Reviews from

in the past

To all the Pokémon fans who unanimously agreed these were a weak point in the series - I pity you. Game Freak goes full-blazing and warps the original continuity of vanilla Sun and Moon into something more... "definitive?" Definitive is a incorrect choice of words, as GF instead cranks up integral values of the Poke-experience and leads you to play the boom-based mess left. The writing is uniquely strange and diverges to the point where it just sort of hinders whatever story beats you thought were going to be hit next - most characters have mild-ish growth but god-dammit you'll learn to love these guys so much (giving the professor a personality?). Fights are too easy and then on the same route too hard when US/UM decides it wants to have a difficulty spike day. Key elements of a game most find cumbersome - but this is what Pokémon is. Be charmed by this game like I did - or don't. Tropical settings are neat. Pokémon forms are awesome. Gladion and Lillie are forever my little scrimblos.

Cash grab. Only buy this version if you didn't play Sun/Moon.

Not to be controversial, but I always walk with a parachute just in case Rowlet tells me to jump off a bridge (I can't say no to him, he's too cute).

What can I say? I'm still playing this game just to breed pokémon and to beat the League and get the Champion Ribbon for my favorite monsters. Ultra Moon and Ultra Sun could have been FAR WAY better... The extra features added are not the best but are fun enough. As a long time follower of the franchise I can't say that much as I was playing like crazy anyways. In general I think these games should have been Sun and Moon in the first place, and the "Ultra ones" something bigger and better as BW2 back in the day. But here I am playing this today.

I must defend the alola games on the internet

odio este juego con lo que podría haber sido un sol y luna con tiempo a terminar y nos dan esto

vale, me paso, y vale que técnicamente haya mazo contenido y arreglen algún problema e incluso terminen algún arco de personaje pero SIGUE SIENDO IGUAL DE COÑAZO Y

joden totalmente la historia y a los mejores personajes cómo coño SE ATREVEN cuando lo mejor y la razón por la que te puede gustar mucho el anterior es por esa historia y momentos que quitan

nunca me veréis hablar con tanta energía de algo serio

Screw those Sharpedos in Manine Surfin

yup, it’s the exact same game as the last one but with a worse story but more enjoyable gameplay so it’s slightly better, just still not good

suffered ridiculously hard from being released one year before pokemon finally started the DLC model; if og sun/moon got a season pass with the Ultra Megalopolis Episode and the Rainbow Rocket Episode then they might be the best pokemon games ever but having a second game that's very very similar but swaps out the exceptional story climax of the lillie family with the (also extremely good) ultra megalopolis segment and the mina trial feels unfortunate. like there's no Best way to experience gen 7. either you miss the best character moment or you miss the best Region Lore moment and the best trial and the cool postgame and the better dex.

---{ Art Direction / Graphics }---
☐ Picasso
☐ Very Good
☐ Good
☑ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Finger Painting

---{ gameplay }---
☐ Addicting
☐ Very Good
☑ Good
☐ Average
☐ Bad
☐ Watching Grass grow

---{ Audio }---
☐ eargasm
☐ Very Good
☑ Good
☐ Average
☐ Bad
☐ Earape

---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Pantheon Of PAINNNNNNN
☐ Difficult
☐ Hard
☐ Medium
☐ Button Mash

---{ Length }---
☐ No Ending
☐ Extremely Long (90-110 hours)
☐ Long (50-90 hours)
☐ Average (15-50 hours)
☑ Short (3 - 15 hours)
☐ Very Short (1 - 3 hours)

---{ Story }---
☐ Will Make You Cry And Laugh
☐ Amazing
☐ Good
☑ Average
☐ Bad
☐ What Story?

have a living dex on this game but it still fucking sucks

Never actually finished this one, but I'll probably get around to it. Sun & Moon with a few extra steps and a better story

This one is better than the original, but it's so similar that it just makes me wish the original never existed

This is a hard mode for Pokémon Moon packaged as a full-price game. The story is slightly worse, with some weird irrelevant sci-fi plot grafted onto it & the removal of some of the best scenes from the original.

I liked that it was more challenging than the average Pokémon game. But otherwise, it's a hard pass - especially if you've played the original, because for over half the game it's almost entirely a copy/paste job.

Pokemon Ultra Moon is the absolute worst Pokemon game. A bad game not only by Pokemon standards, but by game standards in general. The entire game is a tutorial until the end, not exaggerating. I've never played a game that holds your hand as much as this and completely prevents the player from exploring. What's the point of playing an RPG that restricts the player solely to the main storyline?? Just a complete lack of depth, not only in story or character development, but in gameplay and every other aspect. Such a shame because I'm a huge fan of the unique Hawaiian-inspired Alolan region. Some of its exclusive regional pokemon are pretty cool too. I got to the elite four and, without ever battling them, abandoned the game out of spite. I have never been so disappointed with a game.

