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in the past

A quite good collection with an incrediblt easy platinum. It has Sonic CD in it so it's kino by default.

Estava esperando esta coletânea para finalmente ter a oportunidade de jogar o Sonic CD e tentar fazer as pazes com o 3. Apesar do trabalho ainda deixar um pouco a desejar com diversos bugs de gráfico e áudio, é bem legal ver o trabalho de animação entre os jogos e aos extras para quem é fan da série.

This is certainly quite the mixed bag of a release.

The extra polish given to Sonic 3 makes this the star of this collection. Extra sprites to better convey certain gimmicks, tweaks to cutscenes to make them flow better and other quality of life enhancements really push it beyond the remasters that came before.

On the topic of the remasters that came before that is where my first issue with this collection arises. Sonic 1 and 2 aren't changed all that much over their 2013 remasters, so unfortunately they don't have the same level of quality as Sonic 3. Sonic CD suffers from this even more as it predates the Sonic 1 and 2 remasters and therefore misses features present in those games, most notably Knuckles.

The only other real issues I have with this is that it's a bit buggy and some of the replacement music in Sonic 3 isn't up to the standard of the rest of the OST.

Una colección de los Sonic de MegaDrive. Las novedades son bienvenidas, como los Modos Aniversario que eliminan las vidas y aumentan el aspect ratio de los juegos. Los nuevos motores también rinden bien. Desgraciadamente, a pesar de las adiciones, no considero que esto deba costar 40 euros.

I've played these games dozens of times on the several sega/sonic compilations released throughout years. Through official means and for people new to the Classic Sonic these are absolutely the best way to play these games. I think the new animations are great, story mode is an awesome addition and finally having an official sonic 3 port is boss. However, as someone who has played the sonic 1/2/CD decomps and Sonic 3 A.I.R/Complete the collection is definitely lacking in the polish that the other fan projects provide and even the prior 16:9 ports of sonic 1/2/CD. There is nothing majorly wrong with any of the ports either but it's a lot of small things that add up if you've played these games a ton.

I never expected Origins to compare to the likes of Sonic 3 A.I.R or the decomp projects that fans can indefinitely support to make them the best versions of these games. I expected Origins to at least provide a polished way to play these games I've grown up to love and you get that with some caveats. If your a seasoned sonic fan you'll notice a ton of little issues such as in sonic 2 with Tails getting stuck and jumping forever offscreen, random screen locking causing weird deaths, Blue sphere music not speeding up, Replaced MJ tracks etc. The mission mode is also just alright, boss rush and mirror mode are novel for a bit, dlc/deluxe edition is kind of negligible and the museum could've been a bit more robust. It's unfortunate that Headcannon didn't get the chance to fully polish the ports presented here in this collection and I hope they get a chance to patch the game to make these ports the best it can be.

With all that said I think what's presented here is great for those looking to pick this game up on console. If you don't mind buying it on steam, pc mods also fix some of the issues presented such making sonic 3 have it's og soundtrack again, fixing the drop dash control lock in sonic 1/2/CD and making the game include sonic mania's filters to make the game less blurry. I didn't have an issue spending 40 for this since I adore these games but for those new to classic sonic you can get away with waiting for this collection to go on sale. I'll probably be returning to this collection for mods along side the fan ports.

Video review:

Sonic is back, but this time as a collection of older titles instead of something brand new. New Sonic games tend to have all sorts of issues, so surely a straight remaster of older ones would not? Well...

Sonic Origins is a collection of four games: Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and Sonic CD. Each is presented in two formats: Classic Mode, which plays like the games were on their original platforms and then Anniversary Mode, which adds widescreen support and removes lives. Both have their merits, but the widescreen support added by Anniversary Mode absolutely elevates the experience and is easily one of the game’s best features.

And yes, the games themselves are great. Fast and fun gameplay with a great mix of platforming, diverse level design with all sorts of interesting stuff to find, and just the right amount of challenge. I’ve always liked how freeform Sonic’s gameplay is and how open the levels were and these four games are no exception.

