Reviews from

in the past

Just when you think you discovered everything worth playing on the PS2, there is yet another gem on this console here to brighten your day. Your telling me there a western themed samurai action game where you matrix dodge bullets at insane speeds while slashing cowboys into bloody bits on the PS2 ? Sign me up. Its not perfect of course, there is plenty of jank and I threw away my controller in frustration on more than one occasion because of bullshit enemies. The tommyguners in particular can die in dirty ditsh whenever they decide to gang up on you and there is nothing to do except to sit there and be air juggled to death by gunfire until your health hits 0. The camera is a nightmare and there are like 5 actual locations recycled across its 15 Levels. But again this game is called Samurai Western and it delivers everything I want from something called Samurai Western. It has all the classic trops, the classic music, the action. I even to get customize my badass samurai with silly shit like a giant Ninja star on his back or an Afro. The cherry on top was the Trigun vibes it gave me and the second to last boss only confirmed my suspicion that atleast one person on the dev team had a thing for Yasuhiro Nightows cult classic series, wich made me very happy. Man, why did they cancel Planet Gun Smoke, wouldnt have been so cool.

a ideia do jogo e o combate são maneirissimos, principalmente o sistema de esquiva dele, mas o jogo é tão repetitivo que eu tive que zerar ele no modo turbo do emulador pra eu não me matar de desgosto, o combate tem tão pouca variação que em 1 hora vc cansa dele, juntando isso ao fato da história ser péssima, as missões serem todas iguais e as lutas contra chefe serem piores que as do marvel's avengers, esse jogo foi de legalzinho a horrível em 3 horas, sem contar o fato de que só gravaram uma linha de voz pros inimigos que é "stand still", vc vai ouvir isso do começo ao fim sem parar

Birden fazla düşman koyalım ki oyuncular anamızın altına üstüne sövsün diye düşünülüp tasarlandığı kanısındayım.

I love being a samurai and I love killing Americans

pretty fun with a good aesthetic/style

it doesn't really excel at anything it does but it's hilariously absurd and it's a lot of fun to dodge & deflect the bullets. good pick if you're looking for something short and sweet.

some bosses are fucking downright annoying though

This is one of these 6.5 or 7/10's you find when you're browsing for games and end up liking quite a bit, this gamne lives with its dodge and ultimate master mode mechanics without them i fully believe this game would have not been as fun as it is,altough the loop for a lot of the game becomes boring by stage 8 or 9, even tough they try to add some replay value with some modes and even have diffrent approach to combat with diffrent weapons its not enough to break alot of the loop of kill guys here until the game decides the stage is done or fight a boss, and especially the bossfights are especially pretty bad asides from 1 or 2 and the music is actually pretty good
I still recomend this game strongly especially cause whats here is still really fun to play

Esse deveria ser legal para um caralho, até porque a estética dele é muito cool (ao menos pra mim um samurai num faroeste é top coisas fodas já feitas) mas fica tão repetitivo e desgastante com o passar das fases, e para um jogo tão curto (tem só umas 3-4 horas) isso é horrível, os inimigos se repetem, 2 chefes se repetem umas 2 a 3 vezes os cenários se repetem, junta essa repetição toda com o combate raso do jogo (que literalmente se resume a desviar e amassar o quadrado) e é impossível não ficar chateado e puto com o jogo

Uma masterpeça escondida no mundo dos jogos, curtinho, saboroso, divertido e maneiro.

gameplay maneira mas com uma câmera tão bosta igual dessa deixa o jogo mid demais

A one slasher but it's completely based on Dodging and countering which is not greatly implemented

I've always been a fanboy for Acquire's samurai and ninja games, particularly Way of the Samurai, and I remember liking this back in the day but not beating it... considering this is basically a WotS spin-off, I had to fix it. Now I know, it's the worst game in the WotS series, for sure!

Basically, this game overstays its welcome despite being like 3-4 hours long. Every stage (except literally 3 out of 16 main stages) are basically the same damn fucking thing: just mash Square while sometimes dodging with Circle until you kill enough enemies for the game to arbitrarily say you beat the stage. Not to mention that you will be repeating the same areas multiple times anyway!

