Reviews from

in the past

Sempre tive um grande interesse por esse jogo pelos vídeos que eu via. Quando finalmente pude jogar tive alguns problemas que me deixaram irritado e quase perdi a vontade de jogar, mas logo foram resolvidos. Porém eu joguei ele a muito tempo e não me lembro de quase nada, só de ter me divertido, por conta disso não posso dar minha opinião sincera sobre o jogo, lembro de ter gostado e me divertido do inicio ao fim, mas preciso jogar novamente para aproveita-lo melhor e poder opinar sobre esse jogo, que aos meus olhos é incrível.

i made Arthur Morgan as my custom character, so watching him basically become a god was funny as shit

I loved this game and while the story won't be pulling up any trees, the custom character and the good vs evil choice is a breath of fresh air for the LEGO games and made it very enjoyable.

Had a blast with this game, played with my 5 year old daughter. She enjoyed creating her own character and playing as them through some of the missions. The story wasn't particularly long but it was engaging and my daughter kept wanting to come back to it. We didn't do a huge amount of the over world stuff and we didn't replay any missions but we were happy with how we left the game after finishing the main story and a little bit extra - on to the next game!

One of the more underrated lego games. The story isn't half bad and there is a great character selection. It also has some of the best character customization in any lego game.

Assim como o City Undercover, sempre quis jogar esse, mas diferente do City, esse não decepcionou e foi tão bom quanto pensei que seria, criar o próprio personagem e ele ser parte da história é muito divertido e uma das ideias mais criativas que a franquia já entregou e foi executado de uma forma bem legal, além do criador de personagem ser muito bom com muita variedade, a personagem se encaixa bem na história, que das histórias originais dos jogos lego, definitivamente é a melhor.

As fases são muito boas, todas elas tendo uma ótima variação de personagem, todos sendo diferentes um do outro e embora a maioria seja do Batman como esperado, as escolhas dos vilões principais são muito boas. Além dessa variação ótima de personagens, as fases em si são muito boas, com puzzles simples mais divertidos e com uma das melhores Boss Battle da franquia.

O mundo aberto do jogo e uma evolução enorme do Lego Batman 3 (jogo anterior da DC), que era muito sem graça e muito chato de explorar por ser micro áreas muito chato de fazer as missões e com câmera ruim e também uma evolução do Lego Marvel 2 (jogo de Lego anterior que segue o mesmo estilo), pois lá o mundo era localizações sem graça e muito pequenas, aqui além de serem localizações mais legais, elas são muito mais detalhadas, embora ainda não seja perfeito, é uma evolução dos jogos anteriores.

Os personagens melhoreram em comparação aos jogos anteriores pois não tem 300 versões do mesmo personagem, mas acho que mesmo assim ele deixaram alguns personagens clássicos da franquia.

Uma coisa muito boa sobre esse jogo, é que os coletáveis são muito mais legais de se conseguir, agora não são 10 minikits por level, são apenas 5, o que deixa menos repetitivo rejogar os níveis, além de ter o sistema de grafite que é bobo, mas muito divertido.

Os únicos problemas são os bugs que realmente atrapalham as vezes e chegam a incomodar muito, e posso estar sendo muito chata, mas acho os Deisgn dos personagens do Lego Batman 3 muito melhores que a desse jogo, embora os deisgn não sejam tão ruins e decepcionates quanto as do Lego Marvel 2, ainda é uma queda de qualidade ao jogo anterior da DC.

This game is incridible, dont have bad things

I love the fact that your own character becomes a ''main feature in the story instead of just tagging along. Such a solid Lego game smh.

Just a good time commiting war crimes in a LEGO game.

