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in the past

it's been half a year since i beat it and im still thinking about that Yozora boss fight holy fucking kino

Kingdom Hearts III Ending explained for dummies, absurd damage sponge fights, lazy fights and that weird mickey section.

Also: How not to do an Epilogue. Limit Cut Edition. Includes infuriating fights and cut content from Final Fantasy Versus.

Wow, Thanks Nomura :D

Most satisfying media experience I ever had. Changed my life thisshitsomagnificentchrollotears.jpg

This is a fraud, not worth every cent of its price. Recycled scenes of the main game, unbalanced bosses, the only part of this DLC worth is the 10€ of the Yoko Shimomura's concert.

Wow, this absolutely fucking sucks.

I don't even know where to begin.

well for one, this DLC is basically just, "Hey do you wanna replay the final act of the base game and then do a boss rush and then do the most bullshit bossfight you've played in your life? then come get this DLC!"

You literally play, basically the whole final act... again.

Yes you can play as different characters, but what's the point? they are all so weak compared to Sora and you just wanna get through it quickly BECAUSE YOU'VE FUCKING DONE IT ALREADY, so going through as just Sora makes it so much easier. Then you have the bit with the whole group fighting off the heartless and Mickey goes one against like hundred and yes, I do love anime mickey moments, it was still literally just holding forward and watching stuff happen. Still cool, but bruh.

Then once you beat the final act of the base game, AGAIN. You go onto a boss rush where you fight all the organisation members... why wasn't this in the base game? KH2 has this exact thing, and it was in the base game. It's so fucking stupid.

AND THEN, once you do all that what are you greeted with? Yozora, the worst boss fight I ever played.

I didn't actually finish this boss, because after my 15th or so attempt I put my controller down, took a long look at myself and said "you know what? No, I am not going to do this".

Because sometimes in life you just have to say no and stop doing something you hate.

and my god, do I hate this.

I cannot remember the last time a game has brought genuine hatred out of me. Anger? sure happens all the time. but pure hatred. Jesus Christ.

This boss exemplifies everything I despise about Kingdom Hearts combat as a whole. Bosses with super armour, attacks that you can't block or dodge, imprecise controls. everything ugly about the combat gameplay that up to this point had been hidden by flashy moves and actual fun boss fights rears it's ugly head here.

and what makes all these issues stand out is one simple thing about this boss, there is no pattern.

every other boss in these games has a pattern that you can learn and eventually exploit, that is the fun of each of them. This fucker? does things randomly. You cannot exploit any patterns. sure you can recognise certain moves, but you can never predict what he is going to do next, and because he's the fastest fucking thing alive, by the time you realise what he's about to do, he's already done it.

Your only hope in this boss is to spam shit and pray.

I hate this so much.

I hate super armour on bosses. I hate having to be at the mercy of poor game mechanics and imprecise controls. if you're going to make a difficult boss fight then you have to make it so you at least feel like you and the boss are at the same level, and that the difficulty comes from his moveset and not from bullshit mechanics like super armour or HAVING A 5 MINUTE SECTION WHERE HE CAN HIT YOU ALL HE WANTS AND YOU LITERALY CANNOT HIT HIM BACK.

Such shit boss design. AND WHAT'S EVEN WORSE IS YOUR "REWARD"

you get two cutscenes from this final boss, one when you lose and one when you win and you wanna know something funny? THEIR BASICALLY THE SAME FUCKING CUTSCENE WITH SLIGHT ALTERATION.

I... I hate this. so much.

The story told in this DLC, is one third just a retelling of the end of KH3, one third Sora's journey to find Kairi's heart after it was lost at the end of KH3, and expanding on Sora's fate after he disappears.

absolutely none of it feels important. It adds so little to anything and everything, they could not have made this and it would've made no difference to the overall story.

This was so just a DLC for the sake of having DLC moment and I despise it so much.

I am going to try my best, and forget this ever existed.

All I have left is Melody of Memory. and this has honestly just made me wanna be done with this series even more.

Honestly just going to act like this isn't a thing from now on. Just ended with the base game cliff-hanger, the rest will be explained in KH4.

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Uses its cast of characters other than Sora which is a huge upgrade from base KH3, seeing the extra tidbits to the final battle was great but, even though I understand why, watching the same cutscenes we've seen before could get a bit tiresome. Seeing Riku act as a leader to the guardians of light and other interactions like Roxas and Ven exchanging compliements for each other were amazing little moments. Playing as the other characters was also a lot of fun especially Roxas and Kairi as they didn't have any playable sections unlike Riku or Aqua in the base game not to mention the guardian group fight allowed everyone to get some playability in a sense. The setting of KH3's final boss fight, Scala Ad Caelum opens up more in this expansion which is very welcoming - the melancholic exploration of a bygone town was really interesting. The data battles are amazing additions too and really ask you to bring all your knowledge of the mechanics in order to succeed. Finally the Yozora secret boss is spectacular - probably one of my favourite boss fights ever. There's so much batshit insane stuff happening in it but you can enter a flow state after a certain point where you truly understand what move is coming out next or how to react. Peak KH here, surpasses the base game in a lot of ways.

