Reviews from

in the past

Sunshine's a game I have a lot of childhood nostalgia for, but I can also kind of see why I never actually beat it as a kid. It's just fun to be in Sunshine's world and environments, the unique summertime vibe that Nintendo's never really tried to recapture in the same way that Sunshine did (maybe besides something like Wii Sports Resort), and a lot of that charm is what really carries the game for me. But on the other hand, Sunshine starts to fizzle out too much by the last several hours as later stages begin to just repeat bosses or goals like collecting red coins or platforming challenges that just aren't satisfying or fun to do. A part of the problem is that movement feels great and snappy when Mario has FLUDD on him generally, but there's issues with the physics here especially on slopes that can be just baffling with how much Mario will be flung off in certain directions if the game doesn't agree with whatever you're doing. The stages that take away FLUDD, your last resort for either saving a bad jump or reaching that last little bit before a platform, really exemplify how too snappy Mario is here compared to how he controlled in 64.

I do vastly prefer this game over 64 because for the most part I still was having a good time and the style carries so much of Sunshine even at its worst, but it's also a game that can feel a little too bloated and overambitious and that's when it becomes harder to look past the more janky aspects of its controls and mechanics. I feel really bad for anyone going for completion on this one because of how much more tedious stuff like blue coins are here in comparison to how relatively simple 64 was.

Played a ton as a kid, finally beat the game for the first time as an adult.

The last couple times I tried to play this in the last few years I got frustrated and gave up, but this time I had a pretty good time.

+Vibes/beach vacation aesthetic/music are all immaculate, some of the best no doubt. Taking Mario to this kind of setting was a bold choice, and one that I think paid off in terms of the sheer visual diversity both within itself and against the Mario series at large. Delfino Plaza is a five-star hub.

+Fludd is a fun addition too because it works with Mario's platforming instead of replacing it entirely.

+I will also say that the game has a momentum to it. I beat it in 2-3 days representing 10-12 hours of gameplay.

But for all of that, it's also very clearly deeply flawed and may have aged worse than 64.

-Punishments for failing levels/getting game overs I would refer to as "somewhat cruel." If you get a game over, you're booted to the start of the hub world. If you lose your footing on an obstacle course where the goal is to climb, you go all the way back to the bottom of the level. If you lose a single life outside of the secret levels, you get booted to outside its entrance in Delfino.

This game has a weird penchant for feeling the player needs to waste 2 minutes reattempting a challenge as punishment for either losing a life or attempting to solve an open world puzzle in a way that's not exactly the game's preferred way of doing so.

I also found some of the required challenges needlessly hard (or at least bullshitty) for a game with as many camera freakouts as I experienced (not to mention a few collision detection issues). I have no idea how kids beat some of these levels without employing 3D Mario acrobatic tricks.

I don't think I'd actually mind the difficulty so much if Sunshine wasn't so needlessly punishing. The level design is excellent and I love a platformer with some bite. Mario also feels really good to control even despite some aforementioned issues. But when an otherwise excellent game so frequently decides to waste my time for deaths that don't always feel like my fault per se, it's hard to summon anything more than a soft, well-asterisked recommendation.

petey piranha head or fludd blowjob

At first I was quite conflicted on Mario Sunshine, I was having fun which was interrupted with the odd annoying level. However as it went on, I found it just got more and more frustrating to play, especially during the secret levels and overall wasn't really enjoying myself anymore. I do believe there is a really good game here which you could easily find if you ignore some of the more annoying parts and focus on the tropical setting and music which is one of my highlights, but it's too obvious to me that a lot of this game feels half-baked or not even playtested, such as the chuckster level feeling broken at times with the way you're thrown.

Overall I'm glad I've gotten to play Mario Sunshine, but it's definitely the black sheep of the 3D Mario games to me, and nothing makes me want to comeback to this game to 100% it.

the lack of analog triggers really doesn't make this the best version of sunshine to play, but it's not as crippling as someod i love this game.

Like yeah it’s a Mario game so it’s not bad necessarily but it feels super cheap for a Nintendo game. I also think the 64 style of progression is kinda just not for me, Odyssey does collectathon Mario so much better.

