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in the past

Played for 2.5 hours before i got bored.

Very dull shooter. Every combat encounter is played out the same way: you either shoot or you use your instakill, lock on power fist attack. Only somewhat interesting thing that happened is the one time i got sent flying off the map trying to punch someone.

Where do I even start. Do I talk about how Ion Fury is my single favorite indie fps ever made and a near-perfect experience? Do I talk about the Half-Life series, and how it single-handedly kickstarted my love for FPS games, and how the first one is still my favorite overall game ever all these years later? I don't know. Let's just get this over with.

Phantom Fury is not good. It's a buggy, subpar, amateur, unfinished, unfocused mess of a game that clearly needed another year or two to fix all it's problems, and I truly believe that no amount of patches will fix the underlying design issues. It's not the worst indie FPS I've played, nor do I think it is on par with retail DNF or Blood 2, but some of the comparisons are valid in some aspects.

For starters, I want to emphasize: I did not pay for this game because I refuse to support people who both publicly and privately shit on reviewers that THEY THEMSELVES gave out codes for just because they didn't exactly have nice things to say. Not even full on malicious takedowns of the game mind you, just saying they didn't like it and giving constructive criticism about it. But this is a whole another topic entirely.

Let's get the obvious out of the way first: Phantom Fury's inspirations are obvious if you've seen that reveal trailer from 2 years back-- mixing together the pre-existing success of Voidpoint's Ion Fury (which to remind you, that team had NOTHING to do with this game), and blending it together with the linear narrative structure seen in games like Half-Life, and more specifically, the early 2000s-era builds of Duke Nukem Forever.

This is NOT a Half-Life game, nor is it anything CLOSE to the older DNF builds. It tries to be, but it's attempts after the first few levels come down to just reminding you of those games and how you could be playing them instead. Half-Life's level design was incredibly linear, with minimal backtracking save for a few chapters (such as HL1's Blast Pit), usually with a clear objective set by the game and you going from point A to B to C. The level design in Phantom Fury instead mostly comprises of standard, labyrinthian keyhunts you'd see in other more DOOM-inspired games, with little to no signposting to speak of save for an objective list. There was one point where I genuinely got lost for 30 minutes because a fucking ladder blended into the environment and I didn't know I had to go back to where I just was AT THE START OF A LEVEL. It's just so bad.

Let's continue with what to most will be a nitpick, but matters a lot when talking about Half-Life inspired games. What immediately comes to mind when you think of HL's presentation and design? An unbroken first-person narrative, with each area seamlessly transitioning to the next. The game does do this during some of the first few levels, but the illusion is immediately broken by forcing a fade to black and a loading screen with just the game's title art. Half-life's loading screens simply just froze on the last thing you saw as you loaded to the next level, making for only a small break and not taking you out of the setting. And even aside from this, the game just stops trying with seamlessly connecting the levels after the halfway point, simply just teleporting you from one area to the next.

Going back to level design, the layouts are painfully boring, and the location variety is nothing you've seen before in other games. I find it so funny how this game is described by 3DR as a "road trip" game, but really thinking about it, how many places did we go in total? 14 of this game's 18 levels take place in either a desert-like location, or a secret lab of some kind. It's only for the game's final two levels that the variety changes, but even with that, Chicago feels nothing more but a bootleg gm_bigcity but with random enemies placed all over the place. You're mostly stuck to the road with being unable to go inside a lot of buildings, and almost no verticality to speak of. And even with that, most of this game's levels just love to replicate HL1/2's big setpieces except done worse in every way. Remember the helicopter fight in surface tension on the cliffside? Here it is again with basically no level design difference! Remember Water Hazard's chase sequence with all the parked combine cars shooting at you? Here it is again except with a bootleg Halo warthog that controls horribly and no risk of death in an already braindead game! Remember HL2's final few chapters as you storm City 17, with Dr. Breen on the TVs in the background scolding you? Here it is again, except in Chicago with worse level and combat design and no AI squadmates!

Combat and enemy encounter design is an actual joke. 90% of the combat encounters in this game boil down to "here's 20 of the same enemies, have fun!" There is no variation here whatsoever, not helped by the AI being dumb as a sack of bricks. This game loves to throw the zombie enemies at you in large groups and they get so tiring to fight fast, and heavier enemies in groups are just pure bullshit. I played on normal difficulty and this game could not find a medium between purely braindead and pure bullshit. This in particular is where I feel some of the B2 comparison is justified, since it's clear this game wants to be as hard as Ion Fury, yet doesn't understand just why that game was still fair in the first place, and by extension, WHY Half-Life's combat was also challenging yet fair. The EDF soldier AI in the DNF 2001 leak is more intelligent and fun to fight, and it wasn't even for a game that was considered finished, for christ's sake. On top of this, no quicksaves. Only checkpoints. This wouldn't be an issue if this was like a modern DOOM game where it made a checkpoint before and after every enemy encounter, but this game does it whenever the hell it feels like it. I've had to replay 10+ minute sections because I died to one bullshit enemy shot and because the game is so fucking stingy with health pickups and how much they actually give you for the first 2/3rds. How the hell hasn't this company learned since the release of ROTT 2013 to put quicksaves in your retro shooters?

