Reviews from

in the past

First full-on review I'm posting on this website! This is the first game I've truly sunk a good amount of time into that I hadn't played before getting this account so now's as good a place to start as ever.

First off, Pokemon Emerald Rogue is a game that I've put a ton of hours into. I've had kind of a weird relationship with Pokemon lately because I want to love it, but the games themselves make it kind of hard for me to right now. The gameplay loop of main series Pokemon games and anything similar is EXTREMELY boring to me because of how many mandatory fights there are that are just completely free. I've also had a lot of experience playing the game competitively but it's frustrating losing a fifteen minute long match to one bad RNG roll and it's really unintuitive to try and learn where you went wrong otherwise. I've been in need of something a little different from both of these, to say the least. A highly replayable version of a Pokemon game that's difficult enough to be engaging should be amazing for me even if it's still on the easier side. So, why not give PokeRogue a try too?

Just as a fair warning, most of this game's art and music are all from preexisting assets. This is going to be a bit of a weird review since I'll be talking exclusively about gameplay as a result. For what it's worth though, this game uses Gen 5's artstyle and pulls music from both Gen 5 games and PMD which means it's really nice on both fronts.

If you've never played PokeRogue, I'll give a basic rundown of how the game works. You'll first pick a few starters from a list of every existing starter Pokemon as well as every unevolved Pokemon you've caught or hatched during a run. From there, you'll be sent off to do 10 battles. Most of these will be with wild Pokemon but there will be some trainers mixed in. When you win a battle, you will be rewarded with a choice between one of a few random items to enhance or heal your team members as well as the ability to buy items from a shop before moving onto your next battle. The wild Pokemon and Gym Leaders you fight will be determined by the type of biome you're currently in. Your 10th battle will always be against either a stronger Boss Pokemon or a Gym Leader and once the fight ends, you can move onto a different biome for the next 10 battles. Rinse and repeat until either your team wipes or, in the case of Classic Mode, you make it through 200 floors.

Despite how the gameplay is quite literally using main series Pokemon's formula, I think this game has a more similar appeal to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon from a pure gameplay standpoint than the main series games. I promise it's not just because 90% of the music in this game is from PMD, hear me out. Most individual battles in this game are very straightforward and will end in only a few turns. The biggest problem scenarios in this game come from your team being whittled down too much or not being prepared enough for a certain situation as opposed to the strategy that goes into each individual battle. Ultimately, big draw here is resource management, exactly like PMD. There's a lot of evaluating risk and planning for the far-off future and I do think this is to the game's benefit. The middle portion of the game might seem like it'd drag on for a while on paper but it ultimately is fine for reasons I'll talk about soon. It kind of needs to be longer so you can prepare for the endgame anyways.

The general speed of the game is very nice. There's no overworld so immediately after you're done with one encounter you move onto the next. You can also set the game speed to move five times as quickly as the average Pokemon battle in this engine. This might not sound like much but it is a huge deal when so many battles in this game are unimportant. Things change quickly and you're brought up with a lot of choices because of the item rewards you get for winning each fight. It's nothing too crazy, especially during the easier parts of the game, but it's enough to fill in for a bunch of the battles themselves being simpler. This is why the middlegame being longer is fine with me, by the way - you still do have things to focus on that keep you engaged enough.

My biggest problem comes from the unreasonable difficulty curve. This game is completely ridiculous at the very start, really calm during the middle, and just kind of ridiculous at the end. For the first 30 floors or so you can get screwed over bigtime by the game throwing something completely impossible for your team to handle at you. My team's levels are still below 20 and none of them have evolved. I should not be put up against a random trainer with a Paldean Tauros, a Spiritomb, and some third fully-evolved Pokemon that currently slips my memory. Literally nothing I could do. Is it normal for roguelikes to be this unreasonable at the start?? I had spent a solid hour or two bashing my head against the wall before I made it through the first part of a run.

