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This game doesn't really feel like it justifies its existence. One way it tried to do so was its story, something unseen in any previous game that I wish had stayed that way. I don't need an uninteresting VN between my rhythm games that lacks the quirkiness and charm that the little bits around individual games had in previous titles (also, I hate Tibby).

The game keeps this padding up for the first thirty or so games, which are essentially extended practices played to jingles in comparison to the "real" games later on. Cut out the entire first section before the Lush Tower and this immediately becomes a better game.

Eventually, it picked up a bit, despite the majority of games being recycled from the older titles. I understand why this was done, and why we couldn't have a fully original game, and that this is a collection and celebration, but it just doesn't come through. The new games around this point actually start to improve greatly, though there's not many of them. Also, the single point I'll give to the story: it was cute how it contextualized the remixes having themes (unfortunately, limited to just this middle section).

Then we're back to the inferior format for Heaven World, and it ends with a whimper (I was fully expecting a remix with every game, and the existing larger remixes are already a not-so-cohesive mishmash, so why not at that point). A "full moveset" Karate Man was a cool idea though.

This game really feels like it was trying its hardest to get me to not like it in the entire first section, gave up for the middle, then tried again at the end. It's neat to have a collection like this and get a few new games in the process (which were hit or miss), but I would've rather just had a smaller scale "Rhythm Heaven Mini" eShop title with only the new games and no story or returning games over what we got. Sometimes less is more.

I love this game so much, it's honestly incredible and it feels so satisfying to play, the songs and games are so unique and fun and interesting to play!! Definitely recommend to anyone interested in the series.

É um jogo muito divertido, até pra mim que não sou um dos melhores do gênero, porém tem um minigame específico que acho bem complicado, o jogo é muito cativante e vale a pena.

(All Superbs) Here concludes my voyage through the awesome Rhythm Heaven series. This was an amazing entry, although it's missing some very iconic and awesome minigames, like Rap Men/Rap Women, DJ School and Rockers.
The story was a slop more than anything, it just gets in the way of the minigames (which is the fun part). They do tell you at the beginning that the story is nothing serious, but honestly? I'd rather have no story, it was pretty annoying.

Bit too easy but a very solid entry in the series

Rhythm Heaven Megamix is good but it's one of the series's weaker entries.

First, it gives a weak first impression. Most of the early rhythm games are painfully easy. I was honestly worried that every rhythm game was dumbed down. Thankfully once you get past the first few remixes the games start getting better.

Another issue I have is the game's story. It was not awful, but it felt unneeded and wasted time. Fever was much more streamlined whereas Megamix has you wait between every game to read the dialogue. It slowed down the game's pacing, and it would be better if the story were never included.

This game does have one thing over Fever, the amount of content. There is so much to do. There are tons of mini-games to play. There are even unlockable rhythm games that you can buy in the shop. Even if some of the mini-games aren’t great the massive number of them sort of makes up for it. There are also optional challenges where you play different sets of mini-games in a row under specific handicaps. Some of these are brutal, so if you want a good challenge the game has you covered.

The music is also fantastic even if most of it is reused from previous Rhythm Heaven games. SpaceBall, Final Remix, and Rhythm Tweezers are my personal favorites.

I don’t have much else to say except that it’s good, but I recommend getting Fever instead, even if it technically has less content.

some of the instructions make 0 sense or the levels are just straight up too easy but maybe im just a god gamer (?)

the peak of rhythm heaven and a really fun game i love it

The reason I keep my 3DS charged. And why I have a backup battery for the 3DS, just in case they stop making them.

I've had an amazing gaming session with this; I really love Rhythm Heaven series, and in consequence, I loved this one as well. However, you can tell it was approached differently since it loses a lot of difficulty if you've played the previous Rhythm Paradise games (which is my case, as I've played them all quite a bit). I miss more remixes and some mini-games that are tough to pass, like "Love Rap" from Wii or "Remix 8" from DS, since the most challenging ones (except for the last phase of "Karate Mane") are from previous releases and I already have them mastered. Its best point is that it's loaded with content and still feels like a Rhythm Paradise game. I also really like the indicator of whether you've gone over tempo or entered too early; it's very useful, and they've used it as another mechanic. Let's see how many perfects I end up getting; for now, I think I've done more than half.

Overreliance on self-referential, 4th wall breaking humour got so grating by the 2nd fakeout ending that my willingness to put up with it when it got frustratingly hard vanished. Can see why people like it but not for me.

wish there was more new stuff instead of like 75% repeats from previous games but it's all still mostly very good. challenge mode is awesome and the new minigames are as well. probably objectively the "best" rhythm heaven game but they didn't include dj school and ds remix 8 so not my favorite sorry!

if you do badly enough at this game you get sent to Rhythm Hell. It's the same except there's only one stage and the song for it is Revolution 9 by The Beatles

Not as good as the masterpiece that is Fever. But still very very very good. Some mini games fucking suck tho.

We're never getting another one, it's so unfair.

Replaying this game, and playing it right after Fever, I think this follow up is more quantity than quality.