If you think anything in this game is new or would expand upon what we saw in that iconic DNF 2001 trailer, just don't. Aside from a bar level obviously alluding to the Slick Willy and a shield powerup that mechanically isn't different from the riot shield we saw in that trailer, there is nothing new here. It really makes me wonder just how much was even pulled from those old builds. WAS there anything new to pull from? The 01 build had better versions that exist out there that 3DR had ownership to, did they have to cut it out?

The weapons do feel better from the demo, but they still don't feel good at all and don't hold a candle to either DNF01, HL or IF's loadout in terms of raw satisfaction. They honestly feel artificially tweaked, since the only real difference I feel now is that the enemies are more prone to gibbing. Seriously, I'll shoot a guy in the head with the shitty BASE PISTOL, and somehow their leg will come off as well alongside exploding their head. The bowling bombs were done so dirty here. What was once a satisfying addition to build engine explosive weapons is now a frustratingly inconsistent thing that cannot snap onto enemies for the life of them. The Ion Bow is... fine, but it feels signifigantly nerfed from how it was in IF since the charged autofire now has a slower fire rate and now the triple-shot alt fire is replaced with... aiming down sights for some reason. Why? I feel like the loverboy had an alright transition, and the motherflakker is probably the most satisfying weapon period in this game, but that's about it. Everything else just feels bad.

The weapon mods you can find through upgrades are just plain useless for the most part. There's a couple of useful ones like the dual welding for the smgs but the rest either wern't fun to use or gave the weapon obvious downsides (Why do BOTH bowling bomb mods REMOVE the tracking???). I didn't even bother with half of them after a certain point since it was clear most of the actually valuable upgrades were for the arm and suit. On top of this, after the halfway point of the game new weapons you get just don't get mods. At all. Even the selection you have in the game as-is feels pitiful, since some guns only have one mod upgrade for them. This is another thing that just SCREAMS "unfinished and rushed out the door".

The story just makes no sense. Ignoring the fact that this supposedly takes place after Aftershock and Shelly is just fine working with the GDF again after they actively funded Heskel's experiments and hunted her down, this game just tries too hard with trying to make me care. IF didn't need a complicated story other then "stop Heskel", and neither was DNF01 if the leak was anything to go by. The deepest it got was the president having issues with how Duke handled the aliens but that was that. Even with that, literally WHAT was the motivation bootleg general graves had for turning on Shelly? Turning people into cyborgs like Heskel? That'd sure be cool IF WE COULD SEE THAT. And if that wasn't enough, this game has the BALLS to throw in ANOTHER TWIST VILLAIN AT IN THE LAST 5 MINUTES FOR THE SAKE OF ONE FINAL BOSS. Christ, and I thought Wrath's twist was hastily revealed and unnecessary. And it's done so stupidly too, seriously, the exact MOMENT mission control lady started babbling on about how Heskel could've saved the world Shelly should've just shot her on the spot. This game has a large emphasis on melodrama period and it's so fucking cringe. Shelly's entire trauma is that she couldn't defuse one bomb but at the end she IS able to defuse it! Just none of this was needed.

This game has no personality period. Unlike IF where it clearly had attitude from the start and actually had some good laughs here and there, this game doesn't even TRY with that. There's no cool locations or memorable lines at all, it's just a slog the whole way through. Shelly's voice actress sounds like she's just phoning it in here, which is insane to me since she was GREAT in aftershock. There's no punch or snarkiness to her voice, she just sounds done with everyone. The only thing I found funny aside from the occasional bugs was a billboard in the Chicago level reading "A vote for Sneed is a vote against Chuck" and that's just because I think sneedposting is still funny. There's nothing else outside of that, or any clever satirical bits like what we saw in the gun shop in Aftershock's Five finger discount level.

I could go on but honestly I'm getting bored just thinking about this game further. I'd say wait for a heavy discount, but just... no, don't even bother. You're not missing out if you skip this, and there's plenty of experiences for either less or the same amount as this game that are more worth your time.

