Reviews from

in the past

I liked the atmosphere and the creepy environments ! Best played on a big screen with lights down and a good audio setup to appreciate all the visual detail and underwater sound design. The game is short, very short and overall enjoyable game but with notable flaws. Unlike Limbo or Inside which seem the most comparable to this is, that Silk relies heavily on trial and error. There are no directions for what you can or cannot possess, so very often it took me a while to find out what I can possess and what to do and was kinda annoying. ( 15 min for a lever for example). Overall I like the underwater setting, the creature designs and the dark visuals. But the gameplay not so much. Took me 3h to beat but you can probably also do it in 1-2h. Decide for yourself if this is worth the price.

Fantastic art and sound design, some cool puzzles even if it gets a little stale by the end, I was worried it'd just be a limbo clone but it separates itself enough to stand out plenty in a year full of playdead-likes.

There's sharks in it (along with all my sleep paralysis demons)

Like your penis, it was short than I thought

i wish you could control the big fish :(

Nelle profondità dell'oceano nessuno può sentirti sborrare

A nota desse aqui faz total sentido pra ele, visto que é um jogo bem mediano, porém com uma proposta interessante que dava pra fazer bem mais. Não chega nem ser uma experiência equiparável a Limbo, mas visto que o cenário de games sobre talassofobia não é tão grande, vale as 2 horinhas de jogo.

Silt is a decent game, but it does get a bit annoying in its later sections. Luckily, it's not long, so it doesn't hurt the game too much. I loved the artstyle though, and I'd say that's the main reason why it's worth playing. Looked wonderful on an OLED. It just feels like some of the later parts could've used more playtesting, but if you can look past that, not bad. I'd say get it during a sale.

Poderia ser muito melhor sem os exageros e algumas partes wft

It's a fast game, not even that hard. Never got soft-locked (I guess I got lucky, I don't know). Actually, I guess it's more art than a game: the drawings, the sounds, everything is made to make you feel uncomfortable but captured at the same time. Unluckily it's quite short, but I still liked it.

Puzzles basados en controlar a diversas criaturas marinas con habilidades propias mientras te preocupas de ¿tu cuerpo?, puesto que todo te mata de un simple golpe. Es entretenido y la atmosfera está muy bien conseguida entre el blanco y negro, y el magnífico sonido. Habría preferido un final más explicativo y que las boss fights fueran más complejas, solo el primero me mató una vez y porque no me dio por mirar para arriba. Ah, y no acabo de entender porque hay botón de correr cuándo el de andar normal y corriente es absurdamente lento. He ido las dos horas y pico con el botón A apretado.