Reviews from

in the past

Second verse same as the first.

Lamest Mavericks in the series though, at least until X7.

Mega Man sequels, formulaic as they are, usually try to add at least one new major feature in between entries. X2 might just be the first game where they just say 'fuck it' and change essentially nothing.

Second verse, same as the first! Mega Man X2 has some small niggles, mostly in the camp of the addition of the X Hunters when going for a 100% run, and overall weaker level design than its predecessor, but they're too few and far between to intrude on what's otherwise an excellent sequel to the peak of the 16-Bit 2D platformer era. The original title still holds the key to my heart, but X2's the very definition of, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Well the addition of the air dash and the buff on the final beam makes this a bit more enjoyable. It's also a bit more challenging than the first entry.

inferior ao anterior, mas bom ainda assim.

Mega Man X2 feels like a what a sequel should be to the first. The same bones, but new content and some extra features. I think the new mavericks are really cool and mostly enjoyable to fight. I will always be biased towards the first game but I can understand someone enjoying this more.

I really wish they didn’t mix up the soundfont. While the music isn’t really bad, and some like Overdrive Ostrich are actually amazing, I prefer the sound of the original music far better. You can feel the tradeoff in full on Flame Stag’s track. The boss themes are also super limp. I can take or leave the zero part stuff. I don’t think it adds anything significant to the game. The sigma stages feel more forgettable than the first game.

Esse aqui melhorou tudo o que tinha de errado com o X1, em gráfico ele tem pouca diferença. Mas as adições de novas armaduras e uma jogabilidade muito mais fluída, me faz escolher esse mega man como o meu favorito da geração SNES

Sem sombra de dúvidas, se você não se importar tanto com história, Mega Man X2 pode ser o melhor pra iniciar

Mega Man x with a few tweaks but it manages to keep as fun as the first one

(Played on switch through the Mega Man X Legacy Collection)

Good things:

-The stages are really good. Highlights for me were Overdrive Ostrich Stage, which lets you drive a hoverboard motorcycle, and Wheel Gator Stage, which takes place on a giant awesome dinosaur tank
-The weapons are still fun to use, even if they are a little less cool than Mega Man X1s. Charging the speed burner opens up secret locations that seemed impossible to get to, you can platform on enemies with the crystal hunter, and the x-buster gets an awesome double shot with the arm upgrade. The only weapon that wasn't fun to use was the strike chain. Its not fun to use on enemies, and it requires almost pixel perfect timings to obtain some of the items (I'm looking at you, heart tank in Crystal Snail Stage)
-It is very flexible with minimum backtracking 100% playthroughs if that's how you want to play

Bad things:

-The OST is just okay. A huge step down from X1s OST
-It suffers from trying to continue X1s perfect but simple story. The plot was also remarkably predictable, but I guess that doesn't matter much anyway since it's basically impossible to play it without getting spoiled. Future X games and even the Mega Man X Legacy Collection itself basically spoil the whole game
-There are a lot more frustrating instant deaths like the spikes in castle stages 2 and 3 and being crushed by giant blocks in Magma Centipedes Stage
-Like every Mega Man game, every boss has a weapon that they are weak too that you can get from beating a different boss. This is an amazing concept since it provides more thought and strategy into making and executing an order to play the levels in. However, this can make a couple bosses very boring and stale by exploiting their weakness and not having to try at all. The good news is that this is much less of a problem than it was in X1 and Mega Man 2. Some of the bosses are actually easier if you just use the x-buster optimally compared to using their weakness

I hope to enjoy this game more whenever I get to replaying it, especially because it's a lot more flexible with minimum backtracking routes as there are multiple ways to 100% it without backtracking at all. This was one of X1s biggest flaws. However, playing this game through the first time didn't mean much to me since I used a guide for all of the non-castle stages.

Basically I think it's Mega Man X1 but just a little bit worse (at least for now). But definitely play X1 first that game goes crazy. I'm looking forward to what X4, the Mega Man Zero Series, and Mega Man 11 have to offer (I don't know if I will play X3 or not yet since it doesn't seem as good as X1 and X2).

This wasn't near as good as the first I'll give it 3.5 stars though.

A real worthy successor to Mega Man X. The X Hunters are a fun addition, the soundtrack is pretty good, and the graphics are most definitely better than X1. I don't think it will ever have the "replay after a hard day" value of X1, but I still give X2 a high recommendation. It's just a straight up fun time.

Pretty much just more X1 with a few downgrades imo. The x hunters kinda force you to do stages in a certain order if you want to collect the parts and they also kinda ruin the feel of the original stages. Each stage now needs an entrance and exit that could or could not be used so you end up just finding dead ends for no reason in most stages. It feels like you just get more disappointed when you explore which didn't happen in X1.

Also did they run out of time or budget with the final Sigma stage? It's just a copy of the original stage into a very easy final boss if you got the parts. Idk it's weird to complain because it's mostly the same game and it's still great.

X2 has the best boss and level designs in the series. It also adds some very cool upgrades, most notably the air dash and the buster upgrade that allows you to hold a double charge shot. From start to finish, X2 is an exciting ride.

My first time properly playing a MMX that wasn't just MMX1, god these are good games. Just consistently great. This one has some slightly less interesting stages and doesn't feel as difficult, but that might just be cause I'm in the groove of them now.

I fucked up saving Zero because I forgot where the X Hunter fight was in Bubble Crab's stage. Unfortunate.
I still prefer this one just a bit over X1, I like the stages more, the bosses are more difficult, and I just like how everything looks. Upgrades are also more interesting than X1's basic head/arm/leg upgrade, giving X some neat new abilities that I really enjoyed.
I give it like a 9.25/10 idk, maybe 9.5

I just don’t like it man

Jesus Christ, FUCK the boss of X-Hunters stage 2

Mega Man X2 is slightly weaker than the first one especially with it’s soundtrack, the gameplay is still amazing and addictive as always.

Video game make a good sequel challenge (actually succeeded this time)

Very cool sequel, my first playthrough with this was definitely a blast.

Wire Sponge sends me into fits of irrational rage, like first of all how the fuck is that thing a sponge, it looks more like a fucking cucumber, and second of all who let you be so fucking annoying you stupid ass cucumber sponge.

Other than that this is just X1 but like maybe a little worse?

I like it more than X1. Better visuals, better music, dash from the start - I thought it was all pretty good.

I'm not crazy for the X series, but I really enjoyed this one. Thought the level design wasn't always perfect, but as a whole, a very solid follow up.

Another game I absolutely adore. While it isn’t as strong as the first game, it’s still an incredibly solid and rewarding time.