Reviews from

in the past

Com certeza uma das melhores DLCS que já joguei na minha vida! Após terminar a primeira e a segunda DLC de The Evil Within, já havia descoberto que eles sabem fazer ótimos jogos e ótimas DLCS, fui jogar essa com uma expectativa alta, porém já esperando um conteúdo mais parecido com as outras, que é ótimo por sinal. Porém fui pego de surpresa com uma jogabilidade totalmente nova, com mecânicas incríveis, inimigos avassaladores e muita inovação. Me diverti tanto que não consegui parar de jogar até completa-la. Nos fazer controlar um dos inimigos que mais me deu trabalho na história principal é sensacional e super divertido. Inovaram e acertaram em cheio. Super recomendo jogarem essa DLC incrível, vale muito a experiência!

its an interesting change in gameplay initially but its pretty repetitive

Deviating from the previous DLCs for The Evil Within (The Assignment and The Consequence), The Executioner put the player in the shoes of one of the game's enemies to battle through matches and collect coins to purchase new weapons and upgrades. I actually had a blast with this one, it was a lot of fun playing as one of the monsters that annoyed me the most. I also liked how different it was, certainly being more action orientated.

disparada a dlc mais pica, divertidissima mas curta dms

The evil within meets Bioshock 2

A clearly low-budget DLC that was more fun than I was expecting it to be. The Executioner only exists to answer the question "I wonder how it would feel to play as that safe guy from the main story", and on that it delivers. It's satisfying to pull off finishers and the arcade structure lends itself well for multiple runs of this short DLC. Needless to say, the combat is not extremely polished, but it's good enough to allow for a good, albeit short time.

Босс раш за сейфоголового, ничего особенного, можно скипать (что я и сделал при первом прохождении)

só vi gente tacando pau, mas eu gostei muito de jogar como o the executioner. Podem falar o que quiserem não vão me fazer deixar de gostar dessa dlc.

Basically TEW's parallel to RE's mercenaries modes, it's alright but I've never really been the biggest fan of those so it's not particularly made for me. I enjoyed it for what it was, I guess. The gameplay can be fun for a bit but I was happy to know when it was over lol

Putasos con el ejecutor jugando al dbd de killer hermano

A goofy sidepiece that feels like it would've been part of the complete package, were it for not being part of the 8th generation of consoles and not the 5th or 6th. The Executioner scenario has a bit of intrigue, but it mostly just plays with an already established world in order to scream and spill blood. Playing as box head is fun to a degree, but gets a bit monotonous, especially having to see the same animations, gratifying as they are . . . you know, the first couple times. He really should have like 5 or 6 more just so it doesn't get so old so quickly.

Barely any story lore to speak of, it's hard to even consider it canonical, but I suppose one can see it as the STEM corporation taking volunteers at a low point in life, trying to find a means of escape, much like Ruvik was . . . I guess.

The extra scenario of having to fight a very capable Sebastian was also pretty funny. In the end, I will always encourage goofy, bonus content like this, and still appreciate what they were going for . . . the final boss fucking sucks ass, though.

A goofy DLC in first person which could ve an inspiration to RE8 Village DLC.
They should make a separate expanded VR-version of this called ’Stem VR: An Evil Within Experience’


Ich hatte mit diesem DLC sehr viel Spaß. Die Figur des Wächters zu spielen hat mir Spaß gemacht, auch wenn es natürlich sehr stumpf war. Ein klassisches Beat 'em Up Game, dass aber alles richtig macht. Man kämpft nochmal gegen die Gegner aus dem Hauptspiel und bekommt zu diesen ein paar Hintergrundinfos und lernt generell, wie die Monster in diesem Spiel zustande kommen. Hat mir alles sehr gut gefallen, für manche Kämpfe hab ich auch mal mehrere Anläufe gebraucht.

interesting just cause of the perspective and character change but not super engaging of a gameplay loop

Imported from my Backloggery:

This DLC for TEW is kind of trash. It functions and is kind of fun for the first 10 mins or so, but it's just basic first person combat stretched out to 90+ minutes. This game was not meant to be first person, so the animations are clunky and the combat is dry. This one doesn't add to the story of the main game at all. Definitely worth skipping.

Probably one of the most fun DLC of the entire game.

The first person view is very interesting choice though I’d really prefer this game in third person as it was very easy to get disoriented and miss the attack.
It also suffers from the same issue like the base game and previous DLC - underwhelming/disappointing final boss battle. On the other hand, this mode was pretty fun.


I also wish I could finally kick that spider lady’s ass in it.

Played on Linux

Nice and short little DLC

this dlc did not live up to the other ones, but it was not terrible to play

Not bad for a 1h/1:30h arcade experience with teeny-tiny story elements. There is some replayability but I don't really see the point after finishing it once.


I appreciate what The Executioner is doing, but the DLC is too easy and too cobbled together to truly be much better than okay.

eeeeh, ta inrersante el cambio de enfoque dado, pero despues de media hora se empieza a volver repetitivo y la narrativa no me engancha para seguir. Prefiero ir directamente a TEW2.

The opposite of the Kidman DLCs, this one is all about gameplay. I like the arcadey setup and first-person melee combat focus, but it's kinda jank and a couple of the bosses kinda suck ass. Fighting the regular enemies is extremely satisfying due to TEW's crunchy sound effects and ridiculous gore, plus the execution animations are pretty raw. Really cool final sequence and nice (but few) story additions.

Kinda made me wish The Evil Within had a Mercenaries-type mode.

Very short(like an hour long). Just an arcade style DLC with a focus on gameplay and a first-person view. Very fun even in NG+!

Lackluster, clearly designed to make money. Doesn't really feel good to play, and other than the meme of fighting the 'good guys' there isn't much value to this.