Reviews from

in the past

A really well-done remaster of the trilogy, the only complaint I have is I wish they put time and effort into fixing ME3 as they did with ME1 and the graphics for ME2.

ME2 and 3 were some of the best game for their time. Really enjoyed playing them again

What an incredible saga. Some of the best storytelling I've seen in video games hands down. The gameplay can be a little clunky at times, especially in the first game, but it's so worth it. This trilogy has well earned its reputation and you honestly probably don't need me to tell you that.

It took me three games and hundreds of hours to finally tap into the magic of Mass Effect, and I'm so happy that I'm finally here.

The third installment stands as a triumph in the trilogy, merging the best elements of its predecessors while surpassing the second game in many areas. It boasts better gunplay, more mature writing, featuring characters who interact with each other in meaningful ways, all presented in a prettier package. I love the funny but sometimes creepy quips from crewmates, and most welcomingly, homosexuality is finally legal in the Citadel. The base game is action-packed and had me hooked from the start, while the DLCs expanded on various gameplay styles and added so much breadth to the galactic lore.

The game is a masterclass of character building, I found myself growing to love every crew member, even those I previously hadn't cared for. The offshore activities provided some of the most memorable moments throughout the trilogy. Massive kudos to all the voice actors for delivering stellar performances and bringing these characters to life (with the exception of male Shepard, although his portrayal remains inoffensive).

However, my critique lies in the narrative direction and thematic coherence. It feels as though the game imposes a different meaning onto the story, failing to recognize the thematic groundwork laid out in the previous two games. The resolution of the storyline, centered around the incompatibility of organics and synthetics, feels disconnected from the established themes and was massively anticlimactic.

This is coming from someone who thought that The Last of Us 2 had a perfect story and never liked a happy ending in media because it discounts the emotional labor imposed onto the audience. This departure from established narrative threads creates a sense of dissonance and detracts from the impact the previous games had.

The potential of AI as a classic sci-fi trope within an RPG format is immense; it's a question that has been thoroughly explored by the previous two games. However, Mass Effect 3's ending dismissed this well-established narrative foundation, negating the possibility that creators and their creations could coexist under a mural agreement. In doing so, it undermined the significance of EDI’s character arc and the sacrifices made by beloved crew members in the Geth and Quarians plotline. Consequently, it falls short on a rhetorical level and fails to provide a logical resolution to Mass Effect's established central conflict.

The resolution also feels disappointingly cheap; it’s completely disconnected from the personal choices you have made throughout the trilogy and the collective efforts of the squad. Despite the multitude of choices presented across the trilogy, the conclusion narrows down to three essentially identical endings, trivializing the significance of the hundreds of carefully considered decisions into an unnecessarily lengthy epilogue followed by "Pick a color." It lacks the depth to provoke thought or evoke emotional catharsis; instead, I found myself dumbfounded by the absence of any meaningful attempt to elevate the message at the end.

At the risk of being yelled at by half of the community here, I think Starfield achieved a more satisfying conclusion and served some higher meaning with its ending. Surprisingly, both games share similar story arcs, featuring the introduction of the Starchild and Starborn characters tasked with safeguarding galactic evolution. Themes of the pursuit of truth and power, symbolized by artifacts and the Catalyst, echo the story of Icarus, presenting protagonists with moral dilemmas and the ultimate choice of their fate.

The contrast lies in the distinct themes and the emotional resonance they evoke. Starfield delves into the story of humanity, emphasizing the fundamental need for purpose in our existence. On the other hand, Mass Effect tackles the existential peril posed by the creation of artificial life forms. However, its conclusion feels flawed, lacking substance beyond the rushed decisions made in the final hours of gameplay. This isn't a direct comparison between the two games, as both excel in exploring the breadth and depth of their universes. But I can't help but hope that BioWare dedicated more time to crafting an ending that acknowledges alternative solutions to the narrative conundrum already established within the series.