Gameplay just gets old after a few stages, despite the game giving you new weapons. You see basically all enemy types after a few stages, with the exception of bosses (which mostly are annoying). Camera sucks, too.

Using Ultimate Master Mode never gets old, tho, since you become invicible, fast as fuck, and can instantly kill mooks goring them. I'm assuming this was an inspiration in a way for some stuff in WotS3 and WotS4.

Story is entertaining. Obviously don't expect too much, but it's entertaining for what it is. It's nice to see Dona Dona (Donald), though I can't tell if this is an alternate reality type thing or if this is set before WotS1? I don't know the timeline but this feels like it's set after WotS1's time, despite Donald's entire existence here implying this is before WotS1. I had no internet when I played the game so I couldn't look up dates, which is when I wrote this review too.

Anyway, gameplay is neat for the first 30 minutes then you already saw everything there is to offer, so the game sucks ass. Story, style, and soundtrack are what carried it enough to make me wanna beat it. Also Claudia's massive low-poly tits, goddamn!

fun game with simple combat and a decent story, i really like the setting of this game too, also i like it being set in the same universe as way of the samurai, anyways play it its fun

This review contains spoilers

Based on the game's aesthetic and presentation, I desperately want to love this game. However, this is severely brought down by its glaring issues. It starts strong but falls off a cliff after the first boss. Most bosses are annoying and the game throws too many enemies for you to realistically deal with. Stage objectives are a bit confusing since enemies constantly respawn, so most stages just eventually end after killing a random amount of enemies. Overall, worth checking out for a few stages but not good enough to justify completion. Don't do what I did and brute force though it.

There's some surprising nuances to Samurai Western's design- enemy attacks are all signaled by a voice line and a change in their mini-map appearance, letting you react to them even if they're off-screen, and there's a good level of quality to the overall feel of the experience: dodging around automatic gunfire feels great and combat while simple is generally satisfying. I say all of this is surprising because, despite the fact that this is the third game in a series, from a developer that already had four games' worth of experience under their belt and would go on to make many more even today, Samurai Western has the very distinct feeling of a mid-tier PS2 kusoge hack and slash, usually the sort developed by a very obscure company that'd go on to die out sooner or later. The environments are overall pretty ugly, some of the mechanics aren't well thought-out, and generally it feels very, very cheap.

The biggest thing that stands out when playing Samurai Western is that it doesn't really have levels proper. Instead, you have some large arena, where enemies continue to respawn, and killing enough of them eventually clears the level. There's some exceptions but most of the game goes like that. This isn't as awful as it seems, these games after all ride or die on their combat mechanics and to push everything else away in its favor might not be the worst idea ever, but it does make the game very, very repetitive. Still, it feels good to play, if you don't burn yourself out. Despite somewhat poorly thought out abilities (every sword class has its own "devil trigger" but they're all bad in comparison to the universal one you get if your bar is 100% full) and limited movesets, killing guys feels good and, unless you get stunlocked (pro tip, hit the jump button as you're falling to immediately get back up), it all works, it's just kinda the only thing you'll be doing for most of the game. There's a scoring system, and it's mean enough that on your first playthrough you'll be getting a few scores in the negatives, which i found pretty funny.

What does put a spoke in the wheels of Samurai Western are the bosses- some are exceptions but almost all of them see the boss backed up by infinitely respawning goons, which leads to you taking some pretty cheap hits. Doesn't help that most of these bosses are fought after minutes and minutes of killing enemies, so if you die you have to do all that again. I eventually just put up save states before all boss battles, it just wasn't fun to deal with. So overall, Samurai Western is repetitive, rough around the edges but not necessarily unfun, just sorta alright. I don't know if I'd recommend it, but if you're interested there could be worse ways to waste your time, I guess.

