Reviews from

in the past

Wish it was yellow for sandshrew

Docked a half-star compared to R/B for removing cool glitches and only having one starter

The games that started it all. They’re still great, but very dated especially when compared to its later remakes. If you’re new to the series and want to experience Gen 1, play the remakes on GBA. You can fully play RBY first, but they really show their age.

Yellow is the definitive version of Gen 1. It improves some aspects of Red and Blue and adds a little bit of new content to make the game stand out. If you really want to play Gen 1, play Yellow.

One of my favorite Pokémon games of all time. Being one of the originals to me it was perfect for the time.

A classic Pokemon game set in Kanto where Pikachu follows you around outside of the pokeball, and nobody talks about it anymore. Let it sink in for a moment just how crazy that is knowing what we know now about the franchise now.

There's nothing objective about this score.

A childhood pillar

this was the first game i ever played. my sister let me borrow her copy. a few hours later, she realized i was 2 and could not read so she took the copy back. i had beaten three gyms somehow.

Mi primer Pokémon oficial. Un juego muy profundo e ingenioso para la época, repleto de detalles y contenido. Un pixel art muy bonito, muchos secretos divertidos y un gameplay que asentó a la saga. Una maravilla. Lo único malo es que tenía muchos bugs, sobretodo era un problema el que te borraba la partida.

eu conheço pouca coisa de pokemon pedi recomendação pra ir brincando e pokemon yellow serviu demais. é fofo, pode estar desatualizado em relação aos novos etc etc mas tudo bem, é a geração que mais tive contato então me diverti muito. TE AMO NIDOKING REIZINHO!

funny little pikachu walking behind you

The best of the Gen 1 games. Yellow was great because you could finally be Ash/Satoshi. Kanto as a whole is not the best region, but there was enough to do at the time.

gen 1 is overrated but if you were to play the original games just play this one

As nostalgic Gen 1 is, boy have we come a long way as far as QOL. Gen 1 is perfectly playable, just expect to encounter how its put together with spit and string in comparison to modern standards.

Maior vacilo o primeiro ginásio ser de pedra

nhe, pokemon fire red so que com pikachu e feio

(Replay) Completed the Gen 1 Pokedex for the very first time in this. It took a while, as I didn't fully realize going into this that not EVERY Pokemon is available in Yellow. I needed a lot of help from my old Neighbor who had Yellow and Red on his 3DS, for things like trade evolves, Red exclusives, etc. I even had to start a whole second speedrun playthrough at the end, of my copy of Blue to get to Cinabar Island to get Pokemon like Koffing and Magmar. And by far the worst to get in the original games is Porygon. Even after HAVING to use the nugget glitch to get enough money to buy coins from the casino, you still have to mash A for about 15 minutes to even get enough coins. But eventually I did it, and it feels nice to finally have completed a Gen 1 game. Unlike following games, where contests, Battle Towers or other objectives skew what it means to complete the game, Gen 1 really only asks of you to be the champion and catch them all, which is a good feeling to have done everything in the game. It was fun being social with my old neighbor to get all the peices I needed (though I wish these versions were more widley played). The game itself I have played and beaten a million times before, in which I am of the opinion that Gen 1 still holds up well, if not just as something to turn your brain off to and enjoy with minimum thoughts. Still such a unique time capsul of a game.

Adding color really adds a lot. At the same time, and I understand that it's done to match the show, they really fuck you over by making you start with Pikachu and then throwing a Rock-type gym as your first challenge.

Pokemon R/B/G, but just kind of a little worse? They give you all three starters (and a couple other pokemon) so your team is basically always going to look the same, which takes away the most interesting and personal part of any Pokemon playthrough and the starter Pikachu is just as weak as a normal one so he's kinda dead weight past a certain point, which makes all the cute friendship stuff with him just feel sorta pointless in the end. I just chucked him away and caught Articuno for the E4 lol

It's got a neat gimmick and a couple of handy fixes to the OG games, but ultimately for an "enhanced" version it just ends up being a little worse, at least in the long run.

I just replayed this on a whim to indulge in some nostalgia. It's still quite fun to pick some random pokemon and see how they do against the elite four. Something I didn't notice when I was a kid is that psychic types are so powerful because of a lack of moves that are super effective against them!

as i was born too late to experience red and blue when they released, i purchased pokemon yellow as a way to experience all of the starters in the region they originated from. it was surprisingly solid, i thoroughly enjoyed my time with this game. my only complaints would be mechanics such as the safari zone and regional exclusives.