Nevertheless, I love the trilogy to pieces, and I can’t believe it took me so long to finally get into it. Playing all three games back to back immediately after Starfield only made me realize how ambitious this franchise was set out to be. The depth of the world-building, the intricacies of the characters, the diverse colonies portrayed, and the romantic interest (singular as I had my eyes on Kaidan from ME1) my Shepard had along the way all contributed to an unforgettable journey.

(this review was originally written for ME3)

The MAKO still defies all laws of physics (known and yet to be discovered), and for that, we are eternally grateful

What can I say? This pack, the Legendary Edition, brings together the whole Mass Effect trilogy. Easily 100 hours and more of content.

I think that Mass Effect might be my favorite Sci-Fi setting. I love the lore, the themes and aesthetics. The story told throughout these games is engaging and unique. This world is also filled with interesting characters, most interesting, with stories that many times rival the main quest in terms of engagement.

Your actions can influence the direction all stories take, in which many decisions have their consequences felt only in a later installment. And you can easily get attached to the characters, because they mostly feel like real people, although a bit wacky. Some character’s deaths made me feel sad, something that rarely happens to me.

I’m a big Mass Effect fan. I very much enjoyed my adventure through these games and would strongly recommend others to try and immerse themselves in this world.

This review contains spoilers

Garrus is hot

Best trilogy ever made, science fiction at it's fucking best, play this and you will not regret it

Skyrim is my favorite single game, but the Mass Effect Trilogy is my favorite franchise of games.

The three games work together so well that I basically think of it as one game in three parts. It just feels limitless with the number of different characters and decisions and relationships that you can choose.

This is a role playing masterpiece

mass effect doesn't deserve a fifth game. it was an period piece that didn't realize it was period piece. it tried to teach people that cops were "us" and the future. that the future would have bad cops, but they would be solved by good cops. that it was okay to have cops be allowed to do whatever they want because of the fictional good cop who could BE YOU.

yeah. no. wanna know what the idealized future looks like? fallout new vegas. wanna know what the cynical, more realistic future looks like? dry wet world from mario 64.

all of these games are pretty good hero shooters with fun abilities, cool sci-fi aesthetics, and memorable levels.

1 has this unique consolized crpg vibe to it, where the cutscenes are still very simple in a way that makes them feel like classic video game puppetry, and the levels are laid out as if an isometric game was brought into an over-the-shoulder view. you can make some cool custom weapons with mods, like a rocket launcher sniper rifle, or an assault rifle that fires explosive rounds but never overheats. because each power has individual cooldown, you can basically fire them off constantly if you have enough on-hand.

2 is a much more balanced game, which also means it's less fun to break. each class feels much more distinct, and charge is one of the best powers in video games. the guns all feel much better, but unfortunately because armor and shields tend to be strong and immune to many powers, many powers just feel useless on higher difficulties. the structure of doing a bunch of unrelated episodic missions to prepare for one big mission is neat.

3 focuses much more on using powers to make exploding combos, which is definitely my favorite gameplay of the series, but this comes at the cost of the guns generally feeling weaker. the vanguard, for example, is much better off focusing on power combo damage rather than shotgun damage. the cinematic ambitions of mass effect are at their best here, with camerawork and animation that feels like it's from an experienced team.

so, all pretty positive so far! i definitely recommend these if you are into shooters that have powers. the problem is that these games also have a large and unignorable focus on story and dialogue, and the story and dialogue is generally very bad.

1 is a particularly mean-spirited and emotionally hollow game, where nearly every conversation revolves around shallowly drawn racial conflict in an attempt to seem thought-provoking. your conversations with companions are mostly dry exposition with little personal characterization, and when they rarely speak to each other it's usually just another exchange of racial barbs. it's so unfortunate because i think this game is really cool when nobody is speaking, but it insists on having a lot of dialogue.

2 basically doesn't have a main story and instead focuses on a bunch of little character vignettes, which is mostly for the better because bioware works better when they have to tell the story quick and shallow, rather than long and shallow. but having 12 companions just highlights how weird it is that they almost never speak to each other or have any relationships with each other. and even in these smaller stories, mass effect cannot escape its obsession with the questions of "is this genocide good or bad?" and "is this unethical experiment good or bad?"