Do you want to see what DNF01 could've been like? Play the restoration project. It's just one chapter, but it's a hell of a lot more enjoyable then this alongside being free.

Do you want a Half-Life campaign that FEELS like a continuation of the games on top of expanding on the gameplay and universe of HL2? Play Entropy Zero 2. It's absolutely free and is made by people who actually understand Half-Life's design philosophy.

Do you want a fun yet challenging retro shooter? Play Ion Fury. It's the exact same price as Phantom Fury yet is a much better experience and feels fresh the whole way through. Even for 10 bucks more the Aftershock bundle is well worth the money.

And yknow, some might look at this game, without looking at all the other shady dev and pr comments, saying "well, it's not THAT bad!", and yknow what, it is playable. But it isn't fun. Playable should be the minimum expected here, and everything I listed above is an experience more worth your time and money.

I am just done with 3DR after this. Unless it's for something like Cultic I'm not bothering with anything Slipgate Ironworks has involvement with. Never again.

At least Core Decay is safe I think.

Slipgoat Ironworks with another 10/10 unforgettable, unmissable title. How do they keep doing it?

As someone who enjoyed Ion Fury and Ion Fury: Aftershock, I was really excited at the reveal of Phantom Fury. It captures the visuals of a late 90s/early 2000s FPS. Regardless of what I have to say about it later, it absolutely nailed its graphical style.

I played the Phantom Fury demo in anticipation and in the nicest way possible, I would be fucking embarrassed if I was the one to release a demo in that state. I was hoping that they would delay the game to iron out its glaring issues and a lot of people felt the same way, then they announced that the game would be released 6 months later. From there I went in with very low expectations.

Phantom Fury is a skinwalker taking the identity of Half-Life 1 and 2 alongside the early builds of Duke Nukem Forever. With its nostalgic visuals, it hides such a blatantly unfinished, buggy and half-assed game inside that's trying to lure you in based on its looks, vibes and its John Blade cameo, because kids these days totally know what SiN is and who this John Blade guy is when he only appears for 30 seconds. While I don't agree with people calling Phantom Fury the new generation Blood 2 (because I would gladly replay this over Blood 2 any day of the week), if people are making those comparisons, you've seriously fucked up.

Phantom Fury wants to be Half-life 1 and 2 so badly, its got all the set pieces like a jeep section, except the jeep is a Halo Warthog that controls like a drunken ice skater, with instances of cars shooting at you with rockets like in the Water Hazard chapter. Its got helicopter fights like in Surface Tension, except they don't work here because the AI is beyond stupid. You can replicate Half-Life's set pieces all you like, it's not a substitute for good level design. It's like the game is jangling keys at you trying to jog your nostalgia for a much better game while you play this slog. The levels range from desert region to tech-base and that's all there is to it. I get that the game is trying to invoke that feeling again, but it's 2024, we don't need all these physics-based puzzles in here like the technology for that stuff hasn't been around for 20 years. The level structure constantly goes through an identity crisis. Phantom Fury can't decide whether it wants to be a linear narrative experience, or a classic key hunt with excessive backtracking through the same looking hallways that you will get lost in because there is no sense of direction. Maybe instead of adding in all those quirky environmental interactions so you hopefully tug at people's nostalgia, you instead devoted that time into some better level design.

Onto the combat, it's so weightless like in the demo. Yeah they added in proper gibbing but nothing packs a punch, the automatic weapons feel like staplers and the shotguns feel like a gentle sneeze. The bowling bombs are so unreliable and bounced off enemies most of the time that I ended up never using them towards the end, the Motherflakker reloads too slowly for it to be useful as a crowd clearing weapon, the Ion Bow feels like a shell of its former self and instead of its very useful alt-fire, RMB is now for aiming down the sights like in Half-Life because why? Once again the Loverboy got the most use out of me, even if its lock on alt-fire feels slower, less snappy and has this annoying bug where it can lock on to props such as laptops. Seriously, how does this shit even make it into the final product? You can buy weapon mods for some of your guns. Yes, only a few weapons have purchasable mods. It's like they never finished the full weapon mod line-up. The weapons that do get mods though either have two or only one and it just feels unfinished. Am I supposed to believe that the standard shotgun was only gonna come with ONE weapon mod whereas that foam gun I never used came with two, and the fucking Ion Bow gets NO mods?