It's apparent that Nintendo SPD wanted to do something a bit different with Rhythm Heaven. The beginning section of the game (everything prior to Lush Tower) is almost more of a tutorial if you're coming from prior Rhythm Heaven games. Most of the minigames, with a few exceptions, are easier versions of existing minigames from prior entries in the series. Air Rally and Sneaky Spirits, for example, come with completely different background music and are a bit shorter. I'm assuming this was done to be more accessible, but I thought the original versions of those games were accessible enough. Part of the problem I have with this choice is that it makes the beginning of the game feel a bit sluggish. In addition to this change, there is a noticeable lack of remixes until you get to Lush Tower. This, and the addition of a "story" (it really is just flavor text), amounts to what I think is the worst part of this game. While other Rhythm Heavens would quickly push you to the next minigame and always have a new minigame right around the corner, this game chooses to modify existing minigames, in-between each one inserting flavor text that contributes to a story you really don't care about. I don't like to sound harsh, but really, the story doesn't take itself seriously and for a game focused on short bursts of gameplay, why should you take it seriously?

I think throughout the first two hours it's kinda apparent that there is a lack of new minigames, at least as much as Fever introduced within the same time span. Which I think isn't an overall bad decision. This game is a "megamix" after all, and I can't really say I don't enjoy playing through these games again. There is also a good amount of new minigames that this game brings to the table too, and I really enjoyed those. I just think the choice to use minigames we have already played before, interspersed with small cutscenes, drags the pacing down a bit. As well as the decision to not include remixes every 4 minigames.

One thing I really noticed was how easy this game was compared to Fever. Fever had remixes that repeatedly felt like a challenge every time I got to them, while this one I was kinda able to do in one go. Even the "Final Remix" only took me two tries, while Fever's "Remix 10" took me over 10 attempts. Maybe it could just be me getting better at these games, but I think overall the game felt a bit easier compared to the rest of the series.

Also, for replayability, I think the museum is a great way to lay out all of the minigames similar to how they were laid out in other games. I'm just a tad disappointed there isn't an easier way to get to here, maybe through the file menu or something. There's also the shop, where you can buy past minigames that didn't appear in the main story of Megamix. Some of these I really would've loved to see in the main story, but I'm at least glad they're here.

Two lesbians sold me this game for fifteen bucks, that's how you know when a game is worth playing

Insane replay value with lots of challenges and a fun local co-op mode to test your friends.
For a game made in 2016, I did not expect this at all to have Italian vas for some of the songs, underrated for sure

Rhythm Heaven Megamix é inegávelmente carismático e divertido, mas tem os seus problemas. O seu estilo de gameplay com minigames à la WarioWare com foco em ritmo o faz dele especial e divertido, junto com o carisma de sua apresentação e músicas. Boa parte dos meus problemas se devem ao formato de sua campanha. Eu senti que a campanha foi tão tutorializada, que quando termina de te ensinar, acaba não explorando as suas modalidades tão bem quanto podia, além de que a duração delas variava entre curtíssima e arrastada. Também senti que a forma que o game avaliava o jogador era inconsistensistente, às vezes eu errava só 1 vez e dizia que era mais ou menos e outras errava um pouco mais e dizia que fui super bem. É um bom jogo de música, e mesmo algumas partes não sendo muito da minha praia, me interessou o bastante pra jogar os outros games da franquia.

Prós: Apresentação visual carismática; Músicas boas; Gameplay legal.
Contras: Tutorializado a ponto de não explorar bem as modalidades; A campanha arrasta; Avaliações inconsistentes.

it fills the parappa-shaped void in my cold dead heart

my favourite out of all the rhythm heaven games!!! the story is really charming and the goat feeding mini game is surprisingly addictive. my only issue is that lockstep feels off in this one, idk why. i'm really good at it on the ds version but the timing feels very off to me in this version.

as someone who doesn't have a good way to play RH DS and wasn't sure they had interest in playing the original(I do maybe kinda but didn't when I played this last summer), I loved this. I do think it's a shame the real sequel games of Fillbots and Shoot-'em-Up 2 are absent. also I wish it had more DS content(wish Munchy Monk 2 was in!!!!!!!) and extra games being locked behind getting perfects is annoying to me because of the limit of tries and then the subsequent effort of getting another chance at perfect... thankfully most of them are just from Fever, which I've also played, but stilllllll. but I really really enjoyed my time with this and had a ton of fun. the polish in graphics for all of the older games is really nice too, imo. that said, there's not enough new for series enthusiasts that played all 3 other games. otherwise, this is 100% worth your time. so much fun. also for all the fuss about Lockstep's difficulty, I didn't find it that bad. no way I'll ever get Superb on it tho lol

Uno de mis juegos favoritos jamás. Sencillo pero extremadamente divertido. Un par de minijuegos me han vuelto loca de lo imposibles que se me han hecho, como el de las ranas que cantan o el TangoTron, pero merece la pena. Esta entrada recopila todos los minijuegos de la serie en una forma u otra, es la forma definitiva de jugar un Rhythm Heaven y todo el mundo con 3DS debería probarlo.

Not as much of a fan as I'd hoped I'd be but I really like this, hope they make more in the future

me having to freestyle nonsense under my breath to stay on rhythm aside this game fucks

A pretty good compilation of previous rhythm heaven games. They could of added more new ones, and the story is kinda pointless but it’s still a fun time