The original game is perhaps the roughest of the bunch, but easily has some of the most memorable stages. The second game is the most difficult of the bunch, but has some of the best music. The third game has the most balanced gameplay of the bunch and honestly might be my favorite. CD is a bit of a weird one, combining some of the good aspects of the others, but I was not a fan of the time travel mechanic and boss fights; it’s probably my least favorite of the bunch.

Remaster Content
The question is then - do the changes made to these classics make the collection worth it? That’s a bit of an iffy one. On one hand, the package is a bit more expensive than I was expecting for a collection of four old games. With a $40 price tag, I wish the game had included even more classic Sonic games. For starters, Knuckles' Chaotix would have been an excellent addition, but Sonic Chaos, Sonic Triple Trouble, and the Sonic Advance games would have been great too.

Quality of life is also an issue. These are old classics ported to modern platforms without the usual features we get with such releases, such as save states or the ability to rewind. I can do without the latter, but save states would have been super cool to have here and that is something that straight emulation does better than this collection.

I also was not the biggest fan of whatever filter was used to scale these games up. It looks a bit blurry and nowhere near as crisp as I would have liked - even when messing around with settings like resolution and anti-aliasing (which I recommend you keep disabled). As it stands, it does take some getting used to.

The collection does do good in its addition of new game modes though, including boss rush, mirror mode, and a mission mode that adds a bunch of new objectives. Not all of those missions land, but it’s a nice addition regardless. The museum mode is a nice touch too, allowing access to artwork, music, and videos.

Perhaps the biggest issue with this collection though is how buggy it is, particularly on the audio front. In every game, I had audio cutting out too early, audio repeatedly playing even when not doing anything, muffled music, and in a few cases - the audio completely bugging out and playing nonstop loud and annoying sounds. And while I have not noticed any collision or physics issues - that also appears to be a common complaint.

The collection is obviously a rushed job and you need look no further than the very devs that worked on it stating as such. Apparently there was some sort of disconnect there between the remaster devs and the actual finished product, leading to many strange bugs.

I cannot give Sonic Origins a straight positive recommendation, but I also cannot say that it’s entirely negative either - this is why I wish Steam had something in the middle. On one hand, these are some absolutely solid classics and I am glad they are available on modern platforms, but on the other, the collection itself is lacking and there are quite a few technical issues on top of that.

people are a bit harsh on this game, it's a solid way to experience the genesis games if you care about acquiring games legitimately and not pirating. i think the price point could be lowered a bit and the additional content is a little lacking, but overall the games in this collection are great and i think this is a great way to get into the sonic series

also if you actually thought they were gonna put in "new playable characters" that weren't just like knuckles in sonic 1 im sorry but you're dumb as hell LMAO

Its ok. there are bugs. but they aren't that noticeable. the challenges are fine and its cool to FINALLY see S3&K remade by Cristian whitehead and co.

Sonic Origins definitely has its downsides, i.e. the somewhat botched soundtrack of Sonic the Hedgehog 3. However, it is currently the absolute best way to experience some of the greatest games that 2D Sonic has to offer. The additional challenges, modes and collectibles are great fun as well!

Average collection. Some bugs/glitches/issues. Price is also too high.

