Reviews from

in the past

It's a fun, tiny romp that becomes more interesting when you remember it came out around the time roguelites were first growing into a genre, but I think it's more frustrating than its worth to actually finish for one simple reason alone: the turrets.

See, the animal enemies are interesting enough, but the game seems to hard-focus on a stationary enemy that has weird shooting patterns and needs to be hit in a very specific spot to kill from the second level onward. This culminates in a mid-game boss that is essentially 4 of them that's allowed to walk around and kill you with splash damage, all the while a new turret slows you down so the projectiles are basically guaranteed to hit. FUCK. THAT.

The narrow environments make it feel almost cozy? But the startling monsters lunging at you are almost terrifying. I like the mechanic of having to pick up your limited bullets.

Simple and does what it wants to but I fucking hate the snakes fuck you

finding out this was a terri vellmann classic made a lot of sense, him and doseone know how to make a good atmosphere

Tu sabes lo que es jugar este juego en el portatil de windows XP de tu padre? Pues yo si, y o dios mio cuando pude jugar a 60 fps, 1080 HD.

Es un juego tan simple de mecanicas, o sea, tienes objetos y demas, pero la base es, corre y dispara. Si hubiera mods de escenarios, seria un american school simulator.

(Steam review made on October 10, 2019)

these bullets aren't heavy at all

Dope game, a cool idea taken to perfection

Very stylish, but I sort of wish this were just a linear game with set levels instead of a roguelike.

One of the first rogue-likes/lites I really got into and got me hooked on the genre. I wasn't very good at it at first when I started playing PC games. I would get scared by some of the enemies pretty often which I find hilarious. I came back a few laters and dominated. Love the design and gameplay.

Rating: 6.9/10 - Average

Doesn't do anything horribly or well enough for me to have any strong feelings towards it.

i take it back: this is the closest a roguelike has come to playing well

actually a pretty fun, very simple roguelike

This is just a really aesthetically pleasing rougelike FPS. I really liked the mechanic of having to retrieve your bullets.