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This is definitely the current peak of the series. ReMind fixes essentially every major flaw of the main game, aside from the questionable pacing and the rather safe decision to bring back every single character from past games with no reprecussions.

Starting with the free content that was added simultaneously with the DLC, there is a lot to love. Sora's base combo, though not truly bad by any means, felt a lot slower than it should have, and all of the finishers were terrible for a variety of reasons. With the 1.07 update, many of the pre-existing finishers had dodge and gaurd cancel-frames added, making them actually usable on higher difficulties. Speed Slash in particular benefited from this, becoming one of the most useful tools in Sora's kit at higher skill levels. Magic Flash got a visual update that displayed it's hitbox better than before, though it still feels clunky. The real meat however comes from the new abilities, all of which are much faster, flashier, and fun to use. Flash Step and Aerial Dive return from Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, though Aerial Dive functions differently. All of these abilities are welcome additions, adding more utility and range to Sora's kit. Last Charge is arguably Sora's coolest finisher, and it's incredibly fast too, unlike Flash Step. These combo modifiers work with Second Form, as well as Light and Dark Form, which were added with this update alongside their respective Keyblades, Oathkeeper and Oblivion. These new forms are super fun to use, plain and simple. Some cutscenes towards the end of the game have been altered, too. Most importantly, the Naminé cutscene in The Final World is now mandatory, which is a great change in my eyes. I wish they would have done the same for the Nameless Star cutscene too given it's important to the Secret Episode. Moreover, the Ending got a much needed visual upgrade.

Already, the DLC has added a lot of great additions to make Kingdom Hearts III a much stronger game than it already was. The ReMind, Limit Cut, and Secret Episode only improve on the game tenfold. Starting with the ReMind episode, all of the new content is simply spectacular. The new cutscenes are engaging and add a lot to the lore of the series, and to the characterization of some underused characters, such as Naminé and Kairi. Something minor I'm glad they added was the cutscene which examines Aqua's trauma in the Keyblade Graveyard, which seemingly went over the head of a bunch of players who criticized the Aqua for freezing up when the game first came out. It was a pretty stupid thing to have to clarify, but if it leads people to understanding the themes of Kingdom Hearts III more, than it's worth it in the end. Of course, redoing the Keyblade Graveyard fights isn't the greatest choice in the world, but at the very least you get the opportunity to play as different characters for a majority of the fights. However, the real jewel of the ReMind episode is an expanded Scala Ad Caelum, as well as the final few fights that are incredibly cinematic and provide some excellent fanservice for people invested in the characters of the series. The final fight of the episode is a great expansion on the best fight in the base game, which foreshadows just how great the Limit Cut episode will be. ReMind has a collection of some of the best cutscenes in the entire series; if you care about the story or characters of the series, you will not be disappointed by ReMind.

The second episode included with the DLC is the Limit Cut episode, where most players will likely spend most of their time. Put bluntly, these are some of the best boss fights in any action RPG; every single fight, sans the Luxord gimmick fight, is incredibly intuitive and fun to fight. These fights require you to really respect the combat system of Kingdom Hearts III. It might be controversial to say, but I would gladly fight any of the data battles in Kingdom Hearts III over a majority of superbosses across the entire series, Kingdom Hearts II included. All of these fights are accompanied with amazing remixes of previous boss themes which only add to how fantastic these fights are. My only gripe is that all of these fights take place in the same arena. Personally, I think it would've been more interesting to have each fight take place in an arena that called back to worlds that were significant for each of the Organzation members, like fighting Marluxia in Castle Oblivion or Xemnas in The World That Never Was, but it really isn't a big deal. It would be a disservice to talk about every fight, as you really should experience it for yourself if you havent and enjoying challenging boss fights. For people who are into the gameplay of Kingdom Hearts games, you will not be disappointed by this episode.

The Secret Episode is arguably the crown jewel of the entire package. This episode combines the spectacular new lore introduced in the ReMind episode with the exceptional boss design of the Limit Cut episode. Yozora might just be my favorite boss fight in any game, ever. It is so rewarding learning how to beat Yozora. The music is phenomenal. The atmosphere is unlike any other Kingdom Hearts fight ever. Everything about this episode gives me goosebumps; I would argue that the cutscene you get for defeating Yozora is by far the best cutscene in the entire series. It is so memorable and well executed, and it makes me so excited for the future of the series. In my eyes, the next arc is shaping up to be much more interesting than what we got with Kingdom Hearts III, which I already enjoyed.

