Reviews from

in the past

on par with drakengard in the sense of "it has a super intriguing setting and cast but is also incredibly difficult for me to recommend because of the heavy subject matters it has (also the fact that the rereleases didn't cut out the slurs gig tends to drop in his dialogue)"

but damn if this isn't one of the best of NIS's non-disgaea library and a hidden gem of ps2 srpgs. very much worth a playthrough if you feel you can handle it.

I haven't forgiven NIS for their treatment of this game. While my favorite title of theirs is Phantom Brave, I wholeheartedly believe that this one is their best (or D4).

There's genuinely so much to love here and the fact that there is an evil NG+ that gives Undertale Genocide Run (but ironically a lot darker) and even that has a good and bad ending, like. It's a really good game. It's a great time sink, love the narrative (and its ties to the other games), and it's just so unique both in how its characters are written and how the game works mechanically.

One day it'll get a re-release that isn't made up of entirely 4 pixels.

Would rate higher if it didn't awaken my love for blond country boys

Super underappreciated! It's messy, but I love it a lot.

One of my fav games of all time. Story's alright, characters are great, and the combat system is really unique and a lot of fun. This is one of those games where if you know what you're doing you can level up quickly and break the game pretty easily; and I love those types of games.
I'm confident in saying this is my second fav NIS game, and I would love a re release so more people can try it out!

Great story, interesting systems, really bland and repetitive map design; imagine Disgaea without Geo Panels. Combat is very slow, even with animations off. Fighting/robbing/recruiting NPCs is amusing.