me.

Overall, I found the game enjoyable, but there were some snags. The story was... fine. I liked the characters and found them the reason I watched the cutscenes through, it all felt unfocused and inconsistent. The visuals were very nice and colorful, however you can still see the roots of it being a Sonic fan game. Combat also felt button mashy and many of my wins in the late game felt like luck. But it still comes with a high recommendation.

Mais um jogo que eu comecei gostando demais e ele foi me cansando logo algumas fases depois. Eu não sou o maior fã do gameplay de Sonic 16-bit e eu não acho que Freedom Planet conseguiu mudar a forma o suficiente pra eu começar a gostar. (mas se você gosta provavelmente vale a pena tentar)

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Pros: Solid characters, nice level design, and memorable soundtrack

Cons: Story is pretty weak putting it lightly, Spade contributes nothing, and i didnt like some of the bosses.

A really awesome retro-type game that brings back memories of the great classic Sonic games. The only problem I have is that character backstories appear to be very hashed together quickly, but the game is really enjoyable and the story is quite interesting too...if they went into more information on it.

There are unlimited continues so even when I got frustrated, it brought me back so I can re-try those really difficult bosses. Especially the last who has 3 different phases and even though you get healed between each phase, he's still incredibly dangerous and lives up to the horror that the character is in the story.

Real 2d platforming. Love 2d sonic and this is just more of that

I went in expecting Sonic, and all I got was mediocre level design and terrible boss battles coupled with a laughable story. I don't get what all the fuss is about.

Great Sonic-like game with fun characters.

Extremely well made sonic style platforming with extremely hilarious sonic fan voice acting.

A fun enough game, but I didn't find myself enjoying it anywhere near as much as the games it attempts to iterate on. Add to that the fact that the story/cutscenes are generally quite poor, it's a game I haven't found the need to play again since completing my initial playthrough.

I only played Lilac's story through all the way but this is the perfect blend of Sonic and Gunstar Heroes I didn't know I wanted but I needed.

it's not as fun to play as sonic or even something like spark and the electric jester to me, but it was still pretty fun.

Classic Sonic gameplay, but good fr.

Review taken from Steam, posted Feburary 2015. New information since then: the DLC I believed was imminent didn't come out, but an update did make Mila's version of the final boss significantly easier, meaning I beat it.

I keep trying to write serious reviews for this game because I adore it, but this is a game where you get to play as a tomboy Bobcat who rides a motorcycle, a dragon who can just shoot herself through everything in her path with what I presume are magic dragon powers, and a rabbit/dog girl who can fire giant lasers from her hands, and it's hard to write anything serious about something which is so wonderfully ridiculous. It's everything I want from a Sonic game without Sonic, and fixes a bunch of problems I never even realised I had with those games, such as the removal of pace-killing enemies, or a lack of motorcycle-riding tomboy bobcats. Also about a third through the story the characters just stop and watch a movie together and I find that hilarious. It does feel a tiny bit unfinished however, with one character's story cutscenes not yet implemented, and chests full of orbs left in levels which are presumably something to do with the two other characters I've heard will be playable in the future, as they aren't really of any use to any of the current playable characters as far as I can tell. Also bosses are ludicrously hard compared to the rest of the game, especially for Milla who I just couldn't beat the final boss with even on the lowest difficulties due to her lower health, despite spending several hours trying. But honestly that didn't ruin the overall experience for me, and the game is well worth your time and money.

ultimo chefes é dificil nao vou joagr isso de novo nem fodendo

i wish the green guy looked better

Was having a blast for the first few levels, but the overly long cutscenes that felt like they went nowhere (more fun interactions between the three leads and less cliche plot please) and the later levels & bosses being more frustrating then fun weighed down on me by the end.

Heard nothing but good things about the recently released 2nd game and this showed enough promise for me to want to check that out at some point.

As a life-long Sonic fan, this is what Sonic wishes it could be.

Very fun, although the story has a lot of problems and one of the playable characters is miserable to play as (I'm sorry Milla)

With all the fuzz that this game got for supposedly being an amazing experience for Sonic fans, I admit that I was expecting much more from Freedom Planet.

The game is a decent platformer which takes some ideas from Sonic the Hedgehog while mixing it up with ideas of its own. However, in the end, it felt just too bland for me.

You play as one of three characters through long levels where you're supposed to go fast while avoiding enemies and obstacles. As in Sonic, there are also puzzles and boss battles. The boss battles felt kind of unfair, with some attacks being pretty difficult to dodge. The game is easy enough that it doesn't matter, however, since there are infinite continues and ample checkpoints.

Still, I didn't find it satisfying to go through the levels and boss fights. The level design felt bland; it's similar to Kirby where you can ignore most of the stuff and just go quickly, but it doesn't have the same level of relaxing fun as Kirby does. There were a couple parts that felt innovative, but it was unfortunately not enough. The bosses were more annoying that fun or exciting.

The music is good but the game has terrible voice acting and not even in a funny way. The story is also kind of a mess and was difficult to follow. Overall I didn't care about it.

I left the game feeling really disappointed. The only takeaway I got from it is the great soundtrack.