Reviews from

in the past

Most of this review is based on the Early Access version of the game.

Temple of Snek combines the tried and true gameplay of the classic Snake game (popularized by Nokia phones in the late 90s and early 00s) with dungeon crawling and puzzle elements. It's a very interesting mix of concepts and works relatively well when it wants to.

The game can be confusing at first but after you solve the first few puzzles and make your way through some rooms you get the hang of it. With that being said, the overall design did not impress me much. Gameplay can be slow and a bit frustrating since no matter what you still have to wait for your snake's movement to properly progress through the levels (use 'F' to move snake faster).

I really like the idea, but the execution isn't very well done in my opinion. The snake moves automatically at a somewhat slow pace, just like in the Nokia game Snake. But this clashes with the game's somewhat open exploration and puzzle-solving of the temple so much. On one hand, it is too slow when you just want to go from one part of the temple to another one. On the other hand, it is so frustrating when you accidentally make a wrong move and the game resets to a previous part and you have to do the same thing again. Additionally, it is often not so easy to clearly see where you can and can't slither to without bonking your head.