Reviews from

in the past

HIDEO KOJIMA SEX GAME. Curtinho mas com uma lorezinha boa e gameplay boas. É uma espécie de prólogo do MGSV

e eu q comprei esse jogo, pensando q era um jogo, mas era uma "dlc" do phantom pain, bagulho só tinha uma missão kkkkkk kojima safado

This is the dumbest moment in Metal Gear history and there's a bit in one of the games when you fight a man who can control bees.

Phenomenal for what it is. I had a great time with this and I believe it to be one of, if not the, best examples of gameplay that this series has to offer. That being said, the price of this is ridiculous, and was even more so at launch. Twenty dollars, or thirty at launch, for something you can 100% in then or so hours. Get MGSV Definitive Edition on sale or from a key seller for fifteen bucks or so.

Di certo non lo pagai 40 € al lancio.

Ground Zeroes feels more like a paid demo than a full game. The gameplay is top-notch, sneaking around feels amazing, and the new open-world design is cool... but there's just not much to it. The main story mission is super short, and while the side ops add some replayability, it still feels overpriced for what you get. If you're a diehard MGS fan, you'll probably enjoy it, but if you're expecting a full-fledged Metal Gear experience, you'll be disappointed.

AMAZING, but unfortunately way too short and lacks content.

kinda wish this game did a better job of explaining what happened during peacewalker, considering how peacewalker is kinda inaccessible.

This is not its own game by any means, but if you go into it expecting a prologue for V, it's pretty fun imo. The gameplay seems quite nice and has me excited for V.

I have no idea why did Kojima decide to split the game in two, but GZ seems kinda lame. It lacks interesting content (however, the deja vu and jame vu missions are a joyful addition for old fans), the gameplay is literally a cut version of the one from TPP, and the whole plot is a seed for the TPP, which could've been included in MGSV, but no, let's sell a demo for 20 dollars, okay.

I honestly don't understand this Kojima's move. Literally the Man Who Sold the Demo.

too edgy for absolutely no reason imo

Funcionaria bem como uma demo de Phantom Pain, não vendido como um jogo separado.
It will work out better as a Phantom Pain demo, not an separated game.

Was quite hyped to get into this and V proper, but didn't enjoy my time with this at all, so never tried V either. It looks cool and there are a good amount of options, but I just did not have any fun.

Nunca había terminado un juego por completo y sigue siendo asi porque esto era una demo/prologo, pero me encanto tanto la jugabilidad que me hice todas las misiones y logros posibles.

The man who sold the world yet again in the an open world area. I did also have a great time pairing my phone for air strikes and pickup.

Definitely a Metal Gear Solid game... I did play it, and finish it.

Por mais que seja quase uma demo paga, Ground Zeroes é um prólogo bem divertido de um ótimo jogo de stealth. Pode ter só uma fase, mas você tem várias formas de rejogar ela e diversos objetivos para fazer, o que aumenta muito o fator replay. Recomendo pegar em promoção ou na Definitive Edition de MGSV, que vem junto com TPP.

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oh this double agent was made in a factory, a BOMB factory.

the "its all a dream" ending is absoluetly mindblowing to me, one of the most interesting demos but damn its kinda mid

A great introduction to the more open world gameplay, however the lack of a real progression system due to the game’s odd status as a prologue leaves a little to be desired.

Rating GZ higher than TPP might seem strange given TPP's wealth of content, but that's actually why I consider GZ to be the better game.
Where TPP tries to make an MGS game last for dozens of hours, GZ is half an hour of content that you can get dozens of hours out of. S ranks are far more appealing here than they ever have been in previous MGS games due to the fact that missions here are standalone. And since your score is very specifically detailed to you, you know exactly what to strive for if you want better ranks.
Perhaps it's unfair to rate GZ higher because of what you MIGHT do in a game, but I feel like a game's design truly flourishes when the designers essentially make you WANT to participate in the content they worked hard on.

Fiquei Nike Shocks com o final.

they made physical copies of a demo

This is a glorified demo for MGSV, but damn. It's still good. I don't normally replay games, but this one is short enough and fun enough that I played through it a few times as I waited for MGSV

imagine estar em 2014 e pagar 150 reais por uma demo de the phantom pain

One of the best metal gear games, I loved it, did 100%!