Enemies barely flinch or react to getting shot and when they die, they just ragdoll awkwardly. I'm not talking Painkiller ragdolls where enemies are sent flying across arenas in a satisfying way, I'm talking Source engine ragdolls that collapse onto themselves when you unfreeze them with the physics gun in Gmod. Enemies are on the spongey side and the game's way of making them difficult is to just send 20 of them bunched up in your direction, tanking your frame rate in the process. It also doesn't help that the AI is dumb as shit. Sometimes they take cover in the open, most of the time they get stuck on level geometry, and a frighteningly common occurrence were enemies just stand around doing nothing as if I'm not even there. I played this game on Hard and it felt so inconsistent. Sometimes the game would just freely give you health, armour and ammo for an hour for really basic fights, then it'll pull some insane resource conservation shit onto you during the tougher fights.

The story is laughably bad. Why is Shelly siding with the GDF again? They're acting like nothing happened in Aftershock. The Colonel just becomes a twist villain as he betrays you out of nowhere and after killing him, you have to fight ANOTHER FUCKING TWIST VILLAIN that comes way out of left-field and makes no sense. The game tries really hard to make you feel bad for Shelly, but it doesn't work when you hamfist her "tragic" past and trauma to the player and then she gets over it in a single anti-climatic cutscene.

I can't believe I paid $32 fucking Australian dollars for this unfocused, undercooked mess. I fucking gave Slipgate Ironworks and modern day 3D Realms my hard-earned money for this shit. I got Wrath: Aeon of Ruin and Graven from a cheap bundle and finished their early access campaigns ages ago and I'm terrified on what those games have become on their full releases when I eventually replay them.

I do not recommend Phantom Fury and to 3D Realms/Slipgate Ironworks, you guys gotta pull your shit together, because acting all pissy and childish towards reviewers in private who rightfully criticised your unfinished product that you gave out early copies for is not gonna fix this. Don't bite the hands that feed you.

While the beginning was alright, the further you go into the game, the more you start to realize how unfinished this game is - with developers breaking even most basic game design ideas for seemingly no reason - like for example, if you miss a rocket launcher in one of the levels, you will be given ammunition for it all the time later in the game, but you'll never find the weapon itself ever again aside from that ONE SINGLE point in the game. Or for example making sure, when - if you've just completed a driving section and now you are in a smaller section where you have to finds elements to progress, to lock the player into the area in order to not make him drive for like 5 min to the beginning of the level. Then of course you have bugs, story that goes nowhere and generally you ever forget exists until some cutscene happens after like 2 or 3 levels. This would be a mediocre shooter with a cool aesthetic - but Slipgate yet again managed to mess it up.

Never let these mfs make a single video game ever again

No me parece un mal juego, especialmente si tienes muchas ganas de jugar un single-player shooter a lo Half Life. Te pegas tus disparitos, conduces un par de vehículos, haces un par de puzzles sencillos y a tirarlo por la ventana.

Pero entre que no tiene los mejores checkpoints y que se me ha hecho repetitivo y largo no he podido ponerle más nota. Encima la mitad del tiempo que he jugado ha sido buscando dónde coño ir. Los mapas no están bien señalizados, y me he encontrado dando vueltas o buscando algún gameplay más de una, dos y tres veces...

Normalmente los shooter single player son mi género de comfort, pero con éste sólo me lo he pasado bien las primeras 2-3 horas. Jugar a partir de ahí ha sido un trabajo sin mucho sentido. Igualmente para quitarte el gusanillo del género no me parece mal, especialmente las primeras misiones.

Wanted to like this but the experience is undercooked, hollow and dull

Posso resumir toda a experiência de Phantom Fury com uma única palavra: frustração. Frustração não pelos problemas de otimização e balanceamento, mas pela forma como o jogo matou uma das personagens mais carismáticas da nova leva do gênero Boomer Shooter.

Desde seu anúncio o jogo vem causando problemas, seja através da demonstração que distanciou o grupo que ajudou a popularizar o jogo anterior ou pelos diversos elementos não bem otimizados. Obviamente que isso não ficou somente na parte de pré-lançamento, pois em sua primeira semana de análises também tivemos problemas entre desenvolvedores e canais que ajudavam na divulgação, mas tal discussão não influenciou muito minha opinião e de certa forma tenho um arrependimento em relação.

Sendo bem sincera, logo no início temos uma apresentação bastante convincente de que aqui teremos mais um jogo com a Shelly Harrison, ou seja, temos aquela sensação incrível de combate, exploração e diversão. Porém, o que deveria ser um jogo simples e feito com certo carinho acabou se mostrando totalmente o contrário e você pode escolher o que causou tal impressão: a apresentação de balanceamento sem sentido, enredo jogado sem apego e acima de tudo um ambiente sem qualquer alma e personalidade.