3's main story unfortunately only focuses deeper on those hollow themes, while at the same time trading in much of its mean-spiritedness for clumsy melodrama. however, it definitely has the best character writing, and your companions will even have normal conversations with each other sometimes!

all in all, i really wish i had a "skip cutscene completely" button for these.

Where it Shines:
Story, Lore, & Characters - 9/10
Music - 9/10
Visuals - 9/10
Exploration - 9/10
The Good:
This game is just unlike any other experience. No game lets you feel like you are actually exploring the galaxy like this one does. It's got so many stories and quests and dialogue options that multiple replays always feel fresh. It's the kind of game you can spend hours wandering around in. It's also the first game I played where I really felt like the character creator allowed me to represent myself. It holds a deep spot in my memory for that alone.
The characters are also so diverse and the romancing options get better in each game. I really don't think anyone will ever make a game quite like this again.
The Bad:
With such a chonky game, there are bound to be flaws. The inventory management in game 1 is atrocious, the planet scanning in game 2 is so boring and tedious, and the combat, though better in each game, is serviceable at best but not very engaging. It's either too easy or too annoying, because cranking the difficulty only makes you deal less damage and turns enemies into sponges. It's lazy difficulty design. That said, you should be playing this for the story, not the combat.
This will probably always be in my top 5 games of all time. If I could pick any game universe to live in, this would be it. The sense of wonder and exploration of space is captured so perfectly. An easy recommend.

****note on my ratings:
half ⭐: hot trash garbage
⭐: below average, needs work
⭐⭐: average
⭐⭐⭐: pretty good
⭐⭐⭐⭐: excellent
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: all time favourite
half star ratings between those mean it's slightly better or worse than stated in this list.

Finished ME1 after a rushed playthrough(13:30 Playtime) and let me just say most of the quality of life improvements are 100% worth it. When I remembered playing the game when it came out in 2007 I'm sure in my head it looked and ran better then it was. Playing this in 2021 it 100% felt at home in my current library. Game itself does still have a few bugs(notably had one squadmate who couldn't move at all during Feros) but to me this is a remastered edition that's worth the price if you were at all a fan of the originals. Will update further after ME2/ME3

These games separated don't get a 5 stars from me, but all together it's a masterpiece.

Unpopular opinion: Mass Effect 1 and 2 should have been visual novels instead of proper games. The gameplay feels like such a chore in both ME1 and ME2. It's just corridors and shooting very limited enemy types. The only thing that carries those games is the choices and the world -- both of which you can have in a visual novel. Also, ME2 doesn't really have a story??? It's just one long recruiting mission where you're prepped for ME3.

Mass Effect 3 is the only game in the trilogy that feels like a game. It's where it all comes together. The gameplay is solid and tight, and the story is moving fast.

I think this trilogy is overrated af because we didn't really have games where your choices actually mattered across the entire trilogy.

The lore and the world is pretty good though! And this is a pretty great remaster, not gonna lie.

almost perfect but 1 and 3 could of been better

This review contains spoilers

Mass Effect is one of the best Bioware RPGs out there, and the games themselves all mesh together. You can import your experiences and character from one game to the next. Mass Effect 1 is a little dated, but this collection tweaks some bad elements.

If you play this be prepared to spend something like 180 hours in game, between the content, main quest, character/crew experiences etc. It's a lot. But if you have played a Bioware RPG before, or if you like this game, Knights of the Old Republic is very similar. Mass Effect was created to be a Bioware-owned version of Knights of the Old Republic.

The first game is roughly an WRPG with shooting elements.
The second game is shooter with RPG elements.
The third game is a lot like the second game, but with a lot better gameplay, abilities and everything.

Originally, most people considered ME2 as the best game. But I think ME3 has aged really well, and I think it's probably the best game in the series.