Finally, I want to touch on the Premium Menu, which is an insanely underrated feature added within the DLC that really unlocks the depth of the base game if you start a new playthrough. A lot of big Kingdom Hearts fans wrote off the base game as too easy, and then would say that they don't like the food system in the base game for various weird reasons. Pro Codes add so much depth to hardcore challenge runs in this game. I've played Kingdom Hearts III with every Pro Code on about three times now, and it is so rewarding. Lump of Horror is one of the best Disney bosses in the entire series once you are forced to understand it's mechanics due to the sheer difficulty of the fight on Level 1 Critical Mode with All Pro codes. Though it's not for everybody, and I know a lot of people think it makes the game less fun, it really made me appreciate the entire game even more when I had to really understand all the hidden mechanics of the game.

I think it's important to emphasize that most people that play Kingdom Hearts III in the future will do so with this DLC added on. Kingdom Hearts III itself is not perfect in any way. It has a lot of flaws despite there being a lot to love. With this phenomenal DLC, Kingdom Hearts III easily becomes my favorite in the series. The mechanics aren't as great as Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, there is so much less jank and so much more to enjoy overall that it's become my favorite. I hope more people will give this game a second chance in the future.

The DLC improved the game a lot and covered many of my problems with the original game, the new playble characters are awesome and the new bosses are heart pounding. I'm ver excited for what comes next.

nomura: heres a $40 dlc thats just the kh3 ending but you get to play as other characters

me: 10/10

Amazing DLC as long as you like Kingdom Hearts

Pretty subpar story stuff saved by the inclusion of phenomenal KH2 Final Mix-y boss fights

Pretty solid. I wish most of this stuff was in base game, but it satisfies the need for more playable character segments.

this is what made kh3 a 10/10. amazing new story, amazing growth on previous cutscenes, and amazing recreation of the kh2 data bosses! cannot wait to see where we go next!!

This was enough to challenge Kingdom Hearts 2 FM as my favorite in the series. The new bosses are so fun to learn and conquer and the customizable difficulty options give so much in replay value. Wish the load times were better on PS4 compared to 2 FM on PS4 which are practically non-existent.

Literally sobbed at the title screen.

Most of this should have been in the base game. The stuff that is actually extra are the postgame data battles and digital greeting sections.

The Data True Org XIII and Yozora fights are so good I have a sneaking suspicion Mitsunori Takahashi was brought back to be in charge of this, I mean there are no credits for the DLC and it's the gateway into KH IV which he is confirmed for the battle director....

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NGL, I hate Disney stuff and this just gets straight to the point and gives me all that I want.

I never got into the data fights but man are they cool and look fun. Yozora is such a cool fight as well

how to exploit your game's playstyle to the highest point 101

The Limit Cut episode has arguably better boss fights than the ones on KH2FM and it's the peak of the franchise gameplay wise, but you have to play trough the main game to get good gear and play the ReMind episode, which recicles almost the whole main game final bosses for 2/3rds of its duration.

Incredible stuff. The Re:Mind scenario was pretty fun and it cleared a lot of the issues I had when I first watched the credits roll. All of the Data Fights were so much fun and easily worth the full price of the DLC. Yozora is so fucking cool and I can't wait to see what the story has in store for the next chapter. I took half a star off for the lack-luster voice acting though. I am convinced they just emailed David Gallagher the script on a notepad with no direction whatsoever and he recorded in his closet or something.

a parte da historia é bem desnecessaria mas as batalhas adicionais SÃO PICAS PRA CARALHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O YOZORA É A MELHOR BATALHA DE KINGDOM HEARTS

While the story section is a bit short the dlc more than makes up for it by having the best bosses in the franchise and also some of the best and most emotional story beats

prepare for 3 hours of cutscenes, most of which youve already seen before as you fight very brief easier versions of bosses youve already faced before and do nothing else

$30 please

I'm gonna be real and remind everyone that KH is game series made for kids and no fucking kid is gonna have the patience for any of these data battles, let alone Yozora. Yeah most people say KH2 Sephiroth is easy but for a kid he is a fucking nightmare. These boss fights are all harder than that.

I'm not terribly impressed by the added content in the ReMind story section either. adding one more section to Scala when you can clearly see out to multiple islands where it could be an actually expanded, interesting level is incredibly disappointing and the majority of the content is just a retread anyway. They charged half the game's price for this DLC and it was honestly a rip off.

Story knows if you are playing this you are already being held hostage by nostalgia and can do what ever they want. But has bosses that will actually challenge you.