Reviews from

in the past

Better character creation than baldurs gate 3

The undeniable proof as to why the Rabbids are better than the Minions: this fucking game.

Rabbids are for intellectuals

Objetivamente el mejor juego de la historia.

---In terms of creativity, uniqueness, and general energy, I don't think it gets any better than Ubisoft Montpellier's Rabbids Go Home. Up until this point, the Rabbids have embodied the chaotic annoying beasts that mess up rigid systems and cause havoc. They've also only appeared in minigame compilations a la Rayman Raving Rabbids, which are fine games, but clearly don't use the Rabbids to their fullest potential. That wouldn't come to fruition until their first solo effort here, which pushes the mutated mascots center stage.
---The idea here is that these Rabbids don't belong to the human world. Literally, they come from the moon, and at the beginning of Go Home the Rabbids grow home-sick. Their solution is to raid the metropolitan city outside their scrapyard for "stuff." Anything they can get their paws on to build a gigantic pile upwards towards their destination.
----What follows are levels that take place in settings such as hospitals, shopping malls, and airports. Rabbids Go Home isn't very subtle about it's "Bull in a China Shop" characters, and even critiques and parodies capitalist culture with radio voices, use of one-hit wonder songs, and the humans who seem shallow. As for the gameplay itself, you play as two Rabbids with a Shopping Cart. The goal is to go through each level collecting "Stuff."
---There are two kinds of stuff. The XS Stuff is your smaller objects strewn throughout the environments. Then there is an XL stuff like a giant hospital bed or boiler. Overall this accounts for 401 items in total that must be collected in each level. Your mechanics include a shopping cart which doesn't turn on dime, but can skid into a boost, a cannonball Rabbid, and a destructive scream that can even stun the most ferocious dogs.
---What results is a game that takes clear influence from past titles such as Katamari and Super Mario 64, but clearly puts it's own unique spin on the platforming collectathon formula. The art style is especially cartoony and colorful with stick people, and toon-like shading. I also love the original soundtrack, which uses a Moldovian Brass Band. A perfect fit for the Rabbids.
---Now, for all the praises I can throw at this game, I don't think it's perfect. The skill curve isn't as gradual as I'd like it to be. There is a bit of a jump in platforming difficulty in the later levels of the game. Meanwhile on the other side of that coin are the exterminator enemy types which are way too easy to dispense. There are harder variants of these, but they can be combo'd very easily. I also don't like how dying can just reset your item count at certain points. I imagine that would make completing the game a real pain. The framerate of Go Home doesn't consistent either, at least not on the Wii. Finally, Rabbids Go Home does seem to run out of ideas for XL items and settings near it's end. There's a lot of familiar ground that's covered, which I find disappointing.
---Regardless, I still think this is one of the most slept on titles of the Wii-era, utilizing motion controls extremely well. I even love the idea that there's a Rabbid living inside your remote which you can customize and thrash around. The premise is wonderfully silly, the gameplay is addictively brilliant, and the style is both self-aware and critical. I love this game to death and I hope it gets it's just dues as one of Ubisoft's most unique titles. - [08/10]

An extremely overlooked gem on the Wii. For some reason it has a very dark sense of humor with a load of jokes about consumerism and society in general.
The soundtrack has no reason being as good as it is but god damn, Ubisoft went all out, with a mix of soothing licenced music representing the humans and chaotic brass representing the insanity of the rabbids.
The way Rabbids Go Home incorporates the wiimote into its gameplay is also incredibly charming without going into detail as I feel it is a very fun surprise going in.
I'd recommend any Wii owner give this game a shot, I don't think you'd regret it.

this game shaped who i am as a person

Rabbids go to your moms house

Best Rabbids game, interesting spin on Katamari

no babe rabbids go home ost stays ON during sex

Somehow taking Rayman out of the equation made a funny rabbids game. DON"T KNOW HOW THATS POSSIBLE.

I don't need to justify anything. This game is truly goated.

An extremely creative collectathon / Katamary Damacy-type game with an absolutely unhinged sense of humour.

I still haven't recovered from the levels where you have to steal and use a hospital bed as a floating balloon... with the actual dying patient still in it.

Definitely the most polished and playable rabbids game i've played thus far. Not saying much, but it's true. The game is a sorta top down actiony game where your goal is to collect a bunch of crap to build a giant pile to the moon. No jumping, so it's not really a platformer, but also not a lot of combat, so its not a super actiony game. Kinda interesting in that regard i guess. I will say though that theres a lot of visual polish put into this game, especially with its animations, so honestly I can respect this one more than most other rabbids games in that it feels like there was actually some semblance of passion and heart put into this one, not unlike the same praises that get spoken about the much later-released mario rabbids. Definitely not something for a more serious gamer to get invested in, but if you are either a casual gamer or a kid theres plenty here to enjoy. This is an actually good rabbids game.

Unironically one of the more underrated/overlooked games on the Wii, and basically the only good Rabbids game (for the time anyways, Kingdom Battle exists now, but I don't care about Mario XCOM).

Rabbids Go Home is an unorthodox 3D platformer where you steal and hoard as much junk as Rabbidly possible, in an attempt to create a junk pile that reaches all the way to the moon.