Lastly, if you play this, please play the game the way you want to play it. Although it's recommended to do as much of the side stuff as possible, this game is your choices, your decisions, so play the game the way you want to.

Old Game Review:

I love this series with all my heart and while I have problems with the endings, this is still my favorite trilogy of all time. I will never forget Shepard and crew, and hope that one day I can see them again in a future title. I can't wait to play this again in a year or two. If you somehow haven't played it, you have to give it a shot.

This reminds me to of time I was 6 to about 10 years old.
When I had watched a movie back then I usually became pretty sad, that it was over.
It might sound weird, but the whole joy of watching a movie, the little journey to take with the protagonists,
the funny, the sad and every other parts, they all felt unreplaceable after watching a movie for me.

Here it feels the same. This wasn't just another journey in another game. This was an experience.

Non so come sia successo, ma verso la fine del terzo capitolo mi si sono azzerati i punti esperienza e soprattutto la potenza militare accumulata. Non me ne accorgo subito e sovrascrivo anche il salvataggio manuale. Ci giocavo da troppo tempo per poterlo ripetere da capo, forse in futuro, chissà. Questa cosa mi ha decisamente rovinato l'esperienza, ma soprattutto il finale, che non è stato coerente con quanto fatto in tre giochi.

La saga comunque mi è piaciuta tantissimo, soprattutto la storia, il world building e la caratterizzazione dei personaggi, meno per le meccaniche e il male gaze (non ce n'era proprio bisogno). Il secondo è il capitolo che ho preferito, mi ha preso molto di più rispetto agli altri due.

A perfect trilogy in every way.

Es complicado valorar esta trilogía. ¿Valoro el contenido original o el remasterizado?

Vayamos por partes.

Mass Effect 1 es imperfecto. Tiene la combinación RPG/TPS táctico es sin duda una combinación que existe y, aunque es divertida de jugar (la prueba es que es un juego que sigue siendo divertido en dificultades altas), funciona la mitad de las veces. Además, es un juego de la Vieja Bioware (TM) por lo que las limitaciones de presupuesto le obligan a tirar de trucos que se notan: repetición de diseños, fases genéricas de conducción, recolección de mierdas para alargar el juego... pero funciona porque tiene un elenco de personajes maravilloso, una aventura de opereta espacial con mucho gancho y una construcción a velocidad de crucero de un universo completísimo.

Mass Effect 2 es imperfecto. Entiende qué cosas funcionaban del juego original, los personajes, y los potencia. Entiende también qué cosas no funcionaban del juego original y los intenta arreglar, pero el arreglo es igual de malo o peor. Los disparos desde cobertura son el mayor cáncer que ha tenido el género desde que Halo popularizó el sóter puro en consolas y Mass Effect 2 es el cenit de ese estilo. Hay un número finito de veces en los que llegar a una zona, cubrirse y disparar a la cabeza desde cobertura es divertido y ese número es 0. Jugar en dificultades altas a Mass Effect 2 no se lo deseo ni a mi peor enemigo porque es un coñazo en mayúsculas. Además, pese a tener dineros de EA, sigue cayendo en los mismos trucos de la VIeja Bioware (TM) de repetir hasta la saciedad diseños para ahorrarse perras. La Nueva Bioware (TM) convierte los trucos para ahorrarse perras en vicios y nunca se va a desprender de ello. ¿Es Mass Effect 2 mejor que el 1? Generalmente está considerado que sí. Posiblemente lo sea, porque ese elenco de personajes (menos Jacob) llevaría cualquier cosa al estrellato, pero los vicios adquiridos y la transición de una historia de opereta espacial con tintes de ciencia ficción dura a la épica aventurera son cheques que Mass Effect 3 acabará pagando.

Mass Effect 3 es... es malo. Es un juego malo. Tiene todos los vicios de Mass Effect 2 con la mitad de su carisma. Sigue siendo disfrutable porque los personajes heredados siguen haciendo maravillas pero ya está. No es casualidad que el mejor contenido del juego sea un DLC centrado en hacer el ganso con todo su elenco.