Before anyone says this is a skill issue I proceeded to get 3rd place on the Daily Leaderboard a few days after this. I'd like to think I shouldn't be the type to struggle this badly here. The solution is with the Egg Gacha system. If you defeat a Gym Leader or get lucky with an item pull you can get a ticket to roll a gacha machine for some eggs. These eggs have no impact on any current runs, but whatever they hatch into will become usable as a starter from there on out. You can get a majority of all Pokemon from this, including legendary and mythical Pokemon, and a lot of the Pokemon you get from this may have an Egg Move as well that you can choose to add to your starter before a run. The main consistent way past the early game is to either get something with very good stats without the need to evolve or to get a Pokemon that gets very good Egg Moves. Otherwise it feels like it's luck of the draw whether or not you get checkmated early on.

Some ~100 floors of planning for the endgame later and the game throws a ridiculous trainer battle at you. A lot of people I talk to have had issues here but I don't think it's so bad mainly because the AI is VERY exploitable. They do arguably go a step above the main series games and make the trainers switch their Pokemon under certain conditions but these conditions are very easy to pick up on and exploit. You could just put up Stealth Rock and either switch repeatedly yourself or switch until you happen upon an ideal situation to use a setup move like Swords Dance on a Pokemon with a decent Speed stat and these fights become completely free. It really doesn't help that whatever method they use to decide each Pokemon's current moveset isn't very good. There was one point my active Pokemon was below half health, the opponent sent out Greninja against my Ground-type, and it proceeded to use...Water Gun... I ended up tanking the hit and knocking it out afterwards.

Then you reach the final boss. I went into this game blind and had no idea what to expect here but I'm going to be honest, this is one of the most poorly-designed boss fights of any video game I've ever played. After the absolute slog of throwing myself into the early game repeatedly in hopes that things would be different next time, and after the next 100+ floors of nothing of note happening, the final boss was quite literally completely unbeatable for the way my current team was laid out. I knew exactly what to expect the moment the final boss appeared on screen and despite the best spur-of-the-moment planning I could give, despite playing this game competitively for over a decade and sitting on the top of a Pokemon Showdown ladder for around six months straight, it just wasn't enough and I had to watch my team slowly crumble as the hours of time I spent getting to that point would need to be started all over again.

Despite all of that this boss is exceedingly simple to prepare for. I have not lost this fight even a single time since that very first run where I made it that far. You do need to prepare for it, but a lot of the time my preparation has come down to dedicating two moveslots to it and avoiding using certain items and that's just been enough. I can't even call this boss fight hard. It's just really, REALLY dumb, and I wholeheartedly believe that anyone looking to play this game should spoil themselves on the final boss before playing. The alternative is repeatedly using the built-in feature to retry the fight (which didn't exist when I first played) enough times to get good enough RNG to cheese it out.

So I think I've made it pretty clear that my first day's worth of experience with this game was dreadful. After you get enough gacha pulls to get a decent lineup of starters and know what the final boss's deal is you can definitely start to have a lot of fun with the game. Keep in mind this review started with me saying a lot of good things about the game's systems. I did go on to beat Classic Mode and try out the other modes the game has to offer.

There is an Endless Mode that removes all trainer battles from the game, adds a boss every 50 floors instead, and gives you certain debuffs after you clear a certain number of floors. This mode is fun to try out once or twice but isn't as good as Classic in my opinion. There's nothing super wrong with it except for the hardest fights here being very cheeseable once again but experimentation feels a lot more limited here and it feels much harder to run an actual team as opposed to one mon that hard carries you and a few "supporters" in a sense. It doesn't even feel like you can be super expressive with that one hard carry if you want to go super far either.

Then there's a Daily Run which is pretty cool. This game's RNG is deterministic and what Daily Run does is give everyone the same seed every day with a random starting team and random encounters for 50 floors. There's no shop and there will usually be around two Gym Leaders and a little boss fight at the end. Beyond just clearing the 50 floors, there's also a score system that will award more points the more Pokemon you defeat and the less turns it takes to defeat them. The pre-set RNG makes it very fun to go through with whatever route you feel like would be best and optimize each fight for a high score. It's a really fun change of pace that I'd recommend everyone try at least once.