Para muitos o enredo não deve ser algo importante, mas a descaracterização que o acompanha é um motivo de preocupação e Phantom Fury é um exemplo perfeito disso. Entendo que os desenvolvedores tentaram criar uma conexão entre os outros jogos, que possuem uma variação de triste para divertida, porém nem tudo precisa ser necessariamente contado ou melhor dizendo, nem tudo precisa ter a adição de um elemento forçado para mulheres.

A gameplay também segue um padrão parecido, começando com uma variação considerável de armas e com munição suficiente para te fazer pensar em acertar locais importantes, mas rapidamente se torna um arsenal tão desequilibrado que metade das armas distribuídas acabam ficando sem utilidades e a quantidade exorbitante de munição te faz questionar se eles realmente testaram o jogo antes de lançar. Como joguei na maior dificuldade acabei descobrindo algumas problemáticas maiores em relação a isso tudo, principalmente na parte dos chefes que são mais fáceis do que os inimigos comuns e por falar neles, preciso destacar que a ideia de transformar todo mundo em esponjas de bala não foi eficiente para suprir a distribuição abundante de munição e só tornou toda a campanha repetitiva e desinteressante.

A ideia de criar um jogo com o intuito de deixar o jogador livre para explorar e encontrar as respostas sozinho é normalmente bem aceita, mas caso não bem desenvolvido o elemento que deveria tornar a campanha divertida se torna um alvo de reclamações e falta de conexão com o próprio sistema, forçando o jogador a abandonar pelo cansaço.

O único ponto realmente positivo está na parte artística e gráfica, esse estilo estranho é algo característico e torna toda a apresentação seja dos inimigos ou do ambiente realmente único, mesmo os modelos que não parecem terem sido tratados com cuidado também tornam a visão agradável o suficiente para esquecer os problemas gritantes. Uma pena não terem mantido toda a qualidade apresentada até o final, pois ficou bem perceptível que os desenvolvedores se preocuparam bem mais em colocar fotos do que desenvolver um ambiente vivo e rico em exploração. Falando em exploração, se você espera encontrar algo parecido com o anterior pode esquecer, Phantom Fury não possui nada pra explorar ou encontrar, logo não existe necessidade de sair da rota linear que o jogo proporciona.

Se tem uma coisa que odeio é negativar uma análise, mesmo em jogos que sinto não serem do meu interesse, mas Phantom parece ser uma exceção. No estado atual acho que esse pode ser um jogo a ser evitado, não por ter graves problemas de otimização ou por estar quebrado, mas pelo processo de desgaste e francamente, por existir uma opção muito mais rica, engraçada e divertida, chamada Ion Fury.

Bizarro como eu só tive bugs nesse jogo. Eu vim esperando algo similar a um Duke Nukem ou algo do tipo e acabei recebendo um dos jogos mais bugados desse ano. Apesar de o estilo de arte ter chamado muito minha atenção e ter achado tudo nela incrível, eu, infelizmente, não posso dizer o mesmo do restante... Jogabilidade ruim, IA dos inimigos lenta e fora os diversos bugs e mal funcionamento do game que contribuem para uma péssima experiência. Tentei de coração jogá-lo e achar pontos positivos em relação a ele, mas percebi que estava me forçando demais para achar alguma diversão e resolvi simplesmente dropar.

sneedgate feedworks idk i got nothing man fuck this shit

I've only played it for four and a half hours but I feel like I've seen everything this thing has to offer. One of the biggest disappointments of my gamer life (looking at you Dark Souls 2). People are right when they say that this is the equivalent of Blood 2, Ion Fury being Blood 1 in this case. Now that I think about it, go play the much better prequel instead.

That is a tough one, for sure. Clocking just under 8 hours, you can see the potential of a great game, but there are many problems. "Phantom Fury" is clearly unpolished; it's a hitscan galore with dumb AI (to the game's defense, recent shooters pretty much all have that problem) and music so in the background and bland that I can't remember a single track even after just finishing the game. The story is so simple I could summarize it in a few sentences.

One thing I must give the game credit for, is the level variety and its pixel graphics, which are top of the line (though performance is really lacking). But even after all that, I had fun "some/most" of the time. It could be because there are so few games like this anymore and I was just craving a half-like. I'll admit it might just be a 2.5, but I'll push it to a 3... I really hope Slipgate Ironworks where pushed by Embracer Group to release their games unfinished and now that they are no longer under their control, they can release games to their full potential.

