Reviews from

in the past

Beaten with 120 shine sprites. I've played through Super Mario Sunshine a few times in the past, but I was surprised how challenging this second 3D Mario platformer was. The quirky addition to the gameplay with the FLUDD water-shooting mechanic serves to mix things up nicely, though it's easy to become over-reliant on the hover ability that this provides and I do miss the long jump from Super Mario 64. Sadly I played before the announcement of the patch to add inverted camera controls, which didn't help with the playability! I also prefer to see more variety to the game environments, but I can see that the exploration of the tropical theme serves to add cohesiveness to the game as a whole.

First game I ever played.

I can appreciate what Nintendo was going for with this game, but I can't bring myself to finish it like SM64 or Galaxy. I won't argue with the fact that the controls are tight, but I just can't get into the FLUUD mechanics. A lot of the challenges can also be very unforgiving & repetitive.

first time playing sunshine so i wasn't really sure what to expect, a decent amount of levels are very frustrating (a lot of the "secret" courses tread the border between "fun because it's frustrating" and "too frustrating to be fun") and the lack of checkpoints doesn't really help, but i had a ton of fun playing it anyway? it's a game that's rough around the edges but still has plenty of good stuff in it to make it worthwhile i think

It’s Super Mario Sunshine, and it’s as janky as it was in 2002. Never change, Nintendo

five star game for the first 96 shines

Fun game, but has it's flaws, mostly in game design

My second favorite 3D Mario. I love the atmosphere and mechanics of this game. The music and gameplay are super memorable and everything you can do and collect is great.

I remember enjoy this enough back on the gamecube, but it felt really far removed from the Mario I knew and loved at the time. I struggled to get to grips with the main idea, and although overall I thought it was alright, it was probably one of my least favourite Super Mario games at the time.

Now we've had many years and many more Mario's since, and the decent port on the Switch, I definitely appreciate this one a lot more. Its not without its bad parts, but they are far outweighed by the good, that I give it the benefit of the doubt.

Some of the levels are tight and work perfectly with the Fludd backpack, whereas others are maybe not so well done but work despite that. I did get a little impatient with some of the more traditional style levels, as they could be quite tricky. I only really went for the bare minimum of shines with this playthrough, as even though I enjoyed it, I know that some of the latter stages can be quite difficult and I did not want to sour the fun experience I have had revisiting Isle Delfino.

I know my score is pretty much irrelevant, but I did struggle over whether to give this 4 or 5, but thought I'd meet in the middle, given that I had a very good time for the most part.

i'm gonna tell u guys a secret. i got stuck on corona mountain and never finished it. fun as hell though

I think this game is the most experimental and bold of the three in the port but all in all it is stuck between the 3D Mario defining Super Mario 64 and the 3D Mario mastering Super Mario Galaxy still solid however I don't think its fair to say the game as a whole is worse until I play it on GameCube, as a port its the weakest nut its the weakest of three giant hulking goliaths

Wish I had played the rerelease after they added the GC controller option, but still perfect.

Part of Mario 3D All Stars

Completed main story w/ 67 shines in approx. 18 hours

Good setting, fluid movement, and some stupidly cryptic puzzles. Very meh final boss. Definitely needed more fine tuning but nonetheless a solid game.

Fun but becomes a chore to play towards the end

I heard some people say it's fun, but I didn't know to was this fun!

It’s good but maybe not as good as it’s peers.

Super Mario Sunshine is still incredible. Played with a gamecube controller and felt just as good as I remembered playing as a kid. Belly slip-n-slide in still the best movement option in any mario game. Originally finished game on Gamecube in the 2000s but first time hitting 100%

Uff non ho parole per descrivere quanto Sunshine per molti aspetti mi stia antipatico. Il gioco è estremamente ambizioso e sperimentale. Miglior sistema di movimento che si sia mai visto , ma il completismo è una tortura. Molte delle missioni non complimentano l'arsenale di opzioni che ha Mario per muoversi e spesso si riducono a frustrazione gratuita. Peccato , perchè di potenzial ne aveva.

La notion de "genres" dans les arts en est une particulière, ne serait-ce que par son application. Dans un esprit de catégorisation pseudo-simple, on attribut des sous-titres, des étiquettes à ce qui est créé au-delà du ressenti, au-delà des idées véhiculées, développées. Pourquoi s'attarder sur la profondeur, alors qu'on pourrait plutôt observer les codes, les éléments de surface qui reviennent d'oeuvres en oeuvres ? C'est après que les sous-genres apparaissent pour catégoriser d'autres catégories, ce qui peut parfois amener des oeuvres hybrides, combinant différentes étiquettes.

