Reviews from

in the past

I remember I borrowed this one and another harry potter game from a friend back in 2008. It was great! I have always enjoyed the series as a child and I still do.

This game is somehow shorter and more linear than the first one. Small improvements (like a reminder of your current goal when you load your file) are nice, but this is really just more of the first PS1 Harry Potter game with more annoying minigames that drag on well past their welcome.

Harry Potter's only good to meme on and make fun of it and this game is no exception, it takes the mediocre source material and turns it into a really fun Zelda-esque title with tons of variety and tons of hilarious jank.

It reuses a lot of stuff from the first game, but that doesn't make it bad. The flu sections where they throw you into a giant slide are so scary. That wouldn't be safe for children I don't think.

legalzinho mas os modelos 3d do jogos são feios que doi menos o mario sergium cortelam ele é tão daora que aparece nos videos da tv maresol mas zoeiras a parte acho os modelos 3d do jogo muito engraçados

Mi hermanito SE PASÓ EL FINAL MIENTRAS YO ESTABA ORINANDO XDDD me perdí todo él jugando todo el final y yo pues :(


Si jugaste La Piedra Filosofal y te gustó, aquí es más de lo mismo.

Explora Hogwarts, asiste a las clases, colecciona cromos, juega al Quidditch y vive la historia de la segunda película y libro.

La máxima diferencia sería en el inicio, donde pasamos un tiempo en la casa de Ron antes de ir a Hogwarts y en algunos minijuegos nuevos. Como el de los gnomos o los duelos de magos.

Un juego de aventura simple que servirá como un buen entretenimiento a los fans de Harry.

nunca gostei de harry potter nem sei porque tentei joga isso

Another impressive jump in quality from its previous iteration, this PS1 version of a Harry Potter adventure takes its best qualities from the PC version of Sorcerer's Stone. The exploration is so much more satisfying when going through a bookcase doesn't always lead to a bad minigame (though there is a football one here, just once, and it's truly awful), but instead to an entirely new, cool, mysterious and untouched section of a castle that you have to maneuver around instead. Some of these sections even require you to return once you obtained a necessary spell! Don't get me wrong, the castle is still small, but the game is short enough that every one of those areas felt like an entire new level.

Another bonus is the atmosphere. While the game is probably the campiest one yet, with its abundance of wacky sections (being chased by cupids, running after Ron as he pukes slugs, catching said slugs in Fang's bowl and much, much more) these larger secret areas create a much better sense of space and counterbalance it with the moments of calm exploration; the music, which is much more prominent here by the way, establishes the same balance between the joyful and the mysterious as the aforementioned PC game. There's a lot of reused assets (the funny character models work much better here though), but the focus on all the new content is strong enough that it becomes basically meaningless.

Few things hold it back. First is the fact that the main collectible—the beans—are absolutely useless. There's still a nice little sound when you pick them up and getting to the areas is satisfying, but you need a total of 250 beans to get all the cards they can buy you. I had around 400 by the time I got to the point where I could buy them, an hour into the game. I was reaching around 700 by the time I was done. It's just a bit too nonsensical, and really makes the levels that much less fun to explore, knowing that there's very little reason to aside from the obvious secrets where the wizard cards will be.

The other big thing for me is a very underwhelming finale. I didn't play this video game with all these new things popping at me every other second only for the final section to be a super basic rethread of everything up to this point. It starts with an awful slide section, then there's an overlong duel with Lockhart, during which I believe he can only knock you out with a specific, easy to dodge spell. After that there's three rooms with basic mechanics seen throughout the game, and finally, one of the worst boss battles in video gaming history. You hit The Basilisk in its open mouth with a charged up spell as it spits acid on the floor, and then you draw the sword and... deal 3 times less damage to it, having to work through the poor controls for any bit of damage by reflecting a beam back at its tooth of all places, which has a very wonky hitbox. It's the worst ending to any of these games so far.

With those things out the way, while they do sour me on the game a little bit, the rest was really fun. This is what I wanted out of the previous PS1 game, it just makes a much better use of the console it's on, and as such genuinely stands on its own merits.

It's more of the first game for the most part. There are multiple aspects that make it better than the previous title and aspects that are worse as well but it isn't any less dull in my opinion.

I appreciate improvements such as Hogwarts feeling larger and exploration being better than the last game but catching the snitch is worse in this game as are the time limits which feel less forgiving here than they were before.

Like the previous title, it's fine but fairly dull.

Viene a ser más o menos similar a "La piedra filosofal" (2001). Mantiene el aura misteriosa y se mejoran ciertos aspectos: Hogwarts parece más grande, te permite explorar más el castillo y alrededores y además se le da voz a Harry.

This game was far less tedious to play, and thus I got more enjoyment out of it. Not much to say really, the platforming challenges and some mini-games are quite enjoyable, this is an improvement over the first playstation game.

This game has PS1 Hagrid <3

Harry Potter 1 and 2 had some great tie-in games on PS1 (and surprisingly even better on Gameboy Color). This game and the first game felt cute and had great atmosphere for PS1.
This one felt similar to the first but with some nice updates. I remember liking the gnome throwing minigame.

Game #3
One of the classics. I played the GameCube version as a kid, but I doubt I ever beat it. This was the PSX release, which was surprisingly still very fun and ambitious, despite theoretically being the "lite" version. I was impressed by how varied the gameplay was, even though the core loop is essentially just holding down the X button and moving around. As with all licensed titles, I am always amused by what adaptational choices they make in order to make the story more video-gamey. Easily the strangest addition here is the cupid sequence? Very odd. But the Deathday party is a good inclusion from the book, creates one of the more atmospheric levels in the game.

much like the first ps1 hp its quite decent while having a good amount of silliness

This review contains spoilers

This game is better than the last, but does other things worse. The Story is the same as the movie, but with stuff from the book added in, like the Valentines Day cupids, and Nick's Deathday party, it's a good idea to add stuff from the book into the game for length, it gives more gameplay options, and it was part of the original story, so it keeps it more structured, though I did get annoyed at certain moments, like how the beginning says that Molly was angry for hours, and left Harry there listening to it instead of anything else, Harry didn't look up at Justin, who was below him, they skipped on why Lockhart didn't want to help Harry. The Characters are the same as the first game, and the new ones are the same as the movie/book, though sometimes the voice acting doesn't feel emotional at all "Reaction to Hermione being petrified". The Graphics are not good, but it looks slightly more improved than the first game, and atmosphere is more prevalent in tense scenes. The Gameplay has you explore, collect items, and follow story points like you do in the first game, though there were a few bad moments, the level where you fly fast forward in the flying car is dumb because they could simply fly the car upwards and avoid the train altogether, the entire Ron has slugs levels sucked, the delayed spell time returned, collectables are the same as the first game's, the Draco chase in the dungeons was pointless since that would not happen, and why does the Basilisk shoot lazers? The Music is highly improved since they actually put it in every scene, and it makes every scene as whimsical as I thought the first game would be. Chamber of Secrets PS1 falls short of a yes by dumb levels to get though.

Decent little adventure game, mostly straighforward with a bit of castle exploration to find secret and collectibles, and has music from Jeremy Soule who also did Elder Scrolls surprisingly

Definitely more challenging than the first one