Reviews from

in the past

One of those racing games that seem good on first glance but once you get past the first 2 races they're plagued with issues, it's like the tracks weren't designed with these cars' handling in mind

If I had to define this game with a single word it would be "Inconsistent". The handling is inconsistent and awkward, the way vehicles react to ramps is inconsistent and deters you from actually using them, AI behavior and difficulty are inconsistent and your race essentially depends on AI deciding whether to fire a rocket at you or not, powerups are inconsistent and they will just randomly decide not to lock on enemies at the worst moment.

This game just doesn't feel good enough, it is wasted potential that feels misguided, misdesigned and never fully exploits its premise.

Brilliant game, very underrated. It scratches the itch that Wipeout left behind in its wake.

Man I've been playing Rollcage regularly myself until I found this game, oh boy this is going to be my new addiction lol. Really love the sense of speed on this one, absolutely feels like you're about to be consumed by it. Also speedsters cars FTW

I wanted to like this game so much and gave it multiple chances, but it just has massive issues that completely ruin it. The handling is just off. For a game called Grip, you barely have any control. There are some cars that are better and you do get somewhat accustomed to the handling, but it never feels right, you never feel truly in control. Then there's the track design. I have absolutely no idea what they were thinking. You'll spin out of control going over minor bumps, fly off the track into space, fly and spin in the air, smash into a pillar or rock placed in the dumbest of places. And these moments are so inexplicably long that there is virtually no way of coming back into the race at higher difficulties. It's absolutely terrible and soul-crushing.

Incredible speeds, poor handling and trash track design are a recipe for endless frustration, most of the time completely out of your control. In Grip you're never really racing against your opponents, you never have that sense of accomplishment by doing a good lap. All of that is taken away from you as you're just fighting against the controls and track design. All you're left with after completing a race is utter exasperation and bewilderment.

There was yet another patch just last week that addresses some difficulty and track design issues. It's commendable that the developers are still committed to this game, but after a lengthy Early Access period and over two years after coming out of Early Access, it's also a testament to how the design is just broken.

As an old Rollcage fan, this is just a massive disappointment especially seeing as how the game is a true spiritual successor in many ways - the speed, the cars, the brilliantly intense drum and bass soundtrack. Sadly, the fundamentals just aren't there.

it's decent obviously inspired by that game from the 90s i cant remember the name of and maybe those toy cars everyone had for some reason

Love this fruggin game, arena maps are a bit lacking but the highlight is the crazy race tracks

Grip is a really good time, the cars/craft feel fast and responsive, even on a keyboard, and there's a lot of depth to the way boosting, jumping and combining powerups can change the outcome of a race. Almost gives a xbox 360 arcade kind of vibe in the best way possible.

It's not amazing, but feels pretty good to race in, and looks pretty decent. it has a bit of trouble broadcasting to the player which routes are valid and which aren't. It has some decent vehicle designs, and feels like any of the classic anti-grav combat racers it was hearkening back to. Not as good as wipeout or redout, but definitely worthy of going in my racing game rotation on occasion. Not a ton of aesthetic personality, and only 2 songs that seem... licensed? I guess? they're good songs but not really what i'd expect from a game like this. Don't recommend buying it but if it comes free (like with amazon games) with something definitely would recommend putting a little bit of time into it.

No destaca mucho en nada, pero se juega guay

A very cool and most importantly unique racing game.

Handling is awful and the track design is very unimaginative. It can be fun for 1-2 hours but that's it. Overall, a very mediocre game.

The Carkour mode is the dumbest fuckin' thing I hate it.

Full review on my website:

''There’s a reason my review chart now includes a “fun meter”, because I don’t think Grip: Combat Racing is a bad game at its core. If you play this game online for example, you won’t have the issues I described. The same goes for the single-player mode as you can customize the various events to your liking. But someone like me plays a game for the main campaign, and this is where Grip fails very hard. The first half of the campaign forces you on the lowest difficulties and allow you to place close to last to proceed, and the second half shows some aggravating problems with the game. A.I. love to rubberband, and weapons are too overpowered to actually be considered fun as they don’t just stun you; they completely make you go off-course and in worst case bump you off the map, and there’s very little you can do to prevent it. This is also due to the cars having almost no weight and despite there being so many, none make you have more weight and the differences are minimal aside from cosmetics. The racing itself is for the most part fine though, and therefore my recommendation is to carefully consider it with my critiques in mind.''

It's a fun game for those that enjoyed Rollcage years ago, but overall it doesn't excel at much. Handling is poor, cars fell all the same, and tracks are sometimes confusing.

Unforgiving. It's the Dark Souls of racing games, and a top tier spiritual successor to Rollcage.

I think it is very fun. There is a big learning curve when it comes to handling your vehicle and learning each track so that you don't fail spectacularly and lose a race, but the weapons (some seemingly based off of Mario Kart power up design, there's even a Blue Shell like catch-up item). I also very much enjoy the customization, as there are a lot of decals and paint jobs that can be selected to personalize your vehicle, and there's even unlockable tires and rims. I use a Steam Deck and Proton to play this and it looks and runs beautifully.
I am not rating it 5 stars as the UI has various types of bugs from time to time and some of the tracks, given the realistic physics of the game, have some very intentionally frustrating obstacles that can ruin an entire race. There was also a time where I somehow got stuck outside of the track on another part of the map and while you can respawn at any time back on the track, the way I got there was thanks to the extreme devotion to the physics engine.

The speed and combat make for a very fun experience, but there's not much of it sadly.

Almost as tight as your mom

Car handling is frustrating at best, soundtrack is amazing, and some track layouts are really bad.

Oh, this game scratched the Rollcage itch I didn't know I still had. The levels and graphics look gorgeous, as well as the race courses are well built for high velocity, combat racing. Contains a healthy variety of game modes that range between racing, maneuvering, combat and even one that scores you for totality of all you're capable of (Ultimate Race mode).

Only some moments of frustration come by when you bump to some obstacles of any size and you're drifting helplessly in the air until you get respawned or finally touch down and regain your lost momentum, but I guess that comes with racing games. I once had to drive back a bit of the course because the game tells me the correct way is wrong way, although I can't tell if it was a check point I missed or it's a bug.

With that said, I've run it for an hour and feel like I've got a fair share in what it's about, so I'll keep it shelved until there comes a time I want to find something to play for the party times. Well worth checking it out if you're a racing gamer, especially in the combat niche.