The fact that I like Half-life, and admire the original Ion Fury, didn`t guarantee pleasure from Phantom Fury (a sequel, but from other devs), I received only 12 hours of unbearable boredom, the game simply has nothing to surprise, there’s nothing to show that you haven’t already seen, although the game has some interesting beginnings, as well as excellent work with the Unity engine, only in terms of visual.. You know it`s like sequels to suddenly successful films from major studios, when the publisher decided that you can build an entire franchise on this, “Phantom Fury” feels like such an aimless studio product, although what sky-high profits are they counting on for a specific boomer-shooter, which stood out mainly for its technical work with the “Build engine” of the 1990s and 2D art design?
It’s difficult to classically describe the gameplay of the game, because they were trying to create a reference/copy from literally every more or less recognized shooter, the list of things I thought about could be endless.. so I would spoil your only pleasure, if you suddenly decide play it for yourself (and what kind of epic nostalgic music is constantly playing, you would know, as if you should just flow from every moment of the game - no),
But still corу gameplay is a rather interesting mix, enemies constantly run across, like in Half-life, different types can “lively” fight with each other in arenas (and btw shoot each other in the back - it can be very useful, but I don’t know if it’s intended that way), mechanically in terms of gunplay - this is also, approximately HL, but rather the second part, but at first everything happens in the surroundings of endless sci-fi corridors ala "Black Mesa", but the pace of the character is slower, run by pressing shift not holding, Shelley "Bombshell" higher and heavier, just like in the recent “RoboCop” 2023, so the heads of enemies in our sight are much smaller and seem more frisky, and in hand-to-hand combat we take out any enemy with 1 click with an endless and short recharge of our robotic arm, 2nd ability shield from the same hand,
There is stealth from sniper towers, which explode only by throwing a grenade, here "manhacks" (and not only it) suddenly fly out of the ventilation, and sometimes run into their own trap mines, the turrets must be destroyed by following the wire that leads to the shield, but you can do it head-on, they hung with different types of ammo throughout the whole game,
There is object physics, but it’s default, and doesn’t allow you to “play”; you’ll often fly up somewhere due to run boost because of it, and you can also abuse the system by building a mountain of folders and climbing somewhere without solving the necessary puzzle, in HL2 2004 there were no such ill-conceived moments, the only justification for the presence of physics in the PF game is the enemies ability to throwing of objects blocking their path.. there is also a funny moment about the player`s ability to open any trash can or office drawer, as if the prop assets were copied from the engine, but not once out of 100 pieces didn`t have anything inside - that’s the “charm” of template engines, although I’m not against modern colorful effects and dismemberment,
At the same time, the second game that the Phantom Maiden most resembles is Halo, which is logical, in 2001 it received almost 100-point ratings on Metacritic. The Halo is visible in half of the platformer's mountain levels of the game, where they often allow you to drive an SUV from 3rd person, and, of course, turrets can be removed from racks (btw, at the beginning where you don`t have this ability yet there is a cool backtracking moment when we pass through the same turret several times, and there are exactly as many cartridges in the clip as there are enemies), and well, there’s also a reference to the parasitic “Flow”, unlike Half-Life moments, this cannot be called a direct imitation, everything is in the form of mixes, vibes, and your conjectures, but I’m sure that the developers looked at “Halo” (but lacking shield enemies to complete the picture),
By the way, despite the fact that the game is mostly linear, the “arena-shooterness” is imparted by the destructions of barriers, which does not allow you to sit in one place, as it could be done in almost any shooter, although the bosses-helicopters (yes, yes, the most ordinary helicops straight from the first hl which are repeated several times) done quite the opposite - standing behind a wall and shooting at a pixel is easy way to win.. damn, and also this bait from a trawler about piloting, this is another mini-game, that is, essentially just a rail shooting scvene - we only control the sight, the rest of the side entertainment is just as basic, I don’t see any point in mentioning it, the plot is the same, there are only 10-second cutscenes with a couple of lines from animated characters for some reason (for what?), and the finger/hand of the main character, which she always points to someone,
Why did they also connect this with the universe of the “Sin” games with such a conversation (well, there’s just a remake from 3D Realms coming, you know), adding another unnecessary pistol to the already overloaded arsenal, in general, weapons in Fanta are more or less fine, have 2 types of shooting, which open in a simple upgrading, but these are far from those awesome designs from Ion Fury - it doesn’t look the same in 3D, our electric baton is now used less often and charges very small shields, not generators, but although another key feature - bowling grenades came in handy here much more often,
You can also endlessly criticize game for technical flaws, I have already assumed that the game is purely a publishing request (considering what serious financial losses 3D Realms is currently experiencing), the game was postponed from 2023, the final location didn`t even have time to be tested, there are lanterns hanging in the air, and invisible walls are in the wrong places, enemies always don’t see you, and if they do, they can freeze trying to shoot through the barrier, or they can fall into ledges, the turret can kill itself by shooting into its own debris, and the helicopter-boss can fly into space from your shotgun shot, in the story cutscene it may be unclear where to go, there is a very unintuitively made weapon-tool-saw, which can help in backtracking and requires searching for batteries and charging stations,

The Slipgates hardly expected to create a masterpiece for all time, but they weren’t even given time to come up with a overall creative vision for the game; it turned out to be just another boomer shooter with a couple of good arenas, the buyers of which were angry fans of the diamond original, a game-phenomenon, the repetition of which will most likely be impossible, although the idea itself of technically repeating each eara of the great shooters is not bad, I would like to see the final Ion Fury 2 in the graphics of the Playstation 3 generation, but now, alas.