You steal all this junk from an idealistic city plagued by consumerism, where everyone's perfectly happy with the status quo. In come the Rabbids, chaos incarnate, and the dichotomy between the two is what makes the Rabbids work in this setting. As the variety of the stuff you steal becomes more elaborate, so too do the humans' methods of retaliation. The game is filled to the brim with dark humor (turn on those subtitles!), giving the game a nice edge to it as well.

The music is fantastic, specifically the Rabbids' music. The humans enjoy listening to popular licensed music that's easy on the ears, but the Rabbids come bursting in with a batshit insane brass ensemble.

Overall, it's a great game to experience at least once. Stage variety is nice, although some concepts get re-used by the end of the game. Honestly enjoyed this more than I had any right to. I hate the Rabbids, but this game is ok in my book.

I hate that this is actually good.

the second most exciting thing you can do with a wii mote

liked this game when i was younger and it's still pretty fun even as a grown ass dude. i remember being drawn to it because the concept of accumulating junk to reach a greater goal reminded me of katamari. wouldn't be surprised if it was inspired somewhat. simple and repetitive but a good time all the same

Super fun I love the concept of this game I love robbing stores

Dada a qualidade dos jogos de Rabbids até então, é muito maluco que esse seja realmente legal?? Ele é um collectathon bem simples e bem frenético, mas que funciona e é bem divertido quase sempre. Eu sinto que ele tenta fazer algo muito parecido com o que Spyro faz, mas que funciona bem mais pra mim com toda a física dos carinhos e os drifts.

O humor dos Rabbids é completamente idiota e não pega muito mais comigo, mas o contexto das fases e dos objetos que você coletava sempre me tirava umas risadas. Não fazia sentido você coletar 4 frangos assados ao pegar um cachorro ou roubar as roupas de todas as pessoas que estivessem na sua frente, mas era engraçado por algum motivo.

Meu único problema verdadeiro é a duração: ele é muito mais longo do que precisava ser. Acho que se ele tivesse sido feito numa época como agora, onde jogos 100% digitais são uma coisa existente e aceita, o jogo teria a metade da duração. Mas a nota continua porque eu fiquei bem satisfeito com o jogo até onde joguei, de toda forma.

Literally the only Rabbids game worth your time, surprisingly very funny and the collectathon gameplay makes this very replayable, highly recommend checking out this hidden Wii gem

este juego es impresionante, todo bien, la muscia increible, si eres un chaval de 13 años probablemente este sea tu peak videojuegos de juegos pegi 12

Rabbids are so crazy i love them

Rabbids Go Home is a wacky, slapstick adventure where you take control of two chaotic Rabbids on a hilarious quest to reach the Moon. Their only plan? Stealing everything in sight to create a giant junk pile! Expect zany humor, frantic shopping cart chases, and silly puzzles as you collect loopy objects. The game occasionally suffers from some repetition, but its ridiculous premise and infectious energy will keep you laughing throughout the bizarre journey.

absolutamente, sin margen de error alguno, el juego más infravalorado de todo el catálogo de la wii. es un juego muy redondo, muy divertido y muy original, el cual la gente ignoró por tener a los (entendiblemente) infames rabbids de protagonistas. si teneis la oportunidad de jugarlo no la desperdiciéis, es muy bueno

In a surprising move, Ubisoft took steps to freshen up their Rabbids characters with an entirely different genre of game- a unique collect-a-thon adventure in which the Rabbids try to build a massive pile of stuff on their way to the moon.

Freed from the clutches of mini game compilations, Rabbids Go Home feels like such a breath of fresh air and for a while is a genuinely fun adventure. Running amok and wreaking havoc in these levels is so much fun and the Rabbids slapstick charm is on full display.

After a while, levels start to repeat and the gameplay grows stale. This game definitely overstays its welcome before it’s through, and the repetition holds back an otherwise unique experience. Still, those first few hours are such a blast and it’s definitely one of the best Rabbids offerings out there.

i have excellent memories of this game i refuse to tarnish by playing it again

"I Can't Believe I Enjoyed This One"

So I guess I liked a "Rabbids" game...huh. This one focuses on the titular furballs and their goal of getting to the moon. How do they aim to accomplish this you may ask? By collecting a bunch of stuff and stacking it like a ladder of course!

The zany nature of the "Rabbids" is toned down a lot here, and it brings out some more potential for humorous interactions. They aren't just mindlessly screaming at each other like in past games, but they have a lot of visual humor and comedic timing that came off as a bit more charming. The interactions with the very bland human characters allowed them to shine as well.

The story isn't deep at all though, which is still disappointing. The world is a bit bland as well, so the "Rabbids" do a lot of the heavy lifting throughout the title. The level design is neat though, and I liked that it wasn't a low quality party game for once.

Unfortunately I used an emulator to play this one, and there was an unfixable glitch causing me to use the special "Bwaaa" attack constantly. This made it impossible to complete platforming challenges and thus progress further into the game, so I can't for sure say that I would have continued to like the game or start to dislike it as time went on. I unfortunately no longer own a Wii as well, so it will likely stay unfinished for good. Still from what I played, I liked the simple puzzles and platforming that was offered.

Ultimately, I can Recommend this title! It's a fun little adventure/platforming game with some zany elements and simple gameplay. It's not amazing by any means, but it is absolutely an improvement over the previous games in the franchise. Unfortunately its my final stop for this series since this is apparently the best one - plus it would like help with my sanity to stop reviewing these games.

Final Verdict: 5/10 (Average)