Reviews from

in the past

It´s like a DLC but separate and expensive, if you don´t like AL AN oh boy you will NOT like this game

Full review:

Exploring, gathering and crafting is just as fun and addictive as in Subnautica
Stunning visuals - by far the most beautiful underwater exploration game
Great creature designs
Explore and advance at your own pace
Improved base building and new vehicles, rooms and equipment
New survival element on the surface: temperature
Atmospheric weather system
Amazing soundtrack

Subnautica’s atmosphere is much more tense and immersive
Finding the next point of interest sometimes requires thorough exploration
Amazing idea for a story, but unfortunately it ends up feeling rushed and unpolished

Less biomes that also lack diversity compared to Subnautica
The biomes of the late game are quite empty and boring
Progression is too easy and quick: I missed the challenge and sense of achievement

Overall it’s an incredibly fun and beautiful game that is overshadowed by the masterpiece that was it’s predecessor.

Subnautica below 0 does everything subnautica the first does, mostly worse. starting with the positives, art style was great, some of the new areas looked great. However the map is 1/3 of the size and there are less creatures. The map goes a lot less deep then subnautica does, and the final areas are tight corridors that are hard to navigate with enemies in them.
The story doesn't make a whole lot of sense and contains some plot holes.
While i still recommend this game it isn't the top of my list.

Subnautica: Below Zero miraculously completed the task of creating something new while still keeping the same core gameplay mechanics as the original. They were put in a really tough position with making a sequel, and while it's not perfect and not as good as the original, they did a very good job.

I enjoyed this game a lot! I think I had just about as much fun as I had with the original Subnautica, though there were also parts of it that I felt weren't as strong.
Below Zero is a lot more story focused. I personally liked the the story and the characters, but I do feel that a lot of the open-ended survival aspects that made the original so interesting had to be pushed aside in favor of them. The stakes don't feel as high since you're no longer playing as the lone survivor of a crashed spaceship trying to get off an alien planet.
There's plenty of nice QoL changes (pinning blueprints to the HUD, no longer being able to accidentally eat an item you're trying to put into storage). There's also some cool new base-building items to play with.
The environments are beautiful, though the map has been significantly sized down. Since you have to keep hopping around the map to progress the story, the feeling of "vast scary open ocean" unfortunately fades away somewhat quickly.
The creature designs are great! They have lots of charm. My favorites are the glow whales and snow stalkers. The leviathans are also really scary.
Despite the couple flaws, I really liked Below Zero overall!

eveet geldik 2. oyuna önce yeniliklerden başlayacam
-artık yaşam alanı yapıcısın'dan başka inşaat edecek şeyler
var bu iyi
-araştırma yerine'de başka şeyler'de gelmiş
-hikayede ilerleme var (alterra üslerine gidip kardeşimizle ile ilgili bilgiler toplamak)
-cylops ve seamoth gidip deniz tırı gelmesi gelmesinde sıkıntı yok ama NEDEN cylops ve seamoth u kaldırırsın ey oyun
-bu oyun yürek ister ve o yürek bende yok

i really want to like this game but its just missing something i dont know what but it just isnt as good as the original

subnautica below zero isnt even bad guys come on it's just not excellent like the first one was

NGL this one doesn't scare me as much as the first game did. The map in this game just feels a bit more cramped. The really deep caves still do feel rather claustrophobic too and getting your seatruck stuck on rocks and vines is the biggest frustration I had. It's still really fun though with a very pretty setting and lots of new stuff to explore, tho I was often a bit disappointed with how many plants and minerals I couldn't scan and how few plants I could take samples of.
Despite that, I still can't wait to see what the devs are able to do with a new engine for the next game.

Pretty good but not as great as the first game.

Better visuals, locations, music and gameplay than the first game, but falls short on content, story and scares.

Not as epic and huge as the first game, Subnautica: Below Zero takes its exploration and mysteries into a smaller, more compact and slightly blander world. The winning formula that made the original so special is still there, but it's not quite as... magic.

The story, however, is one area of the game that is much improved over Subnautica. I felt compelled to keep going, to find out what happens next. I got more invested in the characters this time around and had a great time seeing how everything panned out.

l had an amazing time with this game, but it just wasn't as breathtaking as the first one. Still highly recommended, though.

More like Subnautica 1.5 rather than a full sequel.

There's a lot that I like about this game. It has many of the familiar elements that made the first game so great: a vibrant world to explore, danger around every curve, and a robust crafting system to aid in your survival. And I liked the more involved story that saw you interact with some new figures. The stuff I didn't like so much were the land-based sections. Maintaining body heat on top of all the other things to worry about felt a little tedious, and the frozen landscape just doesn't offer the same sense of wonder that the colorful and mysterious underwater world does. On top of that, while the game does introduce a number of fascinating new creatures, I feel like they lack in comparison to their predecessors. The leviathans in particular just didn't feel as threatening or terrifying like they do in Subnautica. I did have fun with the game, but it didn't quite capture the magic of the first one.

