Reviews from

in the past

I wasted way too much time on this game while on breaks at lunch. It’s riding the success of vampire survivor and made a minimalist, ad filled, micro transaction begging, not great version of it. It’s not the worst game I’ve played, especially on my phone, but I wish I wouldn’t have put in the 8 or so hours that I did. Every level is basically the same with different skins. The system basically boils down to you just lose until you upgrade enough and then you all of a sudden destroy the level OR you pay money to make it a much quicker process. Not worth the time, play something else.

What if Vampire Survivors had minging mobile F2P gimmicks in it? What if I punched myself in the head repeatedly? What if, what if?

Best mobile a.s.s. game and vampire survivor-methadon.

Now after playing it about a year, have milked all the freemium potential out of it.
Tried ignoring all of the random additions such as fishing or Spongebob minigames. Now that the progression has slowed down too much and I am not really getting my dopamin kicks out of it anymore, It leave this app companion behind, on lvl 65.

Embarrassingly mindless gameplay even for a game meant for killing time. Also addicting, which is not a good combination to have

I daily this during my daily morning standup meeting at work. It's got fun arcade-style gameplay and no ads outside of the random offer to buy gems. I'll take that any day over "Freshen your shmeat in 10 days" and those "Gameplay" mobile ads that have a god-awful clip of the actual game in 20x20p with some grown man who prolly still kisses his mom on the lips narrating with the mic shoved in his throat and blaring sound effects of items and swords drowning his voice out anyway. Why bother at that point? The obnoxious ads on nearly every mobile game out there are why I barely delve into that realm.

For that reason, this receives an 8/10. Super Mario Galaxy better watch out.

i've reached the necessary conclusion of my vampire survivor knockoff arc, i think. i'm pretty burned out on games right now, a little too depressed and chronically stoned to put the energy into anything but just bein alive, so i got this mobile game to mess around with while i'm laying in bed. it plays like all of these games do - you move your little dude around, he shoots his little bullets at the enemy dudes, you pick up points to get upgrades, and so on ad infinitum (not 'ad infinitum' as in a single run lasts endlessly, but that every run feels basically the same). this one has the artifice of a mobile game, though, so there's an energy system that limits your playtime and a microtransaction shop and shit, you open loot boxes for new items, bleh. plays fine, it's a serviceable clone, but it provides the absolute bare minimum for one of these games, while cramming in as much annoying advertisement shit and unnecessary mechanics as possible to idk, warp your brain i guess. so its just ok

Pretty fun little indie game with good gameplay depth and just the right amount of challenge to keep you coming back if survivor games are what you're into. The annoying energy/cooldown system and some microtransactions keep this from being a better game, though.
Still quite fun for brief play sessions.

So I regularly download the Number 1 game on the app store regularly and this was it idk at the point of writing this like 9 months ago but at the time I knew of Vampire Survivors but never played it. So this was my first taste of "Bullet Heaven?" (I fucking hate the name) games. And it was really cool, I loved the grind of this game, they made you feel ultra powerful but it felt like a chore. After the first like week or so I would check in do a daily and be like "I'm not having fun with this" and like would level up my weapon and eventually after a month just gave up, maybe it's because of the mobile aspects but it just didn't feel good.

fun time waster for when you have like a half-hour to kill

Vampire Survivors (developed by Supercell)

I don't know what my thing has been recently with playing roguelike mobile games, but I gotta stop. Anyway, it manages to be a pretty basic and fun topdown roguelike with some cool mechanics and pressure to pursue builds (which is good for a meathead like me who just takes whatever abilities seem attractive at the moment). However, take this, and bake it into a confusing jungle of mysterious currencies, convoluted menus, and freemium game practices.

La version zombie del vampire survivors

Play Vampire Survivors instead. This is no more than a hastily put together rip-off that, like nearly all mobile games, is heinously monetized.