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То, что мне нравиться первый и второй Half-life, и восхищает оригинальный Ion Fury 2019 года, совершенно не гарантировало мне удовольствие от Phantom Fury (сиквел, но от других разрабов), я получил лишь 12 часов невыносимой скуки, игре просто нечем удивить, нечего показать из того, чего вы уже не видели, хотя интересные зачатки в игре присутствуют, а также тут прекрасная работа с движком Unity по части визуала.. Знаете, как бывают сиквелы внезапно успешных фильмов от крупных студий, когда издатель вдруг решил, что на этом можно построить целую франшизу, "Призрачная ярость" чувствуется вот таким бесцельным студийным продуктом, хотя на какую заоблачную прибыль вы рассчитываете для специфичного жанра бумер-стрелялки, которая выделялась, в основном, именно технической работой с движком "Build engine" 90-ого года и 2D-арт-дизайном?
Сложно классически описать геймплей игры, ибо тут как-будто бы пытались создать отсылку/скопировать буквально от каждого более менее заметного шутера, перечислять на что я подумал можно было бы бесконечно, поэтому зачем.. так я бы заспойлерил бы вам единственное удовольствие, если вы вдруг надумаете поиграть сами (а какая же эпическая ностальгическая музыка играет просто постоянно вы бы знали, будто вы должны прям течь с каждого момента игры - нет!),
Но всё таки кор. геймплей представляет из себя достаточно занятный микс, враги постоянно перебегают, как в Half-life, разные типы могут "живо" сражаться друг с другом на аренках (и кст друг дружке в спину стрелять тож - очень полезно бывает, но хз задумано ли так), механически по ганплею - это тоже, примерно, Халфа, но, скорее вторая, но происходит поначалу всё в антураже бесконечных сай-фай коридоров аля "Блек Мезы", а вот темп персонажа помедленнее, бежать на нажатие шифта, а не удерживание, Шелли "Бомбшелл" выше и тяжеловеснее, прям как в недавнем "Робокопе" 2023 года, поэтому головёшки врагов в нашем прицеле гораздо меньше и кажутся более резвыми, а в рукопашке мы выносим любого врага с 1 нажатия с бесконечной и короткой перезарядкой нашей робо-руки, на 2 способность из руки вылезает щит,
Тут есть стелс от снайперских вышек, которые взрываются только закидыванием гранаты, тут "манхаки" (и не только) резко вылетают из вентиляций, и иногда набегают на свои же trap-мины, турели надо уничтожать, прослеживая за проводом, который ведёт к щитку, но можно и в лобовую, их напихали разных видов на протяжении всей игры,
Тут есть физика предметов, но дефолтная, не позволяющая "играться" как в Халфе, зачастую вы будете куда-то подлетать из-за ран буста, а также вполне можете абузить систему выстраивая гору папок и закарабкиваясь куда-то без решения необходимой головоломки, таких непродуманных моментов в HL2 2004 года уже не было, единственное оправдание наличия физики в Фантоме - это швыряние преграждающих путь врагам предметов в нас.. тут ещё есть забавный момент возможности открытия любого мусорного бака или офисного ящика, будто ассеты пропов скопировали из движка, но ни разу из 100 штук ни разу ничего не положили в них - вот вам и "прелесть" шаблонных движков, хотя против современных красочных эффектов и расчленёнки я не против,
При этом второй игрой, на которую наиболее смахивает Фантомная фурия я бы назвал - Halo, что логично, в 2001 году она получила почти 100-бальные оценки на Метакритике, Хало видится в половине рельефных платформенных горных уровнях игры, где зачастую дают по управлять внедорожником от 3-его лица, и, конечно, турели можно будет снимать со станков (кстати, в начале они не снимаются и есть прикольный бэктрекинговый момент, когда мы несколько раз проходим через одну и ту же турель, в итоге патронов хватает прям ровно до нуля) ,а ну ещё отсылка на паразитный "Поток", в отличии от Халф-Лайфа это нельзя назвать прямой имитацией, всё в виде миксов, вайбов, и ваших домыслов, но я уверен, что разрабы на "Гало" оглядывались (ток врагов-щитовиков не хватило для полной картины),
Кстати, несмотря на то, что игра в большинстве линейная, "арена-шутерности" придаёт разрушение заграждений, не дающее засесть в 1 месте, как можно почти в любом шутере, хотя боссы-вертолёты (да да, самые обычные вертолёты прям из первой хл, которые повторяются несколько раз), именно таким способом - вставания за стеночкой и расстрелом пикселя, легко побеждаются.. блииин, а как же ещё байтил трейлер полётом на вертолёте, в итоге это очередная мини-игра, то есть по сути просто тир - мы управляем только прицелом, остальные побочные развлечения такие же базовые смысла упоминать не вижу, с сюжетом тоже самое, есть только 10-секундные катсцены с парой реплик зачем-то анимированных персонажей (ради чего?), и тыканьем главной героини в кого-то пальцем,
Зачем они ещё 1 таким разговором это связали со вселенной игр "Sin" (а ну там просто ремейк от 3Д Рилсмов на горизонте понимаете), дав к итак перегруженному арсеналу ещё один ненужный пистолет,
в целом, оружие в Фанте "сдобно стреляет", имеет по 2 вида стрельбы, которые открываются в простенькой прокачке, но это далеко не те охеренные дизайны из Ion Fury - в 3D уже выглядит не так, наша электрическая дубинка теперь используется реже и заряжает очень маленькие щитки, а не генераторы, но хотя ещё одна ключевая фишка в виде боулинговых гранат тут мне пригождалась гораздо чаще,
Можно долго ругать ещё за технические огрехи, я уже предположил, что игра чисто издательский запрос (учитывая какие серьёзные финансовые убытки 3D Realms сейчас переживает), игру переносили с 2023, и, финальную локацию даже не успели дотестить, там фонари висят в воздухе, и невидимые стены бывают не в тех местах, враги постоянно тебя не видят, а если видят, то могут зависнуть, пытаясь стрелять через заграждение, а могут свалиться в уступы, турель может убить себя в свой же обломок, а босс-вертолёт может улететь в космсос от выстрела дробовика, в сюжетной катсцене может быть непонятно куда идти, есть очень не интуитивно сделанное оружие-инструмент-пила, которая может помочь в бэктрекинге и требует нахождения аккумуляторов и зарядных станций,

