Reviews from

in the past

I love this dev. They come up with such smart and high concept ideas, and though this didnt hit in the way 7 Days did for me, I still enjoyed the time I spent with it. Normally, personality tests as a concept are something I don't particularly subscribe to (especially as a gameplay format), but in the case of Refind Self it works incredibly well. Playing as an android, simultaneously teaching her humanity while also exercising your own freedom of choice is a very endearing route of storytelling. The grief and kindness expressed through the options you chose, the limited amount of time you have to play reflecting the wind-up android's existence... as seems to always be the case, this dev is very careful and smart in the way they go about presenting their world. I love their artstyle, love the philosophy behind it. The only thing I could say these games lack is music, as each only has a few tracks (few meaning 2 or 3) that don't loop especially well. Highly suggest this dev's catalog for anyone looking for a unique and short, lovingly crafted experience. Really excited to see what they put out next ☆

a charming game which made me want to give it a try on the spot considering its short length.
turned out to be a complete let down, the decisions to determine your personality are shallows.
I couldn't help but hope that the game would make me care about uncovering the identity of this robot more than the original purpose of finding my personality, would have made for a much more interesting experience.

the game that formed in my head while playing was a much more interesting one than the one i've got, and that's about the most damning thing I can say for any piece of fiction

I always liked the idea of Dragon Quest 3 (at least, on the SFC) opening with a bit of a personality quiz in the form of a game. This has a similar idea to it.

simple game fantastic results worth playing it if you wonder what type of person you are

Oh wow... weirdly emotional, analytical and just so darn charming... didn't expect to want more of something that was dressed up as a personality test.

A fun little adventure game where you just make what ever choices you want, resulting in a personality type given to you. A nice story uncovers while you play, and you can only make so many choices before the game ends. Short and engaging, I can't see anything wrong here.

This game made me cry... it's a short little experience but it has so much depth to it. My personality types were spot on with this game.

cute little game that's a little bit creepy
i wish they gave you a ranking of your personalities instead of just telling you to play the game again
feel like a second playthrough wouldn't give me the most honest analysis
(i got clergy by the way)

Um jogo curto e simples, mas que executa muito bem sua proposta. Traz uma discussão muito interessante sobre o que forma a identidade humana

Its fun and short, can't really complain. Worth a play

Really cool idea the way the hide things that affect your personality is really neat. I wish the monitor that told me how much time you had less was hidden because I think that greatly changed how I played the game tbh

does exactly what it says on the tin. albeit a bit basic, you're not going to get any groundbreaking analysis here, more so its using a 'test' mechanic to tell a story. would still recommend playing though its fun 👍

A personality test wrapped around a narrative side scroller. Since just about everything you do and how you do it gauges your "personality" it's hard not to come at this with a desire to game it, which becomes a pretty meta experience. You eventually need to go down this path anyway to get the full experience which sort of diminishes the point of the game implying that each person is different. A little at odds with itself, but a curious oddity of a game at the same time.

If you're remotely intrigued then give this a shot. I really admire how complex and transparent the personality test system is, and how it links in with the story, and the ending was sweet. I also liked how it rewards you for multiple playthroughs even if it was starting to get a little boring.

It's short and cute, but I don't think its as in-depth or deep as advertised. I think maybe I was expecting too much? To get your full "personality test results" you need to play 3 times, and I'm just not really interested in doing that even if its short. I think others might have a better time with this then I did, but I found it a lil "meh".

not very compelling as a personality test or as a game but the concept is super charming. for a personality test, despite its short length, there's a shocking lack of situations that made me think about anything i was doing. part of that is sincerely cool - i think analyzing your subconscious decisions is a great way to go about a game like this - but none of the actual choices you get were interesting. you have some Bethesda-tier dialogue choices and the same few mundane tasks stretched thin without much substance. its high points are its occasional mini-games, which are pretty cute but feel pretty rough. none of its characters make an impression in the time they're given, they all feel very stock with no juice to any of em. flashbacks with the Doctor in particular got grating, even in the hour the game lasts she speaks only in lame 'friendship/robot/humanity' poignancy doping and vague world-building for a world that just doesn't have any juice to it. i wanted to be endeared but it had no juice!!!!! juiceless game with one stinky walk cycle.

game called me a clown FUCK this game

hermosa paleta de colores y un pixelart relativamente bueno, pero solo eso, es un "test" de personalidad glorificado y al igual que la mayoría de obras indies que se centran en crear una experiencia más experimental termina cayendo en lo pretencioso

en fin, mi personalidad fue researcher. está en lo correcto? no sé... pero comparado al resto de personalidad supongo que es la que más se acerca a mi

Surprisingly poignant. I always enjoy personality tests and remain surprised at how accurate they end up being (acknowledging that, yes, these things are usually fueled by confirmation bias) and this one is no different, even if wrapped in a gaming package. Curious to play through it several more times to find more things and see if it reinforces my own thoughts about my personality.

Picking flowers, touching lampposts, and talking to cats is what I'd spend my days doing if I had the freedom to do so.

I did replay this game about three times to see my personality. I don't know, I wasn't a fan of the ending. I don't think the choices reflect anything about your personality-- just how you would approach playing a game. Just because I read a bunch of books in a library (in a text-based game) doesn't mean I'd read it irl.

The personalities do have depth though. So that's cool.

A beautiful game that hides itself as a personality test, it is a personality test, but so much more.

I found myself not very enjoying this game. It has a strong mid 2000s flash game vibe to it which I appreciate, but I found the game play loop very basic. I love the idea of a personality quiz disguised as a game but the way the game showcases that idea feels more basic than anything.
I also found myself not very captivated by the story, it's sad for sure but I did not feel very much substance outside of the fact it's sad. I still kinda like the core concept so it does have that going for it at least.

Fun little cute experience. Looking forward to comparing my results in a few years

A cute little slightly soul crushing experience. All around art direction was fantastic and targeted to my tastes. Minigames were mostly quite terrible, but the interesting story and fun little personality results made up for it well enough. A solid time.

The gameplay is pretty straightforward. You explore a small island and interact with NPCs and objects to learn more about your past. These interactions are logged in the top-left corner and are used to determined your personality at the end of the run. The story is cute and surprisingly emotional at times.
The visuals are nothing special but they work with the game's premise. The character designs are very cute as well :3
Overall, a very pleasant game to play through. I highly recommend replaying it until you reveal all of your personality traits. There's more to it than what you experience in your first run.

I liked it. Really moody, really thought-provoking and with a sweet message.