Reviews from

in the past

Me: Hmm... I know there's an HD remaster of this game, but I think I wanna check this out on the original system, since it's always held up as a flagship game for the Vita.


Very good movement powers, they are fun and somewhat skillful to use and work well. Unfortunately literally everything else (story, combat, critical path etc) sucks, and outstays its welcome through a meandering story that introduces elements and inmediately throws them out the window; accompanied by a slog of a campaign were you must engage with the boring and bad combat. I got to the peter pan section and gave up on the game. Pretty good soundtrack though.

I'm not gonna lie my rating has a lot to do with the maid outfit

Moving my Vita around like an idiot was very fun.

The first Gravity Rush is a modest, basic little game carried entirely by two things: the strength of its player character, and the strength of its moveset.

To touch upon the latter first, Gravity Shifting is deceptively one of the most fun abilities a video game has ever offered a player. It doesn't seem like it at first, because it feels quite awkward. Jump into the air and hit the button to go Zero Gravity. Rotate your camera - either with the buttons or the Vita's build-in gyroscope - and hit the button again to shift gravity. You will now fall in the wrong direction. You may readjust if you'd like, but after a certain amount of time, you will start falling in the right direction.

It's weird and clumsy and will absolutely result in Kat zooming in weird directions or falling flat on her face. But eventually you realize, "Oh, wait! This is flight! It's purely physics-based flight!" And then you start to experiment with things like momentum and chaining Gravity Slides into Shifts, and you really start to see Hekseville as the playground it was designed to be. It helps also how forgiving the game is with missed targets and depleted meters, since it's usually pretty easy to loop back around and that meter recharges super quickly (in mid-air!), especially once you have a couple upgrades under your belt. Even if you happen to fall out of bounds, it's no big deal - Dusty will swoop in to bring Kat back into the game, no worse for wear.

I will say, Gravity Shifting definitely felt like it was missing something in this game. It gets a lot of mileage out of Shifting, Sliding, Kicking, and the Stasis Field, but there's a certain je ne sais quoi absent. This would be addressed in Gravity Rush 2, but here Kat's moveset is "only" great. Still one of those games where the mere act of moving around the world as the main character feels right.

Speaking of the main character, holy moly is Kat great. She's such an unabashedly wholesome and sweet (if a little self-centered) protagonist, something you don't expect on first blush with her character design. Her defining moment for me has always been "Home Sweet Home", an early mission where the amnesiac Kat decides her first order of business upon arriving in an unfamiliar city is to find a place to live. She ends up finding a disused sewage run-off pipe and is delighted, then flies around town finding garbage to decorate it. One montage later, the kid's actually set up a pretty sweet pad for herself, and you'll see her relaxing there every time you save or boot the game up.

Every story this game tells is filtered through the lens of this character, who doesn't seem to realize the gravity (heh) of most of the situations she ends up in. So while the plot goes in a lot of directions that, frankly, I can't keep up with, it's always told through the very grounded, simple-minded perspective of its main character. Helps make the whole thing more fun.

Like... she successfully convinces hardened gang members to stop being gang members by asking nicely. What more do you want from your lead?

I had the good fortune to play this game during the year I had free access to PlayStation Plus, and this ended up being one of my runaway favorites from that year. You're generally better off playing the PS4 port these days, but don't overlook this release, either.

gravity rushing the blood into my weiner

I love the aesthetic, art, and traversal so much, but I cannot play one more minute of the unbelievably awful combat. Developers, please: you do not have to put combat in your games! Expand your imagination!

A clunky 3D action game with so much charm. The characters, setting, art design and soundtrack carry this game so hard. Like, the combat is a fucking joke, right? Sometimes it just does not work and sometimes it's super easy. Gems are everywhere but not satisfying to collect or that useful. Thank God Kat, Raven and Sid are such great characters. And it's on the Vita, so niche cult points come as well.