Basically LEGO™️ Grand theft auto.
But I can confidently say that this is the best suicide squad game

Probably the most fun a Lego game has been since Marvel 1 or the silent era. DC's legacy in animation really shines here, the script and excellent voice cast make this feel like a goofy arc on a DCAU show, packed with memorable characters and fun moments. Gameplay is the same as ever with some nice QoL improvements you won't believe took 20 games to implement, and this has one of the nicest open worlds in recent memory, each area being hand crafted and charming. In a world where open worlds have moved on from stories to discover or puzzles to solve and are now just series of loot chests that lead to more loot chests, even a baby version of Arkham's puzzle solving exploration approach is quite refreshing and fun. Padded to death though. Didn't 100%, but I'm gonna do it I think

I've played a ton of Lego games and LOVE DC, but this was a struggle to get through and will be the first Lego game that I don't 100%. I didn't see any reason to engage in the hub world until I completed the game and then one of the first quests I tried was tedious and glitched and I couldn't complete it anyway. There were FAR too many powers to have to go through and it's not even clever use of them, just oh, i need this, let me switch to it. Maybe it would be fun co-op, but I just don't know.

I wonder how James Gunn and the guys working on the new DC cinematic universe feel knowing that probably nothing in it will have half the charm and fun this game did.

jogão, muito mais bem feito e divertido que lego marvel 2, lego avengers e lego batman 3, história é maneirona e as adições ajudam o jogo a ser bem menos repetitivo que os outros legos

This happened to my buddy Eric

I've seen the conversation about which video game makes you feel the most like Superman to the point where it seems to have become a meme now - and if I were to answer that question I would say that I really don't think these games get enough credit there imo. Sure it's littered with glitches and unintentional softlocks probably due to being rushed at some point, as well as being loaded tight with tedious Ubisoft-esque collectibles/sidequests that don't really amount to much. But what they're doing with the DC license here is just incredible, it prominently lets you play as so many classic and underappreciated heroes/villains from the comics while allowing you to essentially do whatever you want as you bust apart everything that is or isn't nailed down from famous DC locations. It's something of a blast. They may be a bit of a one-trick pony but Lego games just have their own unique brand of fun and this is definitely one of the better ones.

2nd best lego game it has a big open world with notable locations from DC, a ton of characters, even a bunch of obscure and unknown characters. Fun story, character creation is great, the game has a lot of charm in its writing and easter eggs too

I’ve been in a DC mood ever since watching the Snyder cut and this just fueled that mood even more. Best Lego game I’ve ever played, probably. I love that you can kill cops in it.

This game holds the title of the very first one I platinumed on PlayStation. That's cool.

Storywise, it's on par with LEGO Marvel Superheroes 1. So many characters at play in a huge narrative that demands participation from each one. The Crime Syndicate are entertaining foes and kudos to TT for bringing them mainstream. Returning characters are still great.

Gameplaywise, It's fun to play through, lotta new powers and abilites and even some reinvented stuff from LEGO games of old. It's the usual TT Games shtick but this one is definitely a lot more enjoyable than some of the modern releases.

Oh and stellar voice cast. Kevin Conroy, Mark Hamill, Clancy Brown, Dee Bradley Baker, Nolan North, Tara Strong, Tom Kane and all the other veteran pros. They're as awesome as always.

To sum it up, gameplay is ok, but the story, characters and humour elevate what might've been a mid experience.

this is the best Lego game I've played

Haven't played a lego game in like, a decade. It's interesting that they've barely changed whatsoever in all that time and the only changes they have made have been detrimental. In particular, the open world can fuck off. The voice work is performed rlly well but I don't like its inclusion. Anyway it's hilarious that you spend the first quarter of the game killing cops lmao

Have you ever had that feeling when your mother gives you the recipe for a dish you used to eat as a kid and you try and make it at home on your own and it taste just like she used to make but somehow it's still has a different kick to it because you put your own stuff in it?

Yeah, that's what this game is.

This game is a great way to start becoming a super villain

um dos melhores legos já feitos

It was cute. Think I prefer Lego Batman 3. Caught myself wondering why the game was playing itself at numerous points. Lego games have always been good at simple fun, but that shouldn't have to mean dumbing things down to the degree of automated platforming. The efforts to increase depth of combat are appreciated, but I don't think that evolution hit its stride until Skywalker Saga.

Dunno man, just don't really feel like this game offered anything you wouldn't already get out of other more cornerstone-y Lego titles.

Pretty solid Lego game as expected, lots of cool characters and the character creator is cool.