Resolvi experimentar algum diferente nesse jogo, um mono color black + soulink nuzlock( foi uma jornada bem diferente do que eu imaginei, começando já de inicio perdendo os iniciais , eu pensava que séria um desafio bem mais fácil , mas ao decorrer dele foi bem desafiador e perdi bastante pokémons no caminho é o tempo de duração do desafio foi ficando cada vez mais longo, até que eu com 62 horas de jogo ainda estava indo para reta final do gamer até que algum infelizmente acontece o guzma acabou levando todo meu time e assim encerrando o desafio, mas foi muito divertido a experiência de jogar com um amigo sofrendo em vários momentos), enfim falando do jogo em si, esse jogo tem uma trilha sonora muito boa e para o console ele é muito bastante bonito, mas apesar de vários pontos muitos belos ele não tem nenhum lugar marcante não tem nenhum lugar que fica na sua mente que seja memorável igual outras regiões passadas, isso também segue para os personagens são bastante coadjuvantes, o rival não tem presença nenhuma a personagem que vai te acompanhando durante a jornada apesar de ter carisma ela não tem tanta presença assim, a ideia da troca de ginásios por desafios é uma ideia interessante para se diferencia , mas se acaba entendendo bastante, consequentemente tendo desafios muito sem personalidade e estando ali apenas para vc concluir rapidinho e acabou, a quantidade no lugar da qualidade afetou um pouco o desenvolvimento dessa nova mecânica, juntamente com uma variedade não tão boas durante a exploração a pesar de ter 400 pokémons, muitos vc consegue pegar apenas depois do game, tendo sempre na exploração padrão na historia principal os mesmo pokémons não tão interessantes assim. Apesar de tudo é um pokémon divertido, mas que eu não rejogaria.

Better gameplay than Moon by far, worse story than Moon by far.

By no means did I hate this game, it was enjoyable at many times during my playthrough. However, I could simply not count it as a great game for myself personally. The postgame was very fun, I must add, and seeing the old villainous teams all come together was a very entertaining spin onto the game. My bias comes from the fact that I enjoy Pokémon games that have gyms rather than trials. I understand that trials added a new way to progress through the game rather than the traditional eight gyms that have to be beaten, but I just did not see the charm. Z-Moves were not bad, just nothing special, but some of the animations were neat. Overall, this game was fine, I was just never able to enjoy it as much as I would have liked to.

Really flawed, still enjoyed it a ton

esse deveria ter sido o Moon original

Played this after having not played Alola games in 7 years, given how I played the original Moon back in 2016 when it first launched. Couldn't really find what made this game so "ultra" compared to it either, but it's still fun nonetheless.

If I recall correctly, this game (and its counterpart) was marketed as an "alternate" story to the original games, which just really isn't the case for the first 90% of the game. After that, towards the end of the game you see the villain from the base games become more of a non-character in place of having a Pokémon as the main baddie for this game. That's really about it with the differences for this game, other than a few minor tweaks here and there.

There were definitely tiny gameplay adjustments, however, and other just fun side stuff that weren't present in the original games. I really liked having to collect the Totem stickers, as there were more tangible and usable rewards instead of Zygarde forms like the original games.

Solid game, just almost the exact same hand-holding tutorial of a game from 2016. :)

Backloggd is dumb once again and won't let me rank quarters of stars to pretend this is a 3.25/5.

Apesar do início muito chato, o decorrer do jogo melhorou muito e minha experiência final foi muito satisfatória.
Com certeza muito melhor que o X/Y

Really fun game once you get past the 420+ hour cutscenes

Sun and Moon were already slow paced, but at least when I played those it was a new experience in a new region. This plays mostly the same but just as slow if not slower. It was an absolute slog to get through even a smaller portion of the game, and at the end of the day I just realized I wasn't having enough fun to justify continuing.

Pokemon really needs to stop giving us long, unnecessary cutscenes and bloated tutorials. I really hope Sword and Shield aren't the same way, but I guess I'll find out...

Rotom dex is one of my favourite things about this game. I know I'm in the minority. Also loved Alola Photo Club

Whether I prefer this or the OG SM is something that changes in my mind. Cool additions and great difficulty vs being the clearest evidence that yearly releases would ultimately be a bad thing for the series going forward.