There's a story, but I don't really think it's worth dwelling on. What might be are some of the neater little details this game has. For example, while the game is in English, the MC and his brother are voiced by Japanese VAs, and when speaking to themselves or one another they will do so in Japanese. The game lets you turn on extra challenges for the sake of extra score when replaying stages, which is cool though I don't SW is strong enough to warrant more than a single playthrough. It's also neat how the multiplayer lets you play as a supporting character, even though that means I have no clue what he actually plays like. I really dig how you can move around and resize clothing items though, lets you give Gojiro a big ass hat, or if you prefer, position any item in such a way that it somewhat resembles a large phallus, which is really what videogames are all about, in the end. Also, the main villain (who's voiced by Paul Eiding, same VA as Roy Campbell from Metal Gear)'s weapon is called Scissor61, which I thought was a cute reference that most people would never learn of, given the game's obscurity and the requirements for unlocking it. That's all I got.

Just pure cuhrayzee hack n' slash goodness. This game just oozes so much style in it's gameplay mechanics alone. There's definitely a few janky gripes holding it back, such as the camera or enemies constantly spawning on high, unreachable places (probably to encourage deflecting their shots instead, but since deflections don't add to your combo meter they pretty much just end up interrupting the flow of combat). But other than that, it's a really solid hack n' slash game, with lots of replay value and a boatload of unlockable content.

More games should let you alter the size and orientation of your equipment, thus allowing you to wear a hilariously oversized cowboy hat.

more games need this amount of customization
pretty satisfying game with a pretty satisfying dodge mechanic

um dos jogos mais underrated que eu ja joguei na minha vida.

Samurai Western tem um estilo artistico e conceito tao mas tao incriveis que é dificil nao se interessar por ele de primeira.
O problema principal do jogo como varias pessoas apontam é sua repetiçao extrema que nao me incomodou tanto mas eu entendo perfeitamente. Mas o principalmente atraente do jogo pra mim é sua apresentaçao, estilo de arte, mecanicas unicas e protagonista. Samurai Western tem graficos feios, que parecem de Playstation 1, a UI do jogo é feia, a paleta do jogo é feia, os personagens são feios e eu amei cada aspecto disso tudo. Vale dar uma chance mesmo que talvez voce nao goste muito.

Yee Haw Samurai, I liked equipping all of the hats

Honestly... The story is meh. The gameplay is junky and repetitive. The camera is terrible and the jump too. Whoever told me the game is good, is blinded by nostalgia. And there's no excuse.

Fun in small doses but repetitive.

Samurai Western's style is a perfect blend of rule of cool anime from the early late 90s to 2000s and the many PS2 era action games.
Sadly that style has to carry a pretty poor camera, horrible boss fights and some terrible mission objectives that boil down to killing hundreds of the same 3 types of enemy every single time.


O começo tava muito divertido, mas quanto mais eu jogava mais a repetição de quadrado + botão de esquiva foi ficando chata e perdendo o brilho. Ainda sim é um jogo legal, mas se o combate dentro do jogo fosse um pouco mais diversificado ao invés de se ater apenas com a espada que tu tá usando, poderia ser muito melhor. Não num nível de complexidade como Devil May Cry 3 ou Kingdom Hearts 2, mas algo mais complexo ajudaria muito esse jogo, porque isso aqui tinha um potencial muito grande. Infelizmente não foi usado direito...

(Gayathon #3 de 16)

would of been better if the bosses didn't suck

fun game, janky japanese gameplay. would be nice if it was shorter though

Eu sinceramente gostei do jogo, por mais que seja repetitivo e afins, não é a pior coisa já feita.
A câmera as vezes é um lixo porque ela fica entrando dentro do cenário e ela mexe pro lado q você movimenta para os lados, mas da pra mexer a câmera pelo outro analógico também e não fica de todo ruim.
O combate do jogo é meio travado, como se você dar um ataque no ar seu boneco fica travado e não mexe por um tempo, isso atrapalha MUITO porque você começa a levar muito dano por nada.
As primeiras fases tem momentos que as cutscenes começam do nada, não que seja algo muito ruim mas sei lá, me incomodou um pouco.
Por fim a temática do jogo é muito boa e designs dos bosses me agradaram bastante.