Feel like the insanely great concept is lost on how heavy the gameplay repeated itself

Had a blast with the gameplay, but the revolutionary combat never being copied by anyone shows that it wasn't that good to start with.
The story tried to build up much more stuff than it actually was able to conclude, so i took the end with a grain of salt. It was like creating a lot of new plots but never ending or explaining any of them

Awesome movement and cool art style.
That's about it.
Story is non-existent with missions feeling like random strings of events happening and not actual plot. Combat is horrible, bosses are horrible, characters are annoying.
Side quests are boring.

Um dos jogos com mais personalidade que eu já joguei. Lindo e genial do começo ao fim, dá pra sentir que botaram muito o coração nesse, só peca um pouco no combate que fica bem chatinho depois de um tempo, de resto tudo muito foda.

Had so much fun with this game. A lot more than expected. The story was strange but the gameplay and gravity powers were very new and original to me.

A charming open world action game, that has a mess of a story, meddling performance, clunky combat, a map littered with gems to hide how empty it is, wonderful soundtrack & ok cel-shaded visuals.

We need more games that experiment with mobility besides Spider-Man. Thankful for this.

Perhaps my favorite PlayStation Vita game, Gravity Rush is by no means a perfect game but it manages to provide a unique and interesting setting and characters that are fun to explore using the game's gravity effects to navigate throughout the world.

The story can and will be obtuse but it manages to remain interesting as it unfolds throughout the game. Kat is a very likeable character and using her powers to explore and fight enemies is unique and fun with some annoyances that are created by sporadic weird camera angles depending on the enemies and levels.

The setting and atmosphere of this game are fantastic, offering a European industrial old look combined with advanced technology.

I remember trying this game on the PS vita of a cousin of mine, and being really surprised by it.

One of the most underrated Sony exclusives and one of my personal favorite games ever.

It give a lot of similar vibes to the PS4 Spiderman games, in how it lets you explore and intersting worlds with non-traditional "flying movements", the manipolation of gravity gives you feels slightly reminiscent of titles like Super Mario Galaxy, which is a high praise.

I will say, I feel the sequel improves the formula in any way compared to this first entry: Gravity rush 1 has a smaller world, an often janky camera and combat sections that might feel less refined.

Even in terms of the story it can feel a bit off: Kat is a really great protagonist with a great personality, but the narrative around her starts a lot of arcs that doesn't really fell concluded at the end of the game (I heard this was mostly because Sony rushed the project when it was made a Vita exclusive, so that s a big shame)

Regardless of this, this game oozes a lot of personality and charm, and you can't tell it was a big passion project from the developers. This, along with the uniqueness of the gameplay and the gorgeous environments, makes it a title like no other.

I still prefer the sequel, but Gravity Rush 1 still rules. I gladly recommend it!

Difícil dizer o sinto a história e o mundo eram bem melhores na minha cabeça mas a gameplay ainda é muito diveritida e completa jogo legal

I agree with many sentiments surrounding this game. From the baddest bad (a disjointed story, occasionally clunky controls, gimmicks that would be better off cut off or had some workaround) to the best of the best (an amazing soundtrack, jaw-dropping visuals, interesting narrative concepts).

There's simply no denying this game has a lot of heart and soul poured into it. It's also interesting to see that even though this game is so far removed from Silent Hill in many aspects, Keiichiro Toyama still manages to print his presence into many aspects of this that call back to his 1999 debut (dreams, reality, society gone wrong, etcetera).

Even though this game compelled me enough to get the platinum trophy and to be interested in playing its sequel, there's no denying its shortcomings, but it is rare for me that a videogame draws me so much into its world, characters and story, even when not being a coherent whole and not solving practically anything it sets up in the beginning.

Bottom line: Very recommended! Can't wait to play the second one on the PS4.

