Reviews from

in the past

Original DS Rhythm Heaven is still the best but this is basically that thus this game is amazing.

this is the best rhythm heaven and I hate it

Ds and Fever is better but still peak

Kinda mid, plenty of brought back minigames but the new minigames are all bad

It's like Rhythm Heaven, but with a lot of extra fat. Save for about ten minigames, there is not a single thing Megamix adds which improves the experience, and Megamix adds a lot. Challenge train, easier versions of already easy games, Perfect runs locking you out of the rest of the song upon failure, cutscenes, the thing where the bottom screen grades every individual input down to the frame (I know you can turn it off), and currency, only serve to detract from what was once minimal perfection. The remixes are okay, though, and more of them are pop songs this time around. Never quite reaches the high of Fever remix 8 and 9, but it's okay. Thanks for finally letting Americans play the Japanese audio, but I already imported this game from Japan when it came out a year before... I wouldn't mind if this is the last Rhythm Heaven game, because if a future title takes a single queue from Megamix, it will be mistaken.

great first game for a beginner to the series!

Una compilación simplemente épica

bangs fists on table MORE RHYTHM HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!

Got this on a whim and now Rhythm Heaven is one of my all time favorite series

Me ha gustado pero no paraba de tirarme de los pelos cada vez que había otro final

This was pretty disappointing. There were hardly any new minigames and the new ones that we did get, were hardly memorable at all. This game took old minigames from the past and did nothing to them. It felt uninspired. And it did not even get a physical release in North America. Very upsetting.

sem dj school = sem felicidade

muchos de estos minijuegos son el apex de la creatividad humana

All the worst parts of Warioware but as a rhythm game.

This would be a 5/5...if this was the first rhythm heaven game I had played. Unfortunately, due to the nature of megamix (a LOT of old remixed content, and a LOT of repetition of this content), I didn't enjoy this nearly as much as I would have. If this is your first rhythm heaven game, then everything about rhythm heaven fever applies to this game but multiplied by 10. Great music. Clean visuals and silly animations. Fun gameplay. If you like rhythm games, you'll love this game...again, if you haven't played the previous rhythm heaven games.

didnt finish it all the way but idk. i like it and all, but the levels feel so short, and it feels like half my time is spent in tutorials or selecting shit

Great selection of games from previous Rhythm Heavens, but fairly easy.

I have practically milked this game dry of content except for the goat. One of the most creative games ever, but slightly disappointing in that most of its games are compiled from previous entries. Regardless 4.5/5.

UPDATE 14 December 2023:

I finished the goat minigame after all this time, booting the game up again out of boredom these past few days. Holy shit do I still love this series so much.

Now here's random thoughts about the series because I'm nostalgic.
Megamix is a really really solid game. The prequel minigames feel soulless but they're unintrusive in existence. The challenge train adds so much longevity. The goat game is so freaking annoying and it makes my blood boil but also it's kinda super fun. Music is incredible across the board. In my opinion all the new games are pretty cool! Unless a forgettable one I forgot exists.

This is not a formal structured review but I have so many thoughts about this series. The fan community is absolutely amazing as well. Overall this series is by far my top rhythm game franchise.

REALLY fun!!!! I fucking love this game, its amazing, the music is very nice and its fun

I'm a sicko for perfecting this before touching the rest of the series, but god was it a good time.

Mejor juego de ritmo ever megamixed

Story mode is kind of underwhelming and I'm still sad that some of the best minigames from previous games weren't in this installment. DJ Yellow I miss you. But it's still a really fun game and I'll always love this series

A "best-of" title that takes songs from all the previous rhythm heaven games with a few new ones thrown in for good measure. While not all of my personal favorites from the previous games return, they got like 90% of em back so it's good enough. Absolutely has the most content in the series though like there's a lot here. Absolutely worth a play, though the game was an eshop exclusive in america so better get importing.

Best Rhythm Heaven game period. Where's the next game nintendo?????

I loved the DS and Wii installments of Rhythm Heaven, but for whatever reason this one just didn't do it for me. I'm not sure if it was because it had some recycled content, had some minigames I found uninteresting, or if I had just gotten too good at these types of games by then. Probably a combination.

thank you rhythm heaven for starting my chronic unhealthy rhythm game addiction