Reviews from

in the past

Anyone who has said that motion controls are bad haven’t played this game

Resident Evil 4 is pretty good, however towards the later half of the game I was very univested. I didn't enjoy the extremely linier style it takes on during the final act and for the most part the setting compaired to earlier parts of the game wasn't very engaging.

I enjoyed the Wii pointer controls but I did have some issue with aiming the camera itself, and sometimes the over-the-shoulder view got in the way.

I still think if they should remake Code Veronica over this game.

Great game, really fun gameplay + interesting story. Got me into the resident evil franchise

Este juego lo deberia de jugar por lo menos una vez en tu vida, por que es increible q hasta revoluciono un genero entero.

De paso fue una maravilla jugarlo en Wii original.

I will continue to stand by the fact that RE4: Wii Edition is one of, if not the best way, to experience this game. It's the same cheesy, over-the-top narrative we know & love but with surprisingly well-implemented Wii controls. No gimmicks here ---- just a nice, comfortable way to aim your weapons & swing your knife at enemies. Combine that with what made RE4 memorable to begin with & you've got a great deal here.

I found this game while searching my attic once, it was a better surprise than the last 4 birthdays I had up until that point.

"wheres everyone going, bingo?" but on the wii

idk why i played this on wii but it was good

La mejor versión de RE4 sin duda alguna.

This was my first Resident Evil game, and I think I went with the right one, although the movement is confusing and kinda clunky you'll get used to it, and at least the game is balanced around the clunky controls.

My only big complain is that I think this game is longer than it needed to be, it's one of those that I said "alright I've seen what I had to see let's wrap it up". If you've never played an RE game this is a solid entry.

This is my favorite version of the game, although I'm only half way through this version of the game I can already tell this is my preferred way of playing it, the wiimote makes the aiming fluid and natural, get this version if you don't have a hate boner for motion controls.

One of the best games of all time. The perfect blend of action and horror with amazing combat and gameplay and so much content and replayability. The music is great, the story is amazing for the style it went for, and the world just fits so well. There is such iconic scenes, enemies, and character that all ooze personality and charm. This is my favorite game of all time, and I've played it multiple times on PS2, Gamecube, Wii, PC, the OLD PC version, XSX, and probably more versions that I'm forgetting. I love this game, and I think even with the remake people should still play the original. ESPECIALLY this version. This version with the amazing aiming is wonderful, and I think that if you aren't going to play the PC version, play this one. It is the best motion controlled shooter out there.

Motion controls make an already fun game more fun

el juego está guapo pero que el villano sea Adam Saddler otro rollo

Best way to play Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 4 fucking rules!

This was my first true experience with a Resi game, and I can safely say that it pretty much showed me why this game remains so revered to this day. It’s simply just…fun!

RE4 seemingly took the mechanics and foundation of the original games on PS1 and just…stopped taking itself as seriously in exchange for a much more hectic, action packed games with grotesque creatures and hordes of zombie like enemies.

This all helps to compliment the stellar gameplay. The game of course takes the limited resource management of the older titles, but with a focus on action you’ll be running all over the place trying to fight off enemies and find keys, even using Leon’s patented kicks to knock the opposition aside.

And Leon himself is absolutely delightful. I only saw glimpses of him in this game beforehand, with most of my knowledge of him being from RE2 content online. But here he’s the highlight of this game’s insane plot and really earns his special agent status he has at the start. I may be in love, but that’s beside the point.

Also, if you hadn’t noticed, my first playthrough was on Wii! This is often regarded as the best way to experience this game, and I have to agree. It compliments the gameplay swimmingly and it was super easy to break boxes with a simple swing. I may try it out on other consoles or PC at some point, but I doubt it’ll be quite as good as this.

If I had any complaints, it’d be that some sections, specifically the last portion of the Castle, were not as fun and felt kinda tacked on. Like, the game really could’ve just ended the segment there and it’d be plenty long enough, but it just padded it out in ways that, in my opinion, just felt lacking compared to most other parts of the game.

But, overall, this is still a 9.5/10 for me! Really not even a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, and I know I’ll be back to play it again at some point.

La mejor forma de jugar RE4. Realizar los QTE con el wiimote se siente mas intuitivo y mas comodo. Y el acto de disparar es genial, al apuntar tambien con el wiimote. Un excelente port que trae consigo los extras de otras versiones y de tener buenas graficas. Sobre el juego en si es una obra maestra de acción y horror. Desde la mecanica de disparo, arreglar las armas, el diseño de niveles, la historia con mucha personalidad y personajes increibles como Leon, Ada y Luis. El Peak Gaming.

This version of the game makes it hard to go back to the other versions of RE4. The Wii Edition improves on the aiming by ten folds. Turning an already amazing game to perfection.

The best version of one of the best games ever made.

If you've never played this, what is wrong with you? You should know by now what makes this special. The innovative camera perspective. Adaptive difficulty, memorable setpieces, great boss fights, tense music. Awesome monster design. The hammy but fun story. Merc mode and other avenues of content. Just so much to love here.

This is all compounded with excellent motion controls that are snappy and responsive. They make the experience tons of fun. Even then, you can just use a classic controller and play it like the original game. So it really offers you everything.

This is a game that shouldn't work as it is. It's stupid and hard to take seriously. Yet it just works so perfectly. Truly lighting in a bottle.

I think what makes it work is that it has infinite replay value. No matter how many times you play through the game, it is so flashy and so fun to blast through enemies that you don't mind. Mechanic wise it is so tight and polished. All the little things around it help to make it fun too. The attache case, looting for items, the various weapons, etc.

Merc mode is just so fun too. everything about this game is perfectly realized.

Motion controls ....... I just want them back

Very fun, but I'm a scary cat.

The same good game with some pretty good motion-based aiming. It does make the game a little easier, though.

An absolutely amazing game! The story is really dumb but the combat is pretty damn fun. I can see why this became the blueprint and golden standard for over-the-shoulder-action-games in the future and how it inspired the game industry for such a long time.

La mejor forma de jugar el RE4 original.

This game dares to ask the question "what if a survival-horror game allowed you to do a bunch of raw as hell shit"

Minha primeira versão de RE4 foi no PS2, com controles tradicionais. Já era na época meu Resident Evil favorito.

A versão do Wii trouxe o uso do pointer para o uso das armas, e essa modificação muda bastante o ritmo do combate, e a precisão dos tiros.

Fora essa mudança de gameplay, o jogo permanece a maravilha que é.

Replayed it on professional and got my ass beat the whole way through

Um dos jogos de Wii (que não são Wii alguma coisa) que eu amo.