O gameplay, a direção de arte, a apresentação e o conceito geral de Gravity Rush são um destaque a parte. Uma pena que o jogo não tem tanta variedade de gameplay, e uma história sem finalização, a ser completada em jogo posterior, em outra plataforma.

the only reason to own a ps vita

Gravity Rush was a really great game that was only hindered by its poor combat system. The graphics and art style were top notch, the characters and dialogue were fantastic, and the (non-combat) gameplay was surprisingly entertaining. The only real negative I can think of is the game's poor combat. It isn't totally broken or unplayable, it just wasn't terribly smooth or fun. Still, the game was great and was definitely worth playing through.

slow combat action, but the gravity gimmick beautiful art & relatively interesting story made me play it till the end anyways

After finally getting around to finishing this game after two and a half years of owning it (do not ask why, I have no idea why it took me so long), I get why this game has the cult following it does; it's a pretty charming game. It looks fantastic for a game that came out 10 years ago and for the platform it was on, its comic book visual style also has a lot of charm to it, and the gravity shifting mechanic was really fun to explore the massive world with (except the area late in the game that I have dubbed the Piss Dimension due to its yellow background, with the moving platforms. I did not like that section).
However, speaking of the gravity shifting: I don't know how the PS4 remaster plays in terms of combat, but the combat in this version of the game SUUUUUUUCKS, especially late in the game and during big boss fights. It's hard for me to describe why I disliked the combat so much without actually seeing it on a PS Vita for yourself, but I'll try my best to describe it. The sheer amount of precision you need with the attacks is insane, and with the tiny screen and the camera shifting around so much, it's really hard to actually land the gravity kicks on the weak spots. The boss fights...oh, the boss fights...I hated most of them. There was that one boss I very vividly remember being on some lighthouse looking ass tower that I despised, Nushi was a pain in the ass (three times. You have to fight Nushi three times.), and the final boss was also pretty obnoxious, to say the least. Throw in a gyroscopic camera, and yeah, I don't think it's hard to tell why I don't like the combat in this game. I hope the remaster and sequel's combat is better; in concept, I think the bigger screen would help a lot. In practice, I guess I'll have to find out for myself.

So odd for the game to have such colorful art and character portraits, such great character designs, yet place them in such a drab, forgettable setting. The general gameplay is honestly better than I remember, movement and combat feel good, but the game's structure feels slapdash, and the level design is mostly just passable.

In the artistic way, this game is beautiful. Both character and envoriment designs are gorgeus (except for the enemies, they look lame and lack creativity) Other than that, this game is barely enjoyable.
The story is... well, I can't say much about it because there is nearly nothing. The story mode is about 10 hours and you learn nearly nothing. After finishing it, you'll find yourself clueless about the main character and the world. Not even talking about the ending, it just ends like a filler arc of an anime. Also, the presentation itself is only in comic-book style. It's not a bad thing, but for some god-forsaken reason the screen moves with vita. Why would anyone want to see a 2D comic page in a different rotation? Who asked for this? I just want to read the pages while they are standing still, instead they move all around with a little bit of tilting.
Oh also the gameplay is a chore. It uses the "capabilities" of ps vita in a horrible way. I stunned when game introduced me it's "evade" mechanic and told me how to use it... With, swiping the screen. Okay, seriously? I mean evading the attacks is something that requires reflexes so wouldn't it be better if they used a normal button or an easy combination, like nearly every other game that has an evade mechanic? Keep in mind, this is just one of the annoying part of the controls. There are more, like using the touchscreen to slide and rotating your vita to change the direction, being able to control camera with your vita while shifting gravity (you can use the left stick too but it's annoying to see camera going crazy after tilting your console a little), having to rotate the camera and touch the screen after defeating boss... Except for the controls, the game still fails at gameplay. The combat system itself is just boring. All you are doing is shifting gravity and kicking your enemies. Thanks to horrible camera and auto lock, it evolves from being boring to being annoying. At least the game is pretty easy so you won't get frusturated... actually, it's a little too easy which is again, a bad thing.
Level designs are straight out from ps2 era, on some occasions ps1. Collecting crystals and figting with enemies are as basic as possible. You know what could make em' enjoyable? I dunno, maybe some variety?
As I mentioned before, the envoriment design is beautiful. It's fascinating to look at and wander around... for about 30 mins, because after that you'll realise how dead it actually is. NPCs are soulles and there is literally nothing to do except for collecting crystals and challenge missions, no fun little mini games or interactivity. Even the open world games that came out years before this made it better. And no, hardware is definetly not an excuse, ps vita is not that weak.
Such a waste of potential, a pure disappointment.

Realmente é um dos jogos de todos os tempos
Tem conceitos interessantes mas não passa disso