This review contains spoilers

its okay definetly not on par with the other one but holy hell does it have huge fish in it

A beautiful expansion of an already gorgeous game, Subnautica: Below Zero is probably just Subnautica Plus, but to me it was incredibly enjoyable anyway.
The game flow and mechanics remain very similar to the first entry, up to the point that gameplay felt rushed in its earliest stage: I'm not sure if it was because I "knew how to play" already but I had the impression I got a ton of blueprints, items and upgrades way too fast. It's only after the setup, and after finishing that "Subnautica 101" (get a vehicle, get depth upgrades, build a home) when the differences start to add up.
More than anything, it's the narrative what got a nice glowup. Themes such as our need for closure and the legacy we want to leave behind are explored more directly than in the first game, with more "cutscenes" and relying less on flavor texts and Firewatch-like narration. I won't spoil anything, but I was SO happy to see that elements from very secondary plots in the original Subnautica get to be under the spotlight here, that was a really pleasant surprise. It shows a lot of loving care of your own worldbuilding.
The new biomes had nice level design, with new ideas for fauna and flora that invite you to take risks and make room for great emergent narrative. I was skeptical at first about the absence of the old vehicles, but the Seatruck turned out to fit in very well. It has the same feeling of home with wheels the Cyclops used to have, with a higher level of customizability.
On a somewhat negative note:
- Annoying accumulative performance issues, even with a high-end machine.
- I found the ending surprisingly meaningless: I managed to beat the game without ever visiting one notable location that was being constantly foreshadowed. This, plus a couple of continuity errors, left me very confused when the credits started to roll.

Very similar to the first game, for better or worse. The original Subnautica was excellent, so, there's a lot to enjoy here. However, Below Zero's new features and story were not enough to sustain my interest all the way to completion, and it is disappointing to see that various UI foibles and graphical glitches are ported over wholesale. I conclude that the first game is the one to play, whereas this one is for enthusiasts.

Pensa tudo que o primeiro jogo pegou e fez bem: o sentimento de perigo e solidão, o vasto mundo e os cenários incríveis, e as criaturas únicas. Pois é, agora inverte e deixa tudo isso ruim. É assim que esse jogo aqui funciona.

bought on early access, didnt really touch it til it came out and its alot worse than the last game, still good in some aspects tho

tried playing realized its not really my cup of tea

It sucks how literally no one knew this was releasing until like a day before because this game still carries the subnautica name extremely well. It does do the job a little weaker than its predecessor and there are some technical problems that ruin the immersion in places but overall a neat sequel to the original game.

Not as good as the first game to me, it kinda ended when I was just beginning to get into it, however the story that is being told seems interesting and I look forward to where they take it.

Already playing subnautica 1 likely contributed to my less enjoyment compared to its predecessor

its a fine game. in todays times its not worth the hate it gets its definitely solid

Weird sequel to one of my favorite games of all time.

With a pretty troubled development, I'm happy to at least have a final product. I still greatly enjoy Below Zero, it still has the same spirit of resource collection and survival but it's definitely in a different category than it's predecessor.

I didn't like it nearly as much as the original and ended up dropping it.

No meaningful changes from the gameplay of the original, a pretty high bar already. On-foot exploration is a chore. The undertones of mystery, frailty, and bittersweet solitude are drowned out by an implausibly poised protagonist's dialogue and quips.

This was developed initially as Subnautica DLC. That's clear through and through, and ultimately? That's really fine. As it was with the original, the core experience, exploration, tension, fear, mystery, curiosity, it's all still there in spades, and is just as satisfying as it was before, with several QoL changes that make a big difference. If you enjoyed Subnautica, you'll probably really enjoy this!

That said, having specifically waited through the entire EA period for the full release, I'm a bit disappointed. Everything is just a bit less. Smaller world, smaller story, fewer biomes, fewer terrors. I saw the depth I finished the game at, and based on the original, I thought I had maybe another third to work through. Instead, I was five minutes from the ending. The story is more direct, and it's certainly serviceable, but there are more threads left dangling, and ultimately is far less satisfying as a demonstration of mastery of the world than the spanning quest of the original. I committed the grievous sin of looking at the cut content listed on the wiki, and DARN IF THAT DOESN'T SOUND EXACTLY LIKE WHAT I FELT WAS MISSING HERE.

But I spent 20 happy hours swimming through the oceans of Planet 4546B, and I don't know if I'd ever fully get tired of that. (But I definitely got tired of the land based sections, very quickly.)