Reviews from

in the past

I beat this game while taking a shit

For Pokémon Rumble fans, this sequel to the WiiWare original feels like it takes the concepts of that game and expands on them immensely. A meatier plot, more stages, a huge world to explore, and more await you in this game. The gameplay is the same from the original, but having access to more Pokémon and new moves helps give this game some extra life. I think it's definitely worth a play through!

I remember being really mad when this game came out because it was during that weird time where Nintendo released their games on Mondays but Gamestop wouldn't actually start selling them until Tuesday, so middle school me basically threw a fit because I couldn't play my funny Pokemon game on my shiny new 3DS. It turned out I hadn't even pre-ordered it and I ended up getting it from a Target. The game itself was pretty simple, but things like the overworld and story expanded upon the original game in a lot of cool ways, so I had fun with it.

nothing too exciting, its fun to mess around with but not anything too special

There's randomly a story here but there are no shinies and it's 40 fucking dollars.

they made pokemon rumble an actual game with no micro transactions one (1) time and decided never to do it again. are they stupid?

Pokemon Rumble but way better

fun as hell but i despise grinding for legendaries going through the same dungeon 100 times for the 5% chance of a legendary which could be one you already have

My first physical 3DS game so I'm probably nostalgia-biased. I really like the typical Rumble gameplay for some reason. Why couldn't have been normal and played the Colosseum games or PMD as a kid?

Quaint when you’re in the mood for it and unbearable if you’re not. The goofy 3D models are the highlight.

Again, mindless but weirdly fun. Worth a go if you can just get it for free.

i could never beat this game as a kid, not because it was too hard, but because it took about a million hours to actually complete it

Super fun for 10-year-old me. Kinda wanna come back to it

This was the first Pokémon game I completed! almost 10 years ago! Great Spin-off, just wish there were shinies in the game, so it could be the perfect successor the of wii title.

play this game if you want to know how it feels to be braindead

fun to turn off your brain and press a and b

edit: yeah this got abandoned real quick its a little too mindless to be fun after 10 or 12 stages

what did the dark rust battle theme go so hard for

idk if it's because i was a stupid baby when i played this or what but nothing felt very explained so all i did was roam around and fight that one zebra pokemon

I liked it when i was a stupid mindless kid

You think it would be easy to improve upon the formula of the original rumble but this is not good. This game somehow is more repetitive and boring than the frist game. It is a formula that does not need a full retail release and the title is very misleading as there is nothing BLAST about this game.

This is 100% just nostalgia speaking but holy frick I love this game

I think I developed my ADHD and chronic shiny trampoline addiction because of this game

the ui is horrid and the story is generic but the gameplay is really fun and its one of the best pokemon spinoff games

the story here was actually pretty good this time around and it was pretty fun to explore especially compared to the original Rumble. shame that after this the Pokemon Company decided Rumble was too good to continue being good so they kept introducing mediocre sequels after this game

An underrated 3DS launch-year title. I loved Pokemon Rumble on the Wii, so I was very excited for this game as well. There's a large difficulty spike near the end of the campaign that I was never able to beat.