Reviews from

in the past

screaming blocks are funny but games like this just make me want to play tetris instead

"It is the nineties, and there is time for Klax" was immensely spot on, as it was released in 1990 and you bet your ass I'd make room for it in my scheduled. Block dropping fun, but with a conveyor belt to give you the pieces. Chaotic.

I don't know why this game is so addictive but I like it.

It sure was the 90s.

I miss it :(

Over-designed in a good way. Most maximalist puzzle games have simple gameplay with wacky aesthetics — Klax has wacky everything.

A fun block stacking puzzle game. It wouldn't surprise me if someone at Harmonix played this in their youth and it partially inspired Guitar Hero.

Pretty fun. I've only played the PC Engine and Lynx versions but they're both good fun, just get bored of them relatively quickly. One failure makes me bored.

oh yeah im absolutely a klakhead now

the premise is very simple really, you play level to level strategizing how youre going to lay down combos of different colored pucks
you can do it diagonal, horizontal or vertical as long as theyre all the same color
it starts very simple as do most puzzle strategy shit of its kind is (like puyo and tetris), but this is how they fuck you!!!!!!! do NOT GET COMFORTABLE!@!@@ deep inhale sorry.... ahem.. so like i was saying, do not get comfortable, they add more colors.. some of which giving you a sort of "No-Fruit" from Chowder ass colored puck, e.g an object that basically can be whatever you want to make it as inplace of whatever usually static puck there is.

This doesnt just get addictive, but its sound design mismatch of little rippling clicks and clacking sounds(hence, the name, ....yea), is downright ASMR
even the strange little fuckin toot sound that happens sometimes becomes just another ingredient in your ears and senses in the myriad Kurry of Klax
it's so infectious that it not just has your hands and ears in tune to play but also your eyes will be stared wide as fuck like a thousand yard deer in the face of a honda civic on a canadian mountain trail.. you!!!! WILL!!! BE!!! GLUED!!! and if youre not youre fucked!!
Though this is an arcade styled game after all, you have as many continues as possible and youre two ways of getting a game over are if the stacks of pucks get too high to a point where you cant layer one on top of a stack anymore unless you get a klax from the bottom. However this can also happen if you happen to not pick up a puck thats coming down the conveyer belt too, combine this with the fact that you can only carry five pucks at a time and youre in for a relatively simple premise that becomes insanely frenetic after what feels like a short time
everything past wave 16 is the game not fucking around in my opinion atleast
I think that most ppl would agree but also i dont know any other person out there that even likes this game apart from one of my roomies sitting and playing the 2-player split screen with me :0

And to top EVERYTHING ive said off, the gameplay also allows you to chuck the pucks. im fr. so when youre chucking pucks youll be catching other pucks thatll fit instead and then when youre chucking pucks they fucking speed up and then youre so enamored with the temptation of chucking fucking pucks it fucking sucks!!!!!!!!!! and it makes my ass itch!!!!

final thoughts: Uhh yeah its a rlly good arcade game u should play it however u can idk this shits on like literally three entire console generations worth of consoles and emulatable anywhere im sure you can shoot the shit on it for 15 minutes to atleast gauge SOME kind of opinion. Playing 2 player doesnt really add much aside from two ppl just being able to be like "Wow that looked like bullshit-" "LOOK OUTTTT" "Oh my god that looks like aids on your side"
and so on and so forth, which is nice its just not a directly competitive game unless you explicitly make it so outside of the game.. but really isnt that All arcadey games??? pft
also this game's cover art is the shit, im probably gonna draw it later
so yea thats all i got, cya, its almost a perfect arcade game to me tbh

Underrated puzzler that deserves more attention, heavily recommend to any puzzler fan. It's basically Tic-Tac-Toe but a puzzler, probably my favorite.

Solid, fun puzzle game.

Plays in vertical mode on the Lynx, so be prepared to tilt your console (or whatever you're playing it on). Starts off quite simple but explains the additional scoring you can do rather than just stacking vertically. Simple but challenging, the level goals help to mix it up as well. Worth a try (it's on many platforms so take a look!).

(Midway Arcade Treasures)
Mechanically this is definitely solid but I don't like how the blocks sound

One of the few games my mum enjoyed, big fan of OCD.

better than what i expected given its status as a bargain bin game, but still not wonderful. the missions are fun and the stress is real, like a mission mode alternative to columns. trouble is, there's too many colors, and trying to keep track of them is too much for my brain that's been accustomed to 4-color puyo for all my life.

worth a gamble but your mileage will vary

My mom's second favorite video game, chronologically. Cool sounds, good canned applause.