Reviews from

in the past

It's guitar hero, but this game made me find out that I didn't like Aerosmith...

the dream police the're gonna steal all my bread

This game is literally what actively killed Guitar Hero and I will die on this hill. This showed Activision they could pump whatever shit they wanted with the GH name on it and rake in insane amounts of money and we all saw how that turned out. Also Aerosmith fucking sucks

Fez eu ter um carinho com a banda. É bem divertido, é um ótimo spin-off

I don't like Aerosmith that much but I still feel like I like more Aerosmith songs than this setlist actually contained somehow. Why tf were there only 25 songs by the title band who was in their 4th decade of making music by the time this came out?

I played this game back in the day as a kid right after playing guitar hero 3 and remember being disappointed, but since coming back to it I think I was a little bit harsh on the game. Yeah, this game isn't as good or nearly as memorable as guitar hero 3, and I think that a lot of people probably bought this game back in the day thinking it was gonna be as good as 3 (myself as a kid included). But nah, this is just a short side game that focuses on aerosmith and not much else. I thought it was pretty cool to see the interview-style cutscenes with the band members as they talked about their history of the band, which was definitely something kid me did not have the attention span for back in the day lmao. As for the setlist itself, it is like 75% aerosmith, as to be expected, so if you don't like aerosmiths music, you won't have a good time here. I personally think their music is alright, if not a bit on the easy side in terms of guitar hero, so I was just kinda crusin. There were a surprising number of tracks in this game that I actually remembered, as one concern of mine when I went back into this one was how much of the setlist I actually remembered, and it was actually more than I was expecting. All in all, this game isn't the huge disappointment that I originally remembered it to be, but it's still not as good as guitar hero 3, and if you don't like aerosmiths music, this is an obvious pass. otherwise go for it lol. This game made me like Aerosmith more than I thought I did, so mission accomplished.

This was purchased for me as a kid because I loved guitar hero. I hated aerosmith then and i couldn't care less about them now. What a bizarre choice for a band to give a whole game to. It reeks of either some higher up being a massive aerosmith fan and demanding this be made or the publisher / developer having some sort of in with aerosmith and being able to obtain them for cheap. Given that this was made towards the beginning of guitar hero's lifespan the latter would make sense to me

nao ligo mt pra aerosmith mas as outras musicas eram boas

paia, dava pra contar nos dedos as músicas que gostava

Got me to like Aerosmith a lot more. Loved that it let me use the controller.

who did this game appeal to, because it certainly wasn't me

Not even that bad tbh but whose idea was it to release GH Aerosmith before World Tour came out? This would have been so much better with the full band.

I love this game so much, I played it uncountable times

Not a fan of Aerosmith, but still fun at times.

My first Rhythm Game and I'm a huge Aerosmith fan so I am biased but it's overall a great time, and I do personally prefer it to Guitar Hero 3, though keep in mind it is essentially Guitar Hero 3 but with Aerosmith.

This is sitting on the floor behind me somewhere if anybody wants it

Not a big Aerosmith head, but this wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I like the general idea of the band focused GH games over the RB ones though.

IDK why I got this, I don't know much aerosmith, maybe my dad got it for me, but I still have the guitar from it

Eh, would probably be better if I was a big Aerosmith fan

Its guitar hero. But loses every point for being aerosmith themed.

Fine I guess. The guest setlist is amazing, and the Aerosmith song selection itself is also nice (it misses some songs like Dude looks like a Lady and Crazy). The game is very short, and the bandmembers look like dilapidated corpses (especially Steven Tyler with hiss goofy ass mouth)

Como sempre guitar hero surpreendendo, maravilhoso demais poder tocar as musicas da grandiosa banda que é Aerosmith