Y ahora, la remasterización: Es un timo. No sé qué habrán remasterizado pero yo sigo viendo los mismos bugs, los mismos dientes de sierra y las mismas luces mal puestas. Es increíble que diez años después, los mods de la Legendary Edition sigan vigentes, incluyendo los mods de texturas y los mods de arreglar malas lecturas de las partidas previas. No, el HUD unificado no me compensa.

En resumen: Mass Effect Legendary Edition es exactamente lo mismo que hace una década. Ni más, ni menos. ¿Te gustó? Pues pasarás un buen rato. ¿No te gustó? Nada hay en esta versión que mejore la experiencia, así que no te gustará. ¿No lo has probado? Puedes darle un tiento, es un juego cuyas mecánicas están viejas pero todo sea por los personajes.

Mass Effect is back and guess what? It's like, pretty much what I remember. And what I remember fuckin RULES.

Mass Effect is a series that lives outside of time as we know it. It is eternal. The first real video game saga. A lot of people like to compare Mass Effect to Star Wars. This is incorrect. It fails to grasp the true magnitude of how great, how impactful, how everlasting Mass Effect is. Mass Effect IS the Odyssey of video games. It's Beowulf; it's Canterbury Tales; it's the Magna Carta; it's the Rosetta Stone. It's the Expanse BEFORE people knew that they wanted the Expanse.

Mass Effect 1 created video games. You can actually draw a line of video game history pre Mass Effect and post Mass Effect. Mass Effect 1 came out in 2007. According to, the best video game of 2006 was The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was NOT a video game; it was a 26 hour long tutorial.

What was the best game of 2008? Mass Effect 2. 2009? Mass Effect 2. 2021? Mass Effect 2.

Mass Effect 2 IS a perfect sequel AND a perfect AAA game. It came back with a bigger budget, and, in a move that most developers still cannot replicate, Bioware actually used it to make the game BETTER. The combat is tighter. The menus feel better. There are more companions AND they're all as good, if not better, than the companions from the first game (no easy task).

Mass Effect 2 was the peak of downloadable content. There has never been a piece of downloadable content that reaches the quality of Lair of the Shadow Broker. I am in love with Liara T'Soni. I'm going to ask her to marry me, and she will say yes. Do you know what kind of DLC came out after Lair of the Shadow Broker? Fortnite's battle pass. Fornite is a game for children. You can't have sex with aliens in Fornite. You can in Mass Effect 2.

Mass Effect 3 succeeds in the impossible task of wrapping up a trilogy, and only takes a slight stumble toward the end. Honestly, the end isn't even that bad. It's just that we're so used to Mass Effect figurately and literally knocking it out of the park that anything short of perfect feels subpar. And the ending is fine. It works if you think about it for a couple of seconds. You owe Mass Effect a couple of seconds of consideration. You know what didn't wrap up a trilogy in the right way? Those new Star Wars movies. Now I haven't seen those movies, but the way people talk about them, let me just say that Mass Effect 3 does it way better than Episode 9. The multiplayer part was surprisingly good too.

Mass Effect is the most influential video game series of all time. Play through Mass Effect 1, and you will realize that Breath of the Wild would have never existed with out it. Link is an evolution of the Mako. The planetary exploration speaks for itself. Gears of War would have never gotten sad if Mass Effect didn't tell people that you could have a narrative in your third person shooter video game. Mass Effect literally created Spec Ops the Line, and you love that game.


Like 30 minutos to acomplish the log in in Origin.
I got so tired that uninstalled

For the sake of completeness, a short review of the Legendary Edition. The reviews for the individual games can be found in my log.