Now, I like these games in this collection well enough, but I do not think this is the definitive way to play these games at all. When you've been playing these games as long as I have, you notice very miniscule changes to these games like the new widescreen messing up strategies on boss fights and several physics adjustments. Not to mention, 30 bucks for 4 games? I guess Plus adds a collection of Game Gear games, but I honestly don't think anyone is itching to play those. Also, why include the Game Gear versions of Sonic Spinball and Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine but not the Genesis versions of those games? Hell, why even have the Game Gear versions of these specific games when they were also on the Master System in a less compressed quality? It really does feel like a slapdash new addition for some DLC. Don't even get me started on Sonic 3's music. I understand with the Michael Jackson lawsuit stuff the music changes were unfortunately bound to happen, but the music that they replaced just doesn't sound good. That's not an issue with the compositions either, it's just the instruments are terrible. Senuoe also composed a new Super Sonic theme that reeks with Sonic 4's fake FM. Sure, playing as Amy is a fantastic feature, and the new cutscenes are nice, but Sonic Mega Collection Plus remains the best collection of these games, with way more games and content. The Sonic 1,2 and CD ports made by Taxman and Stealth are better than the ones in this collection, and Sonic 3 Complete and S3 AIR are the best ways to play those games as well. See if you can get those, and don't even worry about Origins.

If there's one thing I'll give it for it's the fact you're able to play the HD remasters of the original (and best!) Mega Drive Sonic games on console and all. However, it doesn't excuse the level of quality the dev team put out for this compilation, especially how they handled the original mobile ports created by Christian Whitehead.

A great way to play through the original games along with fun bonus content to go through.

If you don't think about how this was handled for more than 2 seconds yeah it's pretty good.

Sonic Origins at the end of the day is a very strange package. It should be the definitive versions of the classic genesis titles and it gets so close but it just dies right before it hits the signpost.

Tons of great improvements and some neat bonus features but other Sonic collections of the past included more games and content that is just missing in this one. The new cutscenes are cute, the quality of life changes are great and mission mode is actually kinda fun but for everything gained is something lost in return. Plus I can't understate how the missing Sonic 3 music sucks because the replacements are literally unfinished versions of tracks from prototypes (that are also slightly off from the prototypes) and they just don't sound good.

What also sucks is that the collection introduces some weird bugs that weren't in any other version giving off some rushed vibes (it was rushed, classic SEGA moment). All of that brings the game down a touch. Even more when you add in the weird ass Deluxe DLC which gives things that literally don't feel worth the extra cash put down. Like extra menu animations and side borders is a really weird thing to sell. Luckily the Plus version replaced it and actually comes with more content but the gall of SEGA to make DLC for a classic collection is hilarious.

To anyone that's never played a Sonic game or is a casual fan and wants to relive the old titles, this collection ain't half bad and it's a super easy way to play the entire main line genesis catalogue. For the die hard Sonic fans who are willing to go through the trouble, there's better ways to experience these classics. Just when you play Sonic 1, make sure you stop after Green Hill Act 2. You're better off that way.

lacking options and we need Michael back. new songs are dogshit

why is it 40 dollars lol.

I actually sort of feel similar about Sonic Origins that I do with Sonic Colors Ultimate. I am glad to finally experience the enhancements brought by the mobile ports of Sonic 1 and 2 officially on console and PC, with those enhancements also being applied to Sonic 3 & Knuckles - widescreen, 60FPS, smoother scrolling of objects and so on. There's also the addition of Sonic CD on modern consoles which, while not a huge deal since it was available on PC and Xbox One before being delisted, is still a nice addition to this collection. And of course, you can also choose to experience the games closer to their original versions with Classic Mode.

On top of that I do like the additions made - the Mission Mode does give some new content to these classic games and the Museum mode featuring music, illustrations and animations from throughout the series, as well as stuff like the Drop Dash being added. On top of that, I also really like the animations done as intros and outros for all the games, which especially makes playing them in the game's 'Story Mode' (in which you play all the games back to back) seem more seamless.

That said, there are some problems. There's a degree of blurriness in all of the games as a result of the game using a less than optimal integer scaling method - it isn't too noticeable, but even compared to the Sega Ages versions of Sonic 1 and 2 on the Switch, the image doesn't seem quite as sharp. And while you can play the games in 'Classic Mode' with the old lives system, you're out of luck if you want to use the old lives system with the enhancements brought by the Anniversary Mode. There's also some minor bugs that I noticed throughout the game, mostly visual, and I've heard there are some problems with the PC version due to Denuvo right now.