Врядли "Слипгейтсы" претендовали прям на шедевр на все времена, но им не дали времени даже придумать общее творческое видение игры, получился просто ещё один бумер-шутер c парой неплохих аренок, покупателями которого стали разгневанные фанаты бриллиантового оригинала, повторить феномен которого, наверное, невозможно, хотя сама идея каждую часть технически повторять великие шутеры того времени неплохая, я бы хотел завершающий Ion Fury 2 в графике поколения Playstation 3, но теперь, увы.

😊 Поддержка подпиской:

Ever since Phantom Fury was announced, I was very excited. I really like the overall look of the game. It's a sort of modern version of the graphics from the year 2000, and the artists have done a good job of creating a visually appealing title.

However, the game itself is sadly very disappointing. It feels like an aimless project that isn't sure what it wants to be. It's like Ion Fury, but without the fun and violent action nor the clever level design. It's very inspired by Half-Life 1 and 2, but without the well crafted narrative structure that makes the adventure engaging. It's like DNF 2001, but without the charm or the humor. It's even a tiny bit like Deus Ex, but without the complex mechanics and systems that make immsim so interesting to explore.

Combat is at best dull, at worst frustrating, especially because of the bullet spongy enemies and the lack of quick saves which sometimes forces you to replay a 5 minutes sequence all over again.
Enemies' AI is shockingly stupid, even for a small indie title. They often get stuck and stop attacking the player.

The developers had fun implementing numerous interactions with the environment. At first, this seems cool, but it quickly ends up feeling pointless and superficial. There's no gameplay purpose, and it's also inconsistent since some buttons can be pressed or objects picked up, but many others are purely decorative. Honestly they should have used the time spent making those interactions to improve the core gameplay instead.

Phantom Fury is a very unfocused game. It is ambitious and tries to do a lot of things (there are even some completely unnecessary vehicle sequences, or HL2-styled physics-based puzzles that seem to be there just for the sake of it), but everything feels half-baked, from the gameplay to the story (what story?). There are also a lot of bugs, such as scripts that don't execute properly and force us to reload the previous checkpoint. The bugs can be fixed, but I don't think the adventure will improve with a few patches.