Pourquoi ne pas alors parler de ce qu'une oeuvre propose, de ce qu'elle nous fait sentir ?
Super Mario Sunshine est, en théorie, non seulement un collect-a-thon dans le sens que c'est un jeu de plateforme en trois dimensions axé sur la collection d'objets disparates qui permettent de progresser et de débloquer plus de contenu, mais aussi un "jeu de plateforme de Mario en 3D ouvert", selon Nintendo, dans la même lignée que Mario 64 avec Super Mario Odyssée comme héritier.
Ce que ces étiquettes techniques ne parviennent pas à saisir, c'est que Super Mario Sunshine n'est pas exactement un jeu de plateforme dans le sens classique du terme. Certes, n'importe quel speedrunner du jeu vous éblouira avec les actions, les sauts, les glitchs exploités dans l'hilarité et la précision ; ce jeu encourage la vitesse, la fluidité, la maîtrise de sa physique brisée et inconstante.
Pourtant, derrière cette maîtrise, cette vitesse se cache aussi une aventure estivale fortement scénarisée, une aventure lors de laquelle Mario se retrouve à connecter avec des habitant-es insulaires qui ont leur propre histoire à raconter, leurs relations établies.
Pourquoi ne pas parler des enfants Piantas des Collines Bianco qui finissent coincé-es entre les murs et qui sont alors châtié-es par leur mère dans l'épisode 8 ?
Pourquoi ne pas relever le fait que les deux frères Piantas à la peau brun-chocolat du Port Ricco gagnent en puissance au fil des épisodes, offrant raccourcis, mais aussi, dans l'épisode 8, un accès direct à une pièce bleue chacun ?
Pourquoi ne pas rire de l'absurdité d'un père de famille effrayé par tous les manèges du Parc Pinna, grande roue incluse ?

Mario Sunshine est bourré de défauts dans ses épisodes, dans ses défis souvent ridiculement difficiles, dans sa physique hasardeuse, dans son système de progression même, qui requière qu'on finisse les épisodes 7 des sept niveaux du jeu pour accéder à la fin, enlevant de la valeur à tous les soleils...
Et pourtant, derrière un jeu vidéo empreint de décisions douteuses, on retrouve une expérience unique en son genre, qui mise plus sur l'immersion dans un monde coloré et déjanté plutôt que l'avènement du siècle en terme de jouabilité.

Ne plongez pas dans cette mer azure à la recherche de défis inoubliables pour leur complexité et satisfaction, mais plutôt pour sa richesse scénaristique et littéraire, pour prendre congé de l'hiver ou d'une période fraîche et ainsi voyager sur une île paradisiaque qu'on guérit de la pollution amenée par un empire totalitaire...
Oh putain le jeu est une allégorie sur les conséquences de l'impérialisme sur les populations locales.

A very enjoyable Mario game. Not as good as Galaxy, but miles better than 64.

Has aged really well. Controls are smooth and Mario’s moveset is big. There is some janky stuff but overall it is easily worth the effort!

played this on a shitty laptop running dolphin at 50% and i still 100%'d the game, thats how good this shit is

...D.E.B.S. ALERT... it has been reported that an annoying Mario game was played. First lets start with what I liked which was isle delfino. The world felt realized, lived in, and was well developed. I thought the FLUDD was a cool mechanic that helped to make the game feel different from other mario games. The voice acting was fun and made me laugh a few times.

Now for the not so nice stuff. My goodness is this game tedious and not fun at times. Some of the gameplay decisions are just mind boggling, I cannot understand why they were made (I'm looking at you chucksters). I'm wondering how children were expected to complete some of these levels when I am struggling hard to do so as an adult. Not only are some of these levels just crazy hard but they are so tedious to either complete or to reach in the first place (example the goddamn lillypad level which is so annoying to just access in the first place although there are others). I don't even want to 100% this game because of how annoying some of the levels and the remainder of the game is and I love to complete games all the time. The levels without FLUDD weren't necessarily that bad but some of them were at times lol. For me this game was just not fun for a good chunk of it and thats my real issue with it. I don't mind the levels being challenging but the reward/fairness just does not feel worth the challenge. This game also had just so many unintuitive moments which is another major issue for me. Things they just expected you to know to do without explanation and I don't need to be hand held but a little guidance is appreciated. So ya I put this game down three years ago after 7 shines and there was no specific reason but I guess my past self just sensed the evil and I didn't stay away from it this time lol. Maybe my thoughts will change in the future but for now these are them and good riddance to this game the worst of the 3D Mario's for certain