(also, according to this experiment... squirtle is the best starter!)

I still remember playing this on my GameBoy Advanced SP. We bought it at a garage sale and the cartridge was broken, which meant your save would get deleted every now and then. But I played and loved anyway. This is what originally got me into gaming and I'll never forget it.

this game arguably has more interesting glitches than pokemon red, having its own set of glitch pokemon for you to find. though a lot is patched in this game, it's still a complete buggy disaster.

and i love it.

The graphical update on Gen I is insane. The changes it made to correspond with the anime were really neat. Probably not worth to buy it if you have R/B, but still a solid Pokemon game.

Current team: Pikachu, Raticate, Butterfree, Graveler, Doduo, and on my way to Fuschia.

This is the first game I ever owned, so it has a very special place in my heart. Still got all the classic gen 1 jank going on, but slightly more clean than the original games.

During my life, I have played every main line Pokémon game ever released and several of the spinoff titles. Pokémon Yellow was the first of many of those games. I received it as a gift for Christmas 1998 bundled with the special edition Gameboy color. Removing myself from the nostalgia of this game is not an easy task, but after replaying it again on the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console I believe I am able to remove my nostalgia tinted glasses and write this review. While Pokémon Yellow is a deeply loved game by many, I believe, despite the limitations of the time, it is also deeply flawed. Unlike the previously released Pokémon Red and Blue, Pokémon Yellow very loosely follows the story of Satoshi (Ash Ketchum in the west) as he sets out on his journey to become a Pokémon Master. This means a few changes throughout the game overall, the first of which is the player's partner Pokémon. Instead of being able to choose between the three Kanto starters, Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur, the player is left with only a Pikachu as their starter. While this idea is replicated in the Pokémon Yellow remake Pokémon Let's Go: Pikachu, it was not implemented as well back in 1998 and the player starts off their journey with a Pikachu that never evolves and has the same stats as any other Pikachu you can find in Vermillion Forest. Since you are essentially playing through the anime in this game, you will also see familiar characters like Jessie, James, and Meowth from the ever present Team Rocket. To me, this is a welcome change as they appear in different locations than the typical Team Rocket grunts you would encounter in Pokémon Red and Blue. Overall, like all Pokémon games, the story here is loose and hardly a story at all without the background. While I believe Pokémon Yellow has a better plot than the first two games it is far from Pokémon‘s best work. The partner Pokémon Pikachu or the story however, is not where the problem lies for me with Pokémon Yellow, it is the dated mechanics and dated item management system. While I understand the team at GameFreak were limited by their time and that hindsight is 20x20 after 25+ years of advancements, I think it is important to look at this game as if it was played today instead of trying to review it based on the limitations of 1998. With that said, the item management system in place for Pokémon Yellow is atrocious. A player can hold a maximum of 20 unique items in their bag and anymore than that must be deposited into the PC before more items can be purchased or picked up in the overworld. This leads to constant backtracking and finding an item you simply can't pick up because you have status healing items, health restoring items, and an assortment of Pokeballs all taking up space in your inventory. It is this problem that makes me unlikely to every play through Pokémon Yellow ever again.

I like when Pikachu follows me around

Si... Las cosas como son, es un desastre bugueado mal programado con decisiones raras en el sistema de combate pero hay que decir que es un upgrade comparado a los originales mejora equipos de algunos entrenadores, arregla un par de bugs y decisiones raras aún sigue estando roto aunque se agradece.
Aunque hay buena variedad de Pokes, no hay tan buena de movimientos principalmente porque casi todas las MT son un asco aunque es de los mejor que tiene el juego junto con un diseño de la región, algo aburrido en estética pero funciona, su historia no es la gran cosa pero el como se cuenta por pedazos e interpretaciones la hace que sea bastante curiosa, lo único en que veo al juego inferior a los originales es que tú inicial es un Pikachu, bastante mediocre pero al menos te da a los tres iniciales y muchos Pokémon disponible.
Es un juego con muchos problemas que a pesar de todo llega a tener su gracia jugarlo.