Reviews from

in the past

i actually played this absolute classic back in 96 at my buddy alejandros place. it wasn't very fun.
what is important is that i actually met the love of my life, marvin mark, in the game. then i met him in real life and we've been happily married ever since.

sadly, marvin passed away in late 2019 due to an accident involving his rare limited edition PSX that he'd use to play this beaut, and a bathtub. i would do anything to have him back, i miss him so much.

I am a supporter of APAB (All Petscops Are Bastards)

this happened to my buddy eric once

does anyone know when this is coming to xbox

The graphics are very nostalgic coming back to this but idk the gameplay was obtuse for me when I was a kid, and it's kinda boring now. The creature designs are very basic, and some of the puzzles to obtain them are kinda disturbing. It's super short too. Honestly, this whole game seems kinda under baked. It's probably more of a demo more than anything.

I've heard rumors of there being some sort of secret in Roneth's room?? Sounds fake tbh ¯\(ツ)

Looking inside the left side gift box in the Party Room was so cool! I highly recommend playing it to see what’s inside.

A game everyone should play at least once on its original hardware

Loved playing this as a kid, too bad the only thing I could find of it online is this weird ARG thing ah well.

why isnt this a real game, they have the assets 🤨🤨🤨

why the fuck is this on here lmao

anyway yeah petscop was an extremely cool series that nothing else has been able to quite capture the same magic of, the newmaker stuff was kinda insensitive and gross but the creator has been upfront that he views it as a mistake so i don’t think it’s worth being too upset over

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We refuse to rate this as a video game because. Um. It isn't one. How this thing got onto Backloggd is beyond us. (We've seen some claim it's an ARG, but that implies both that there is a "game" to Petscop aside from watching the videos, and it's only "alternate reality" in the sense that it is a piece of fictional media--which, like, we guess that makes all video games Alternate Reality Games. The closest thing is the program that was used to make the videos--which is basically a glorified puppetry set.)

...Our ruminating on why the hey this ended up here aside, all we will say is we're kind of a pervert for ambiguous endings and also this has a KILLER soundscape. Very excited to see what the creator does next.

I saw the sign
And it opened up my eyes, I saw the sign
Life is demanding without understanding


Petscop, the supposed Playstation 1 game developed by Garalina that only exists in the form of a youtube Let's Play, is not a video game. However, Petscop, the 24 episode Youtube Series that weaves together an expansive horror mystery narrative through gameplay and commentary, is a video game. To watch the videos, to interpret why Paul is doing the things he is doing, both in and out of the game, to try and work out the mysterious nature of Petscop as a piece of software, peeling back the layers of symbolism, working out solutions to puzzles alongside Paul, That Is Playing Petscop.

I think Internet Games Database should make a listing for that game I'll totally make one day but haven't gotten around to yet, it's just as real as Petscop because I drew a few pictures for it.

The fact that this is even remembered positively, let alone considered a "timeless masterpiece", endlessly eludes me to this day. Even as a child, I could tell just how shit Petscop was. I wish I could type paragraphs upon paragraphs about how terrible it is, but there is genuinely so little depth that I can barely type a few sentences.

To give you the full picture; in Petscop, there is only one level. And said level has maybe 4 or 5 one minute dead-brained puzzles. That's it. No other levels. No extras menu. No easter eggs. That is ALL of content in this game. Anything else is either unfinished menu options or scrapped pets (which are all left in the game and do nothing).

The only reason I can conjure up that this unfinished, buggy mess of a game is so beloved is either 1. it's one big ironic joke that I'm out of the loop of, 2. I somehow received an unfinished build of the game, but judging by a YouTube video I skimmed through, I don't think that's the case, or 3. some people for some reason REALLY love the visuals, music, and general aesthetic of the game. The ladder is the only case in which I can understand liking this game, but even then, why not give your attention to other actually good, well crafted games instead of this shovelware scam game?

I do not recommend this game under any circumstance. Life is short, go obsess over something else.

moon remix rpg adventure clears sadly

This feels like it was a commission by a desperate MattPat trying to stay relevant

one of the defining pieces of cinema of the 21st century

listen to me talk about Petscop with youtuber David Stockdale (aka Nightmare Masterclass) on my old podcast The Blood Zone here:

the best game i've never played.

petscop is a series that perfectly encapsulates how it feels like to grow up with childhood trauma, memory loss, and a history of abuse. in a story that doesn't shy away from really dark themes (such as death, kidnapping, and possibly csa)—what made me obsess over Petscop from the get-go are the characters, the way they react and live with their respective traumas, and the found family topics that so heavily influence the series. (also: as a system, paul and carrie's story felt so relatable and oh so familiar to me, augh.)

in a way, to me, the appeal of Petscop was how perfectly it played the "guy who found the haunted video game" creepypasta—but with a twist! everything posted at first felt so genuine and realistic. that, combined with the bone-chilling uncanniness of the gameplay, made it a surreal experience. being alone in this cosmic horror altered state made my chest feel heavy.

this little game, with its gorgeous characters, will forever have a special place in my heart.

obviously i didn't play it but it's a masterpiece nonetheless

a really fun puzzler that's just perfect for the whole family

petscop has changed me as a person.