The game unfortunately does have an issue with freezing and needing you to reset from what presumably is their servers being overloaded since it is a free browser game, and not all of the moves and abilities are finished unfortunately, but it's getting basically constant updates. It's really cool signing on and seeing that an ability you wanted to try out works now or that a new feature was added that improves the game. Oh, and when I say it's a browser game, I mean that this game works on ALL browsers to my knowledge. I've played it on mobile and it's been perfectly fine. Great stuff there.

As unfortunate as it is though, the fact that this game was as rough to start out as it was makes it hard for me to think too highly of it. I've had a lot of fun with it and I'd suggest everyone at least give it a shot with everything I've said in mind. I know the developers are actively changing things and they could totally make the early game easier but I doubt they'll change something as big as the final boss. I'm on the fence about bumping it down to 2.5 just for how brutal that first day of playing was but I need to be honest with myself and say that I did have a lot of fun with it still.

torch song torch song torch song torch song torch song torch song

Es de lejos el mejor juego de Pokémon que he jugado nunca. Llevo unos 5 días jugando como un adicto a la heroina, pensando estrategias y pokémon que funcionarían bien en determinadas situaciones. El hecho de hacer empezar puede frustrar por momentos, no se cuantas veces he perdido en la fase 150/180/190 cuando el modo clásico acaba en el 200 pero el juego es tan adictivo que no se duda ni por un minuto empezar otra run del tirón.

Tiene muchas mecanicas implementadas de Roguelike que sorprendentemente encajan de forma magistral con la franquicia, los shinies en este juego tienen utilidad a parte de verse diferentes y hace que sea mucho más especial encontrarte con uno. Por eso y por otras mil cosas voy a seguir jugando durante mucho tiempo a Pokerogue, poder jugarlo en el movil te apaña cualquier rato muerto que tengas.

Toda esta review es del modo classic, jugare mucho más al endless seguramente.

skeledirge torch song. naganadel beast boost. my carries fr

This game is actually phenomenal. Combining roguelike/lite elements with Pokemon is so genius. I haven't played anything Pokemon related in like years but this was so addicting that it made me realize that I technically don't hate Pokemon just how painfully easily it was. In the past 8 or 9 days, I've only been playing this game and it was very tough for me since I forgot everything about weaknesses, resistances and all that but damn was it fun learning it all over again. I haven't even touched endless mode, I might be here for several more days. And the music is fantastic, I wish they put the names of the OST on the wiki. But yeah this was an incredible roguelike/lite, something I definitely don't say often.

It's a solid time. Nintendo could've absolutely just printed money if they got to this idea first and (not as an insult to these guys) it'd be pretty low effort for Nintendo at least. Also this should've been the Pokemon game not made by Nintendo to blow up instead of Palworld.

its fine, tried it a few times and i can appreciate the characters within it! otherwise theres nothing really going for it unfortunately

I don't really fw with Pokémon battles normally so this is clearly not made for me
looks really well done, you guys have fun

I've spent far more time playing this than I'd like to admit

Highest quality browser game and pokemon fan game I've ever played. It has so much effort put into it with all of the pokemon's egg moves and passive abilities, along with the appearances of pokemon in certain areas. I have mostly played classic mode and it's really good, though could be sped up, since I've never lost or really had any trouble on 50-140 and 150-180. It has so many ideas and is so ambitious. I'm interested to see how this project progresses. It does kinda suck that some of the devs are transphobic.

I haven't been this hooked into mainline Pokemon battling in ages, it's amazing how well back-to-back PvE battles go with rogue-like elements. Having restrictions on healing item use and set battle rules, and not starting every battle able to fully heal in-between, you actually have to engage with the mechanics of the series that the mainline games have stubbornly refused to offer for ages.

I've always LOATHED "hard" difficulty romhacks since they basically just pit you against competitive team builds on normal trainers while you have some mid-level, shoddy pkmn with no held items available. Pokerogue, however, takes advantage of the vanilla formula and makes you feel like you're on a journey with only slight deviations, like being allowed to have multiple held items or even stack held items for boosted effects.

