Reviews from

in the past

The only reason this isn't considered one of the worst games of all time is that no one's ever played it.

this game is genuinely one of the most patronizing video games i've ever played. it's just baffling to me that sega made this, and said to people who waited for years for a true sonic 4 and were dissapointed by ep1 and gave this. it has so little good ideas of its own, and most of the game can be played by pressing one button and that's it. my last straw was when the last special stage was genuinely giving me motion sickness and the sky fortress boss would just not fucking function, it's a terrible game and i'm so glad mania was made just to spite whatever atrocity this game is.

Tails About An Episodic 4th Entry.

Sonic 4 Episode II is an improvement of the first game in significant ways that made it a solid entry if you even somewhat enjoyed the first game but its nothing too special and you'll probably get more leverage out of other games in the 2/2.5D in the platforming genre and it is relatively short but the visuals and stage envoirments are a massive improvement over the first episode as it has minimal asset reuse and doesn't have the ugly cellshading esc look the first went for but at the same time 9/10ths of the game outside of the final special stage and flying fortress act 3 is childs play and the game is way too easy but all in all if your a MASSIVE sonic fan go ahead and play this game you might get a small kick out of it I wouldn't buy the game for any amount of money over 5-10$'s though as its way too short.

Owning both sonic 4's grants you access to episode metal thats a shorter but harder episode 1 with a metal sonic skin and a few cutscenes.

Better than the first but it’s just borderline acceptable

This game isn't as miserable as episode 1 but God it is still far from good. It has a lot of similar issues to episode 1 so there's not as much to cover. But this game does improve some things, the game looks better, some early stages are actually kinda fun, the controls aren't as terrible but it's still a lot of stop and go garbage, and the team up mechanic between sonic & tails is actually kind of neat if a little overused in some instances. The problems lie within the second half and the boss fights. I don't know whose bright idea was it to make most of the boss fights have minute long unskippable intros but they're and they make dying to them all the worse especially since the into isn't the only thing that is long and boring about them. These bossfights take so long, every single one them have multiple phases and if you die once you have to start from the beginning and did I mention the fact they all have like minute long intros? And then there's the second half, who thought bringing back sky chase was a good idea? And then who decided to make the stage 7 MINUTES LONG, JESUS CHRIST. It's better than episode 1 but that's not saying much don't bother with this one either unless like episode 1 you want to see how bad it is. Just play the genesis games or mania for some good 2D sonic platforming.

IMPROVEMENT! now the stages actually fit around the physics!

While technically better than Episode 1, it’s still riddled with problems. Don’t play Sonic 4. It’s poopoo.

Vibes are still very penis-y, but the level design is at least competent this time around and a lot of the new features are pretty neat. It's just a not very good version of a gameplay style I'm already not in love with

Way better than its predecessor. Fun, quick, mid game.

Melhor que o primeiro episódio, kk, mas também deixou a desejar.

You know, this one's really good. It improves everything I disliked from Episode 1, and you know what? There were times when it was better than 3 and Knuckles. Wow!

Just kidding, this only improves on Episode 1 by merely being competently made. It's dull and weirdly bloated despite the number of zones.

The ending of the game is a mixed bag: it's a miserable way to end a showy climax, but at least there was no more 4 after this.

Разрабы учли ошибки прошлой игры, новые локации, новые боссы, но делает ли это игру хорошей? Точно нет. Она хоть и выглядит лучше, но геймплейно очень быстро надоедает. Это игра также не имеет никакой ценности, просто такой же сборник уровней.

Legitimately an improvement over Episode 1. Sonic and Tails have a 69 attack together.

Mejora algo con la verticalidad, pero sigue siendo tan o más aburrido que el primero.

Hey, i found a sonic game that i hate more than sonic 1...great

Boring visual, boring music, horrible level design, even when they try new thing, broken physics, sonic as way too much weight and cant take speed for the life of him and jump like if he was on the moon, useless mechanic ..this game is just Bad

The only redeeming quality are the boss, but even then, they are way too easy and the music, but gave me a single sonic game with Bad music, i would wait

sonic 4 episode 2 is at least a little bit better than the original game. i wouldn't say it's worth playing but there's some redeeming aspects to it, like the more creative level aesthetics and much, much better looking graphics on top of better sounding audio too. but the partner mechanic is overused to the point of being annoying, and none of the progress from the first episode is carried over, you only get an additional metal sonic chapter, which is pretty much as average as the base game anyways. wouldn't really recommend, considering there are better 2D sonic games on steam to be playing instead

I actually think this game was kinda fun, not my favorite but a genuine step up in comparison to Episode 1, the levels we're fun to traverse through and for the most part didn't feel boring or tedious, and I love the theming of White Park Zone, it looks pretty and I can dig it's night time and snow setting in a Winter Park Wonderland, but other than that it's just fine, if I could say anything I recommend this over Episode 1 any day,

It's better than Episode I, and hey, it even has Metal Sonic! But being shot in the arm is better than being shot in the face, and Metal Sonic only makes the former sting a little less.

Might be even worse than episode 1. At least that game wasn't mentally draining to play.

why the fuck did I play these

Sonic is supposed to at least look rad!


i like when you turn into the big ball and just ignore the level design

its an improvement over the first episode, that's for sure. But it's still not worthy of being called sonic 4 IMO. Adds tails back in because tails was in sonic 2 on the mega drive, get it? Also metal sonic is here which is cool and his theme song kinda slaps in this game, which is not something people expect out of the sonic 4 OSTs. If for some bizarre reason you are forced to play a sonic 4 game pick this one, but still you should probably play literally any other 2D sonic before either of these.

Did you know that scientists have invented a cure for insomnia? Yeah, it's really simple too. All you have to do is boot up this game, play it for 10 minutes, get bored of it, and you'll be sleeping like a baby!

Only problem is the method only works once most of the time because most people never want to play it ever again.

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It's mid

I really appreciated the efforts that were made to make Episode 2 an actual console game worthy of the name Sonic 4, rather than a mobile game sloppily thrown onto consoles and retitled to boost profits. It was too little too late, however. The episodic nature of Sonic 4 killed it right out the gate. This is leagues better than Episode 1, but still not up to par with all the rest of the Classic games.

Sure enough this one is better. The physics suck less, the visuals are tolerable now. There are co-op mechanics with Tails to sort of give it a little mechanical identity even if it's not super interesting. The levels have less bullshit in them but the bosses, while more interesting visually, are incredibly tedious. This is still just "hey remember those old games" but it's decently fun.

Really though this is a look at a very specific period of small games, especially the ones that were not indies. There is a red ring in each level to collect but they don't do anything except award an achievement if you get them all. This was a little baby budget title from Sega in the heady days of Xbox Live. With the refinements from the first game it's probably exactly what they set out to do.

A Sonic game for fans who thought Sonic moves a bit too fast and should come to a complete stop at the most inconvenient times