🕗 Total time played (approx.): +150h
🏆 Completion: 100% Legendary Edition Trophy List (11/11 Trophies)


The "Mass Effect Legendary Edition" marks a momentous milestone for fans of the series, offering a meticulously remastered and enhanced experience that spans the entire epic. Revisiting the universe of Commander Shepard, the Normandy crew, and the countless worlds they traverse has been an exhilarating adventure. The visual enhancements breathe new life into every corner of the galaxy, inviting players to explore and discover with fresh eyes. One of the most defining aspects of my journey through the Legendary Edition was my unyielding pursuit of trophies and achievements. Armed with determination and a passion for completion, I embarked on an odyssey that transcended ordinary gameplay. The thrill of earning each trophy, from the exhilarating feats of combat prowess to the emotional depth of character interactions, was a driving force that fueled my commitment to the trilogy.

Undoubtedly, one of the crowning achievements of my journey was conquering the Insanity difficulty level – a challenge that required strategic thinking, precision, and a mastery of game mechanics. To conquer Insanity across all three titles is a testament to the dedication and perseverance that defined my experience with the Legendary Edition. The pulse-pounding battles, the meticulously planned tactics, and the countless moments of triumph and defeat all converged to create an unforgettable gameplay experience.

As I ventured through the richly woven narratives of the "Mass Effect Legendary Edition", I was struck by the seamless flow of character development, plot intricacies, and emotional crescendos that punctuated each installment. Reuniting with old companions, forging new alliances, and navigating the myriad of choices that shape the universe was a poignant reminder of the power of interactive storytelling. The Legendary Edition's inclusion of all downloadable content further enriched my experience, allowing me to explore hidden depths and unveil untold stories. From the riveting "Lair of the Shadow Broker" to the emotional resonance of "Citadel," each DLC added layers of narrative complexity and gameplay satisfaction that augmented the core experience.

In conclusion, "Mass Effect Legendary Edition" is a resounding triumph that honors the legacy of the trilogy while introducing it to a new generation of players. The painstakingly remastered visuals, the engrossing narratives, and the challenging gameplay mechanics seamlessly blend to create a timeless experience. As I reflect on my journey through the stars and galaxies, I am reminded of the dedication, the camaraderie, and the exhilaration that defined my pursuit of completing the trilogy at its most challenging level.

⭐ Rating: 5/5

The best videogame sci-fi universe. I'm sorry Halo, I'm sorry Dead Space. But it's not even a competition.

Anyway here is a list of every Mass Effect companion and how much I want to have sex with them.

-Ashley: She's alright in the 3rd game, but too racist in the first 2 games for me to feel comfortable making love to her
-Kaiden: Imma be honest I always forget he exists, sorry, too boring
-Tali: Yes, even with the suit on, fuck it, especially with the suit on
-Liara: God yes, especially after she gets a personality after the first game
-Garrus: I dont really want to fuck Garrus, but I do want him to lovingly hold me close at night while he whispers sweet nothings into my ear
-Wrex: Yes but it might make things akward between us, maybe if we both agreed never to talk about it again
-Miranda: Yes (No explanation required)
-Jacob: Maybe? Seems like he has a lot going on right now. Maybe in a couple years
-Thane: Yes, the mans an absolute DILF
-Kasumi: While she obviously hasn't gotten over her ex I would still go for it
-Grunt: Basically a child, so no.
-Zaeed: No, while all the squadmates kill people regularly, Zaeed seems to actually enjoy it the most, best avoid
-Jack: In ME3 yes, but I value the structual integrity of my balls too much to go for her in ME2
-Morinth: Same as above
-Samara: Yes, I support single mothers
-Mordin: No, I love Moridin with all my heart, but I don't have the capacity to view him in a sexual way
-Legion: No, I'm not even sure how it would work anyway
-EDI: I'm sorry Joker but, YES GOD YES PLEASE
-James: Yeah I guess, but he's such a tool, if he wasn't in the ME universe he would be the lamest most annoying guy ever
-Javik: I love ya Javik but you ugly as fuck

great game with amazing worldbuilding and an interesting story that im genuinely curious to see.
i love the crew and all of it's members, specially wrex i love you wrex i love you so much
the worst thing about it without a shadow of a doubt is the gameplay, but it got better at the end when i was so op that a single blast from the shotgun killed every single enemy.