I've never once felt like the game was overtly unfair, even with the amount of RNG involved in a run (well, except for a certain trainer's ace Pokemon, there's a reason Smogon banned it from ubers). Most of the time, I could've just made better decisions on what I caught and which items I chose. Hell, if you're lucky and find your favorite Pokemon in the wild, you can probably take it to the endgame with how the game lets you build your teams over the course of your journey.

Overall, better than the actual games IMO and is MUST play for anyone who wants a Pokemon game that respects its combat, but dislikes online competitive.

unironically the best browser game ive ever played

Pokemon on 10 layers of crack, and multiple Rayquaza bosses.


These IVs and Natures they made are really interesting I wish the main games had IVs and Natures

changed to unrated what a shit show.
Sam announced his departure from the project

The general chat on the Discord descended into chaos, with many people bashing Sam for his religious beliefs

People started spamming trans rights in the chat, which resulted in some people responding with transphobia

A mod tried to shut it down by targeting the people spamming trans rights, rather than the transphobic comments. They referred to the trans topic as something that makes some people uncomfortable, which pissed off the trans community

The one active mod began shutting down chats, with the community finding a workaround by creating threads. There was a general resentment for the mod due to their comment on trans stuff. The mod continued to double down on his stance before apologising a couple of hours later

Speculation began that the mod team was generally not supportive of trans people. Around this time, someone leaked a chat with Sam showing his negative stance on LGBT+, supporting the speculation

A couple of new mods came online and tried to assure everybody that the issue was being dealt with. One of them (newly appointed community manager) quit within a couple of hours due to in fighting between mods and being told to play PR on the LGBT+ stuff despite being LGBT+ themselves.

Despite calls for the mod team to take a strong ‘no bigotry’ stance, the mod team put out a statement banning all political talk, making it clear they intend to sit on the fence on this issue

An addicting game that I somehow clutched out my first classic run with Shiny Iron Jugulis, Excadrill, Mega Venusaur, Orbeetle, Arcanine, and Gholdengo.

beat classic mode for the first time today. INCREDIBLY fun and fresh take on pokemon that engaged me (and a ton of friends) very quickly. i am proud to announce that i'm the first person in my friend group to beat the game

devoid of the romance. the facade of pokemon is brought to life by the strongest context ever put in video games stretched to its absolute limit — 1,000 monsters!! without the world to texture the interactions… you got numbers. limp, evil, admittedly kinda addicting numbers

edit: lol

a fun time! its main issues are related to it being early in development (graphical issues, many moves and abilities not being implemented yet, enemy ai and movesets), so i don't hold it against the game too much.

This game could do a lot more with it's concept, but as it stands it is a very friendly way to try to get into Pokemon as the game let's you control the difficulty (i.e. It's your choice if you would like to use retries or save scum) and Pokemon has many resources online to help you learn about what's optimal. On the flipside, this game is also a way to test your knowledge if you're more accustomed to the series.

probably the best pokemon game I've played, but even that being said it lost its shine for me after a few weeks. Got some good fun out of it though. It is great for a free browser-based game.

A falta de vencer al jefe final, ya he completado casi todo lo que Pokerogue ofrece y he de decir que me fascina lo sencillo que han hecho todo. Tiene un mérito acojonante el haber hecho un juego así, en navegador, con la cantidad de opciones que te ofrece y que sea tan divertido y fácil de jugar. Engancha que da gusto y recompensa al jugador lo justo para que no se venga arriba por haber hecho un par de partidas buenas. Si os mola Pokémon os va a encantar aunque no os gusten los roguelike (dado que a mí no me suelen gustar) y si no os gusta Pokémon... Probadlo, porque al eliminar el factor aventura a lo mejor sois capaces de disfrutarlo y verlo desde otro prisma.

This review contains spoilers

Peak Fangame

beat Eternatus on the 21st, did a run til over a 1000 (still going)

I was stuck home sick today so a friend sent me this and and I ended up playing it for 10 hours. Whoops. Really fun, love the way progression works since it feels like Slay the Spire. Also a big fan of how unlocking pokemon works to use in future runs. Overall really cute way of turning pokemon into a roguelite
