Reviews from

in the past

imagine making a glorified demo that's better than the real game

It's ultimately just a demo for Phantom Pain but what a demo it is. The environment is gorgeous and it was the first time I got to experience the new controls and movement for Snake which is still the best in any 3rd person game ever (I said it). If you haven't played Peace Walker the story might be confusing. If you have it might also still be confusing.

Probably better as a full work than the actual game that came after it.

$40 prologue to MGSV. At least I got it for free. And at least it's good.

Melhor demo que eu joguei na minha vida, incrivelmente melhor que o Phantom Pain em questão de entreter.

Weirdly a more consistent video game than the phantom pain

Ground Zeroes sits in a weird spot in the Metal Gear series. Not a full game by any means, it serves as an essential quasi prequel to The Phantom Pain, and for what it's worth, it is a blast, for the few hours it presents. Ground Zeroes' "story" can be completed in just under an hour, less if you've figured out the right path to speed run it. However, you'd be doing yourself a disservice to dismiss all the game had to offer if you only gave it that story mission. The base in the game is packed with easter eggs and side missions to take on. Though essentially a demo, Ground Zeroes is still a great introduction to the utter chaos that would be The Phantom Pain, and it's a must play before jumping in.

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is an extremely confusing piece of video game history. It exists only so that MGSV: The Phantom Pain can exist, and, due to that, is hardly more than a demo. It was the first taste of what the new generation of Metal Gear could offer. Snake had never felt so agile, and he had a myriad of tools at his disposal. GZ’s cutscenes are, in my opinion, the best in the series. Kojima had typically avoided violence in previous entries; Snake would always tranquilize or CQC enemies instead of kill them. In Ground Zeroes, however, Kojima established that he would pull no punches and proceeded to show some of the most graphic imagery and storytelling in a game to date. It ends on a bang (xd) that sets up MGSV:TPP beautifully, but, that being said, MGSV:GZ isn’t worth purchasing on its own.

Acho que nem vale um texto sério/focado desse aqui... é uma intro muito boa, uma demo premium por assim dizer, garanto que pra quem jogou na época de lançamento, deve ter dado um gás gigante no hype pelo Phantom Pain, mas jogando hoje em dia, serve mais como um aquecimento mesmo, e um prólogo da história, emendando com o PW

Tendo em vista o preço de lançamento, e o conteúdo extra que o jogo lançou, achei essa uma prática muito boa, já vai acostumando a galera com as mecânicas do jogo e aumenta muito o hype enquanto o prato principal não é servido

Pleasant to play and a very Kojima way to start this new chapter of the Metal Gear story.

difícil avaliar e até comentar sobre considerando que é basicamente uma demo pra criar hype pra the phantom pain mas uma coisa eu posso dizer: graças a esse jogo eu não posso esperar pra jogar TPP

Tirando preço full e essa pratica de merda da Konami, um prologo ridiculamente cativante que te enche de curiosidade pra jogar o Phantom pain.
O conteudo extra desta merda me tirou muita risada.

HIDEO KOJIMA SEX GAME. Curtinho mas com uma lorezinha boa e gameplay boas. É uma espécie de prólogo do MGSV

A good demo for what you will experience with The Phantom Pain, I cant imagine being a MGS fan in 2014 though and having this drop and having it be an hour and a half plus bonus content for 30 bucks. Maybe I'll return one day to 100% it since I like doing that with good games.

one of the best levels in any MGS game

I liked playing ground zeroes one map more than all of The Phantom Pain's big stupid zones, so I think this one wins

The greatest short game to ever come out.

Did not enjoy this at all, to the point that it made me cancel my pre-order of Phantom Pain (which I did eventually play and liked much more). Definitely would've liked it more if it wasn't my introduction to the series - It explains absolutely nothing in terms of the storyline or the gameplay.

Hm. It do be a tech demo, lets make sure we get that out of the way first. Game's like one mission long, which I'm honestly fine with and the level is pretty cool all things considered. This game tries to go for a much darker sort of vibe than what usually goes on in metal gear, and theres some kinda gross scenes that are made grosser by the shiny photorealistic new FOX engine they got going here. Doesn't exactly end on a very positive note either, but I guess that's to set up the Phantom Pain. All in all, don't buy this on its own since there's not enough game here to be worth any price on its own, but if you wanna play phantom pain, you should probably play this first to understand whats goin on

if you view this as a demo for Phantom Pain it’s 10/10, but as a full game it’s alright. Still it’s pretty good for what it brings to the series.

to be honest this games map is somehow 10 times better than TPPs map. Not too big but not too small either. I wish TPP had levels like this instead of just one big desert

Mfs ripped my dumbass off wym 40$ for this!!

It is a single level...that's it...

Essentially a demo for MGS V, that can be beaten in under an hour. Sure, there are extra missions, but that is just filler content. Should have originally been part of MGS V: The Phantom Pain as part of the opening prologue.

I'm just glad I didn't pay money for this, as I got it for "free" as a PS+ member.

Way too expensive for a demo, even with all the content they put in to thos one level.

Existe um mundo onde o Kojima conseguiu idealizar o Metal Gear Solid V que ele queria, dito isso uma pena esse jogo aqui ser só uma tech demo da fox engine e também só uma demo de MGSV

Kojima just forgot about my blud Chico in "Phantom Pain"
RIP awesome concept about Samurai Chico🕯️

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oh this double agent was made in a factory, a BOMB factory.

Por mais que seja apenas um prólogo para o The Panthom Pain, eu curti bastante, só uma missão é de história e as outras por mais que simples são bem divertidas, tem até uma missão em que você resgata o Kojima!
Porém a que eu mais curti foi a missão "Déjà-vu", que disponibiliza uma skin com os gráficos do PS1 para o Snake, e tem várias referências ao MGS de 98, simplesmente maravilhoso!
Agora falando da história, é um bom prólogo, que após ouvir todas as tapes deixa a história bem mais pesada e triste pra caralho.

damn that's crazy! all this, just to suffer!