I enjoyed the setting and environmentalist message. Movement was fantastic. I wish that controlling FLUDD was more fluid. I would've loved this game as a kid.

one of the harder mario games but its good. I dig the vacation vibe

Lowkey actually enjoyed going for the blue coins and all that.

Like I know why people hate it but this game was just so fun so it was worth it.

…It's kinda overhyped if I'm being 100% honest. I guess I just couldn't get too into it

Better than Mario 64, but still very janky and unfair.

I missed this one back in the gamecube days, so i was very excited to finally play it.

However, out of all the 3D mario games i have ever tried, this one is the one i like the least. The setting is charming and i love the happy sunny music, but there's just something i don't like that i can't quite explain. Is it the levels? Possibly, i liked the Mario 64 levels more.

It's good, but it's my least favourite 3D Mario game. I'm gonna complete it anyway though.

I also had to clean brown stuff in my first job

Narrative: 3 - Gameplay: 4 - Visuals: 3 - Soundtrack: 5 - Time: 3.5
Stars: 3.5

My journey with Super Mario's three-dimensional platformers is coming to an end. And so far ahead in the road, I come across some weird game. I mean, what the hell was Nintendo thinking? Everything - from the cutscenes to the gimmick chosen to be the core mechanic - is weird...
And kind of cool.

The plot with Bowser Jr. in his dramatic search for his misplaced mother is absurd and so funny. FLUDD is a nice gadget-side-kick (character?), but where's the mouth? The screw are eyes? And don't get me started with the islanders and that water-type mammal-shaped Island. And, by the way, I hope to God that Delphino Island and its inhabitants aren't some sort of reference to Brazil or Latin America. At the same time, the carnivalesque soundtrack sure points towards that. Regardless of my doubts, their design is just awkward. None of that takes us off the solid gameplay.

When I saw some bad criticism about the second half of the game, I was surprised and kind of suspicious. I mean, we all know that Nintendo can drop the ball with new consoles or IPs, but to think they would mess up one of their main franchises would shock me. Well, it was not exactly like that. I see the frustration that comes with some of the clunkiness of the controls, and some levels can get irritating, but in the end, it's all good fun and solid game design. There are challenges, and I won't lie: I'll die cursing Pinata Village (and praising Sirena Beach).

In the end, I'm glad that Nintendo took some weird directions with this one. I feel that it can hold its ground with no shame side-by-side with all the other three-dimensional Super Marios.

Next - and final - stop: Super Mario Galaxy.

I grew up with Super Mario Sunshine so it’s incredibly nostalgic for me. Even though I know it has flaws I love this game and play it every year.

I have a lot I could say but I’ll keep it brief. I love that every level almost has a little story going on as you progress through it. I love that the levels feel like they’re actual places on the island and that they have a bunch of NPCs to talk. In fact there are some NPCs in this game that if you talk to them in every episode in a level they almost have a character arc it’s super cool and the fact that you can completely miss it if you don’t talk to the characters for fun is a real shame cause there was clearly work put into the dialogue.

Gameplay wise I always have fun playing it. FLUDD is fun to use to navigate levels and fight enemies. I even don’t mind collecting blue coins cause to me it’s just a fun thing to collect to earn more shine sprites even if you don’t need any of them to finish the game.

I know the game can be glitchy at times but I kinda like some of the glitches. I’ve played this game so much that it’s fun to glitch or exploit my way into levels early. For instance this time when I played through the game I tackled all 7 levels episode 1 first before moving on to episode 2 then I’d play all the levels episode 2 before moving onto 3 and I did that all the way till the end.

Now if you’ve played the game you’d know that you need to beat episode 4 of Pinna Park to unlock Sirena Beach. But using some glitches I was able to get into Sirena Beach whenever I wanted! Even getting into Pianta Village early is easy with a well timed triple jump!

I know the game isn’t for everyone but it was my first ever console game, so I have have very strong feelings towards it and it will probably always be my favourite Nintendo game.

Delightfully inventive, but the one thing a Mario title simply cannot be is clumsy, and for this it suffers relative to the rest of the Mario catalog.

