Reviews from

in the past

Finally a game brave enough to ask the question "what would Americans do if they found proof of an extraterrestrial civilization" and also answer it with the truth: "guns"

Map data downloaded! There's a point of interest marked! Head there immediately! IT'S ANOTHER GUN! I CAN'T WAIT TO KILL WHATEVER INVENTED THIS GUN!

Dammit I've tried to play this game so many times but the controls just destroy my hands after 30 mins. A real shame bc it's a technical marvel and I love the setting.

Extremely impressive tech on top of a just fine game.

I was so desperate for an FPS fix on my DS

Its not the worst game ever. The aiming feels loose in comparison to other ds fps games. The core gameplay consists of walking down corridors that have interesting looking things that you cant interact with. One of the boss fights was cool but most of them suck ass. Im not a fan of the metroid prime type of boss fights where you just spam your abilities until you find the one that works. You also dont get that have that many weapons for most of the game, theyre kinda loaded towards the end portion. Theres a little rover you control where you have to shoot green crystals to open doors, these segments shouldnt exist at all. They are boring and monotonous, theres no puzzle or anything and just serve to pad the game out longer.

All the negative being said, The game has some redeeming qualities. The game runs at 60 fps despite looking pretty impressive for the ds. It also has these little car segments which initially sound annoying but the car is pretty fun to control. combat with basic enemies is also fun, i kinda wish the game played more like a slowed down doom in a way, with a bigger focus on dodging projectiles because thats what makes this game fun. I really dig this game aesthetics and how they actually had the balls to make a fps game for the fucking ds, i just wish the game had more to it.

This is "We have Metroid Prime at home".

Incredibly impressive gameplay and art on top of something that's a little too short to be satisfying.

Made by Renegade Kid, who made Dementium. This game is the team's second attempt at making a DS FPS/Horror game. This time, it's on the moon, hence the title. Responsive touch-screen controls, good looking environments and graphics, and fun boss fights. It's kind of on the short side, and never really TOO scary, but it's worth picking up. An improvement over Dementium.

I guess it’s alright. It's the first FPS I played on a handheld like this and I was surprised to find the controls pretty comfortable. The weapons are okay enough, and while the story is kind of cool, it feels a bit underdeveloped. The worst thing about the game for me is the repetitiveness of the gameplay, you're basically always doing the same thing with little variety in the puzzles and just general flow of the game, it doesn't feel very interesting.