Reviews from

in the past

Hundreds of hours of memories in this one, although 16 years later, it's still a ringing disappointment that Keith gets an expansive game of adventuring, hunting, crafting, puzzle solving, plot development, etc, and Skye's unlocked story is only that she can cook food in a cave and wait for him to come back 'because her glasses broke'.

this was my first jungle survival esc game. loved making the fire lol

brutal difficulty at first, but once I was a few days in i had a safety net of supplies to rely on. still, i cannot stress how under the wire it felt, with my hunger always seemingly being in the red.

progress is slow and navigating without running is painful. i consider this a feature not a bug but my god i feel like i spend most my time running back to camp while keith complains about how tired he is. gameplay loop would get me addicted for a few hours but then i'd run out of inventory space or do furniture crafting and be completlely pulled out of The Zone.

it's very interesting how this game treats interactions with Skye as a kind of wife raising sim- she has zero agency and it feels like caring for a baby at times. i'm sure this is the desired effect for the straight guys this game was made for but i found it a mixture of funny and terrifyingly anti-feminist.

that said, the mechanic of guiding her and the little slap of hand on hand as you pull her up a log, to be deeply tender and a highlight of the game for me.

Someone probably jacked off to this

Generally everyone gets sick of survival games and I understand with it being a trope that's being overused too much.

This game was a lot more fun in having duties split, though arguably, not 50/50, but you play as the boy who runs around foraging for resources both in food and building materials, but she spends the whole time watching the fire and cooking everything for you.

All kinds of creatures can be taken to be eaten, but you also need her help sometimes to push large blocks to progress further into the island where you can forage, fish and even hunt.

After completing one of the many multiple endings you can play as the girl, but I've no idea what that's like atm.

Stream + gameplay

lo tenia en aleman entonces no entendía una mierda

I have a tremendous soft spot for this game. It was an early favorite on the DS for me, and while it doesn't quite hold up, it still holds a special place in my heart.

I've owned this since launch or close to and I'm just now beating it fifteen years later. When I originally started up this most recent attempt, I thought my memories of this game being brutal in terms of difficulty were just hyperbolic thoughts remaining from my teens but no it really is ruthless at times.

There's a lot of satisfaction to be found here in various gameplay elements (exploring the island, building furniture for your cave, fishing, improving your cooking, hunting, etc.) if you can get past what feels like the full time job of taking care of your two characters. Dealing with the energy, hunger, and thirst bars is hanging over your head at all times but it gets easier to deal with it all in time. Will most people stick with this long enough to get into the groove for it to make island exploration/progress easier? Probably not but that's okay, it's an acquired taste.

I will say that the whole bit where you have to travel across pretty much the whole island to do a series of ten or so pushing block puzzles is absolutely wack. I made one attempt to do this whole gauntlet of mess and got back to my cave with 1% health, an empty hunger bar, and a low energy and thirst one. If I died at that point I probs would've just dropped the game completely. Not sure what the idea for that whole thing was but it's Bad.

Looking forward to returning to 2 and 3 eventually. Maybe the Wii game as well.

If I were stranded on a deserted island and my companion would step on my glasses I would still be able to walk 50m outside my home cave to get a sip of water from the river. But that's just me, I'm built different than other girls.

I've been playing this franchise since my childhood and i'm a big fan so my opinion is quite biased, but bear with me.
In this first installment (at least for the west) you play as the male character in a deserted island with the aid of a female character (who lost her glasses and won't be of much use outside specific situations). The main mechanic is exploring the island, managing your characters' health and gathering food in order to survive. Most of the time you'll be going out alone (since you are faster than if you bring the girl along) to do a reconnaissance round (to then come back with the girl if you need to push a big log to progress, etc) and gather food while you're at it, to then bring it home and have the girl cook it. That may be one of the main flaws of the game, that you can't cook yourself and need the other character to do it for you, and she sucks ass at it at first - burning your food and losing nutritional value until she gradually gets better at it, but it'll take a long while. But the game wouldn't work without her, because the two of you make a very cozy unit that help and support each other, and their dialogue in the story inmerses you in their situation. The maps of the game have their flaws, but it's in their intricacies that i find them interesting and fun to explore until i know every nook and cranny of it -where does this item spawn, where is the best fishing spot, etc. Another great aspect of this game for me is the fact that there's no imposed pacing, and you can do whatever you want at all times, choosing to focus entirely on exploring the island to progress the story or just sit back and relax to the daily island life of managing the resources needed to survive. This last aspect may prove itself to be a bit hard at first as you learn how much you should be eating and drinking and how much saving for later, but that was the most fun for me when i was a kid.
I find this game so enjoyable to play, and i can do so for hours on end just to enjoy the unusual daily life routine of waking up your characters, going for a walk to explore a bit and gather food, bring it home to eat it, go to sleep and repeat. Even if it may sound boring, the routine is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the game for me. Besides that, i also fancy starting it from scratch to be able to explore the island all over and over again. Maybe that's because i don't find the ending part particularly fitting or fullfilling, but i do like it and think it's funny at times. Overall, solid game. Even so, i really think its sequel, Lost in Blue 2, really shines through and polishes a lot of stuff and is a much better game.

< 1er vistazo #104 >
-> Una de esas sorpresas inesperadas que me llevé este año... después de todo, no suelo jugar títulos que se diferencien tanto del clásico plataformas, RPG, entre otros... por lo que, al tener que meterme de lleno en las mecánicas de este juego, pude ver un nuevo mundo xP.
-> Todo parte con un naufragio... teniendo que hacer todo lo necesario para sobrevivir en una isla "deshabitada". Similar al protagonista, de seguro más de uno no tiene los saberes básicos para sobrevivir en este tipo de situaciones :v.
-> Aprendiendo de nuestro entorno, debemos abrirnos paso en toda la exploración, considerando algunos valores como hambre, sed y cansancio. Si fuera uno solo, quizá habría más libertad, pero, pasado unos días, deberemos ayudar a otro personaje que tiene el mismo destino :O.
-> Con una cueva como base, debemos planificar nuestras actividades diarias ya que, según la hora del día, podremos acceder a nuevas áreas y obtener determinados objetos que, en caso de no tener el respectivo cuidado, podríamos quedar atrapados en una zona x.X.
-> Considerando el limitado equipaje que podemos llevar, también debemos estar al tanto de la respectiva distribución, ya sea utilizando determinados objetos en el momento o tener que llevarlo a la cueva para almacenarlos... lo que termina por hacerme recordar...
-> Si bien antes mencioné que son dos personajes, por ciertos motivos, uno queda un tanto limitado en sus acciones, pero, de una u otra forma, puede ayudarnos en actividades que no seríamos capaces de realizar por nuestra cuenta...
-> UUUFFF... mientras más recuerdo toda esa travesía... más quiero desentrañar esa "atrapante" jugabilidad xP... y eso que, una vez finalizada la aventura, hay un "postgame" que le da otra perspectiva a los eventos :O.

I am sure there is something about this game that is good, as I kept coming back to it time and time again as a kid
But honestly? Overall it was just a miserable experience due to the insane difficulty and stress-inducing game mechanics

[dropped] You're stuck on an island with a useless anime girl who keeps dying. And so do you.

Taba bueno, pero se me habia roto el R de la ds asi que no lo pude ganar