Mario Sunshine is an interesting game. Its buggy, likely a biproduct of coming out early in the 6th gen's life style and I can only assume a brutal production timeline, it's got some of the most fucked up stars in the whole franchise (i'd argue that lily pad IS the worst star in the franchise), and an odd structure to its stars making atleast 30 of its stars feel redundant; more if you don't reconsider anything that's not attached to its own mission or secret area unnecessary.

And I wouldn't change a fucking thing.

Okay well maybe I'd change Lily Pads.

I love Mario Sunshine, I'd even say it's my favorite 3d mario, with the only aesteric being that I haven't played galaxy 2 in like 10 years so idk how I really feel about it. For all it's jank and weird design choices lie a ton of soul, cool stars, fun movement, an unmatched aesthetic and Levels Were You Can Actually Die.

Sunshine's main gimmick is is FLUDD, a funny little talking water gun on your back who you use to shoot water or flip between a hover mode or eventually a rocket mode or a turbo speed mode. FLUDD rules. Like every game mechanic I like it's multi purpose and you can is used in many creative ways without designing specific interactions, and benefits the level design. it's weird that a lot of the cool fludd stuff (slip and slides/shotguns blasts/ect) are hidden and you just gotta figure it out on your own but it's whatever you've watched a sunshine speedrun before and watched them turn shadow mario to dust. I have no problem with fludd, he's great.

Individual stars are a mixed bag. I'd argue that most of them are good, but the stinkers are crazy. I said it before but lily pad red coins is genuinely awful. I do think a lot of the levels people point to as being annoying is mostly just because people didnt fully understand the mechanics. Things like the Manta Ray/cleaning up Sirena beach are much easier then they seem if you know what a shotgun blast is; and to be honest I never understood how people walled by things like Sandbird/blooper racing.

But the stars that ARE definitely fucked up, things like Pachinko or I'm A Chuckster! idk I just think they're funny. If dying in a single player video game hurts your ego no matter what or something, first go to therapy second it's not really a big deal. Most of the Secret levels have a 1up mushrooms early in the level to keep you going. Is pachinko fucked up? yeah. It is really funny to see mario go to hell on a stub? also yeah. Am I being bias? yeah fuck you.

And like I mentioned before, something I really like about this game is difficulty. If you read my review from a few years ago on Galaxy 1, what brought me down on that game was that despite it's insane polish and strong gameplay gimmick, was how easy the game is. All the polish in the world means nothign to me when most of the game is completely frictionless because there's like 5 stars total where there's even a risk of dying, it becomes a snoozefest. Mario sunshine is much harder then it's companions, and I like that. It's not like it's a complete ball buster but I have pay attention and try to win, and most of the Secret levels are gonna take you multiple tries to get at. 64 is not as bad about thsi but most of 64 is kinda a cakewalk anyways.

Something I like about this game that doesn't come with an * is the aesthetic . God. This game is still wonderful to look at. I've been chasing this game's aesthetic since it came out. One of my incredibly bias gripes about Pokemon Sun Moon (bet you didnt think that game would show up) is that I thought that game aesthetically would be the Sunshine 2 that i craved, and in the end i got Just Regular Pokemon.

The summer theming and the commitment to the aesthetic. It's so so good. No backing down to generic areas, the most generic you get is a volcano area and thats the final level. It's a summer vacation aesthetic; We got the easy beach stage but we also got other sick shit; an amusement park, a dock, a scenic beachside nice hotel with the casino you parents didnt let you come with and it might be haunted too (idk whats up with this I never really associated summer with horror but it's apparently a classic japanese summer thing so w/e), villages that are probably tourist traps, ect. It's wonderful. I want this more and no game as given it to me. It's either every level looks the same or every game has rapidly different designs for the sake of variety. The commitment to an aesthetic idea and variance without giving up on the core idea. it's perfect. I will never get this game's aesthetic again and it hurts.