The issue I've seen most people talk about too is obviously with Sonic 3 & Knuckles' soundtrack in which the themes for Carnival Night, Ice Cap, and Launch Base are replaced with variations of their prototype theme. The reasoning for this is understandable, but my problem is moreso that especially for Carnival Night and Launch Base the remixes use an instrumentation that just doesn't sound very good, even compared to the original prototype themes from the Sonic 3 Beta. Super Sonic at least has it's own theme, and I do like the composition of it, but it's still let down by a Sonic 4-esque soundfont.

But above all of these, my biggest issue with this compilation is that it's $40 ($45 for the Digital Deluxe). Getting the chance to play these games again with enhancements was nice, and I do like some of the other features added, but I don't feel like it's enough to justify dropping $40 on it. In the end these games have been re-released countless times before, and especially for that price tag, I really would've liked to see more games added - maybe even some that haven't been rereleased at all like Knuckles' Chaotix or SegaSonic the Hedgehog, or hell, maybe even the Saturn version of Sonic 3D Blast or the 'Sonic World' from Sonic Jam.

As it is, it's a fine collection of some really good 2D platformers with enhancements made, but I might advise waiting for a price drop or sale in the future.

its mid, great collection for new fans, but im not a new fan at all.

when this was announced I was making fun of the "just download the decomps and s3air" calling them nerd emojis and stuff but honestly that may be the play here. only con being you can only get it on pc and mobile.

if you're a new fan or dont play on pc, get it. if you're not, just play the fanmade ports its just better.

RIP Tupac you would’ve loved Sonic Origins 💔

While others had problems and glitches with this game, I had none, Sonic 1 2 3, and Cd all worked fine and I had a blast beating them all!

Hey to have all of em on switch I’ll take it

Think of little Timmy who loved the movies he’ll probably get a virus on his parent’s computer looking for a sonic 3 AIR or decompiled mobile ports
If only they can fix the weird roll lock thing with sonic 1 and 2, but what can ya do I guess

As someone who has only dabbled in these games in the past, I found this to be a convenient way to play the classic Sonic games. I understand there was a buggy launch which is laughable considering the how old these games are but when I played it I noticed no issues. The biggest problem I had with this collection is how overly unambitious it was, especially considering it's steep price point. If there was more content besides PNGs and sound files I would have been more satisfied. I think maybe documentary style videos would have been great to explain the ORIGINS of these games. The mission mode was a neat little inclusion though.

The cutscenes are beautiful and it's fantastic that there's no lives and you can retry emerald stages, but they could have done a lot better with quite a number of things. It's still a fine collection if you really don't want to find another way to play the games. Sonic 3 & Knuckles is definitely the best by a landslide, but CD still sweeps in terms of art direction and music.
I like the funny blue guy and his funny friends.

sonic 1: sucks, never playing ever again.
sonic cd: better than 1, not really a high bar but it still isn't great.
sonic 2: better than the previous but i hated the last 3 levels.
sonic 3 and knuckles: alright i guess

overall review: i do not like these games.

This soundtrack is saved from being in the D-Tier thanks to the few pretty good Hyper Potions songs in this cause wow the new songs done for sonic 3 do not sound good at all. It's a shame too cause I do legitimately quite enjoy the original leaked sonic 3 beta songs a lot, and while I would still miss songs like the final version of Icecap Zone, if it was replaced by the leaked original versions of these songs I'd very likely get over the track replacements. These versions though are, ough. Why weren't these just the original leaked versions those sounded perfectly good and final enough as is lol

Sega rushing games once again!!!!!! Still a good way to play these though so nice nice

I believe this is a good gateway for more casual fans to introduce themselves to the series. I really enjoyed the ability to use easy to obtain coins to retry special stages as well. The Ubisoft-esque dlc rollout and very unfaithful “classic models” are a letdown and the lack of level select really disappoints me

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