Reviews from

in the past

Do I uh really need to explain why this is a 10?

This is a Certified Hood Classic

While its gameplay is somewhat tedious now, I can't deny how much fun I had growing up with this game, and it will always hold a very special place in my heart. Also, Star Wars is just awesome Lego or not.

boys became men on that one million stud lego city secret level

Graphics arent great obviously, really fun play-through though

It's Legos bru I don't need to explain

Episodes 1-3 are still fun and Episodes 4-6 are still annoying.

L'absence de produit dérivés comme des tenues de princesse Leia fidèle au jeux m’empêche de mettre une meilleur note. J'attendrais que le pagne soit disponible

i dont even like star wars but if u dont fw this one i dont fw u

it's ok some of the cutscene animations got a good laugh out of me
it is SO frustrating looking everywhere and doing anything you can think of only to realise the obvious solution an hour later and you feel like the worlds biggest idiot so while it does get annoying at times (vehicle levels are the WORST) it can be pretty fun other times especially when you have someone else to play with
im han solo im han solo (i swear that's a parody song somewhere either that or my brain made it up)

Yes, grown man enjoys little kids game. What are you going to do about it?

could be so good if you didn't have to play through the same levels four times over

You can literally play as Lego Dexter Jettster

I mastered this game on 2011 when I bought it for the DS. It's quite silly as most of the LEGO games but it's just so much fun. I had a blast getting through all the SW saga (such good times, before the sequels). It's fast, very entertaining and it can be hilarious sometimes. Damn, I'm actually thinking I should play it again, it's been ages!

Force pushing lego people into pits was fun.

Really cool game, specially if you can play it with a friend, since it has a co-op campaign which plays exactly the same than the solo one

Nostálgico. muito bom de se jogar no ds

ummmm... the graphics on this game sucks! 😂

One of the best LEGO games, but not THE best...also one of the best Star Wars games, but not THE best.

Qui-Gon got stabbed in the balls. Funniest shit I’ve ever seen

i was so addicted as a kid my parents cut the cd in half

A classic. Unironically the best Lego game ever made

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga is a decent game, but I don't understand how it has an average score of 4/5 here, with lots of people giving it 5/5. Are people that blinded by nostalgia? It definitely hasn't aged well. I played this as a kid too, but replaying it now as an adult, I'm shocked at how clunky and repetitive it is. Also, there's barely any of that usual LEGO humor. It's just for a few seconds every now and then. The puzzles also aren't that good in this one, and enemies keep respawning like crazy while you're trying to do puzzles, making for a very annoying experience. The artstyle still holds up though. The game looks great, and the music is good to, being variations of John Williams' classical music, although it does get very repetitive after a while, hearing the same music over and over again. It's not bad, but I definitely feel like they improved the formula a lot with games like Indiana Jones.