To get back to being negatives despite that I love this game, the game's star structure is weird. To hit credits you need to beat the 7th level of every stage unlike 64 which was just get X amount of stars to progress to the next part of the castle, leading to only needing 49 stars to beat the game. Along with that a large chunk of the stars in this game are attached to blue coins, which suck but oh now you all agree with me that collectathon shit like banjo sucks? you all love banjo but hate blue coins? whatever man. To put it all together the reward for 120 stars is really ass; 64's isnt much better but there's not that many stars that feel like filler in 64 and obviously later into the franchise you get crazy 120 star rewards like galaxy. I say do all the main stages and grab delfino stars, and see how many blue coin stars you got by the end, you're not missing too much going blue coin hunting. you can also skip lily pad. fuck lily pad.

Sunshine is flawed, but I love the flaws. For everything it lacks it has something nothing else has. I'm also bias. fuck it. I should replay mario galaxy 2.

The more I think about this game the more I fucking hate it. I really wanted to like this game but I just kept getting more and more pissed off as it went on. First off: the control is horrible. How the fuck did they screw up on this when 64 felt amazing. Overly responsive and jittery, Mario has no sense of weight or momentum, just 0 to 1000 in a split second. Collision does not exist. At several points I just fell through the fucking level or got softlocked at random points. Mario will slip if there is so much a slight angle in the geometry.

Level design ie also terrible. Every level blends together because of the beach setting. I hate every one of these levels, far too spacious with very few interesting set pieces to make them stand put besides the general level themes. Platforming in these levels makes want to tear my dick off. Just complete and utter garbage. And Corona Mountain makes me want to jump into an actual volcano.

Blue coins, 100 coin shrines and secret shines are terrible. Needless, bullshit padding to get a fucking postcard.

I hate the enemy designs, they feel so lifeless amd generic and can't remember any of them except the Stus and that fucking wind enemy that makes the game even less fun.

Music is decent but very samey so I have nothing really to say about it.

The last thing I want to mention is the game's structure, its terrible too. Despite this being considered an "open" 3d Mario game this is not one at all. You cannot get any shines you want, you have to do all the shrines before you chase Shadow Mario. That means that the watermelon, sandbird, baby chomp cleaning and the horrible "hidden" shrines.

This game is a pathetic joke and I am baffled at how any one likes this, it is a shitstain on an otherwise consistent franchise.

very frustrating mario game in general. while the setting is great and the characters have their charm, the plot is just uncanny to me and the controls - while sometimes celebrated by people for their diversity - suck badly and take out all the fun that collecting shines could have brought...

I heard some people say it's fun, but I didn't know to was this fun!

It’s good but maybe not as good as it’s peers.

This game is absurdly unbalanced but its so fucking fun I can't give it a lower score than this

Love the setting, design, and music. Gameplay could be pretty infuriating though.

This game is inconsistent some stars(forget their real name) are just not fun

It’s Super Mario Sunshine, and it’s as janky as it was in 2002. Never change, Nintendo

i'm gonna tell u guys a secret. i got stuck on corona mountain and never finished it. fun as hell though

...D.E.B.S. ALERT... it has been reported that an annoying Mario game was played. First lets start with what I liked which was isle delfino. The world felt realized, lived in, and was well developed. I thought the FLUDD was a cool mechanic that helped to make the game feel different from other mario games. The voice acting was fun and made me laugh a few times.

Now for the not so nice stuff. My goodness is this game tedious and not fun at times. Some of the gameplay decisions are just mind boggling, I cannot understand why they were made (I'm looking at you chucksters). I'm wondering how children were expected to complete some of these levels when I am struggling hard to do so as an adult. Not only are some of these levels just crazy hard but they are so tedious to either complete or to reach in the first place (example the goddamn lillypad level which is so annoying to just access in the first place although there are others). I don't even want to 100% this game because of how annoying some of the levels and the remainder of the game is and I love to complete games all the time. The levels without FLUDD weren't necessarily that bad but some of them were at times lol. For me this game was just not fun for a good chunk of it and thats my real issue with it. I don't mind the levels being challenging but the reward/fairness just does not feel worth the challenge. This game also had just so many unintuitive moments which is another major issue for me. Things they just expected you to know to do without explanation and I don't need to be hand held but a little guidance is appreciated. So ya I put this game down three years ago after 7 shines and there was no specific reason but I guess my past self just sensed the evil and I didn't stay away from it this time lol. Maybe my thoughts will change in the future but for now these are them and good riddance to this game the worst of the 3D Mario's for certain