Reviews from

in the past

It's WoW-styled DIABLO, before Blizzard decided to just go ahead and do that themselves. Nothing about it stands out or even rises above 'competent', and the aesthetic is of course dreadful. But if you just want to click monsters and get loot, it will certainly suffice.

Great dungeon crawler that improves on the Diablo-like experience. I know many will categorize this under "Diablo Clone", but its so much more. Back when I first played this game it was pre-Diablo 3 and I had just finished playing Diablo 2 for the first time. This game improved so much on that game's formula by adding the ability to have a pet who can both help you in combat and sell any junk items you picked up, so you don't have to go all the way back to town constantly. This quite frankly should be this game's selling point alone! Only downside to this first game, is that there is no co-op function which does suck as these types of games always encourage that.

I simply cannot finish this game, but I tried very hard.

I started this at the end of May in order to get some good ARPG before I might dip into Diablo 4, but I ended up in a very shallow pool of water called Torchlight.

Torchlight is an ARPG with a very claustrophobic approach to the genre, reminiscing to the good old days of dungeon crawling, but instead here are mines and caves and lost places deep below the town called Torchlight.

There are three classes with no customization options and a few options for a pet, who helps you in battle and trades your worthless loot while you are in the dungeon.

What I hated is the fact that the dungeons (or floors as they are called here) shows no variety and only the themes are different, even the layouts are pretty much the same or mirrored version of the one you just beated.

The enemy variety serves visual purposes only, because each floor contains the same archetypes, they just look a tiny bit different. Bosses are really underwhelming and slaying them does not reward you at all, and the three classes feel really powerless and each skill tree gives you options to build your character in a way that will probably throttle you back way more, instead of helping you achive a unique and powerful character.

At the last floor, I had enough of this game. Not just because the side missions are meaningless and repetitive nonsense, but because the ARPG genre, while repetitive on it's own, offers much better games than Torchlight. Despite this, I will try out Torchlight 2, just to see if they improved the game in any way or they just made the same mistakes again.

Um ARPG inspirado nos Diablo's antigos, que mescla combate e dungeon. Se alguém me dissesse que a blizzard se inspirou nesse jogo para fazer o Diablo III eu acreditaria.

From the team that made Diablo, Torchlight is a dungeon crawler and loot grabbing game a lot like Diablo. Only it's a much better game. The graphics are cell shaded but really good with better detail. There are three classes with their own skill trees. The main story isn't anything amazing but the game is about getting all kinds of loot. There's a last dungeon that has 100 floors where the monsters get tougher and tougher each floor and it's all random layout.

A goblin stands before me, I raise my hand and cast "Lightning Blast", critically striking the goblin for 1649 damage. All that is left of the goblin is a pile of gibs, I am very happy.

Torchlight is a pretty standard action rpg affair, I'm no expert but this game is pretty basic and the main campaign is quite short so it was fun to play over the weekend. The last area of the dungeon was pretty dreadful though!

Took me almost 100 hours to get all the achievements

Plusy niezły klon Diablo, ładna grafika, niezła grywalność, multum itemów
Minusy: wtórność, wdzierająca się nuda pod koniec gry, słabi bossowie

i was surprised at how much i liked it, i didn't like the later games as much

Game was probably good in it's time. Now it is repetitive, and too simple for me personally. Dropped after 2 hours.

If, like me, you're addicted to Diablo-likes and need another hit, this is a solid choice. Gameplay mechanics are very similar to Fate (2005) from the same developer, but combat is punchy and polished. Similarly to Fate, the plot is very generic and not worth mentioning. The visual style is cute and has aged well for the most part. Sadly there isn't much to stick around for after you beat the final boss - technically there is an infinite dungeon to explore and farm in, but I gave it up after a few floors of the same thing. Initially it might seem like there is a ton of loot variety, but I noticed very similar drops when playing with other characters.

Finished the campaign with Vanquisher, post-game is boring

The only franchise in this genre that i have little love for.

Pretty fun, honestly. I enjoy the simplistic mechanics and gameplay, the character building is fun, I love the loot and the story is short and sweet. I love the pet too. I think it just isn't that insanely fun, mostly just slashing things.

Top notch atmosphere, very abrupt unsatisfying ending.

Torchlight, like its sequel, is a quite enjoyable ARPG dungeon-crawler with a lot of loot, fun, and exploration to be had! I've enjoyed this game since 2013, and although I haven't played it in a while, it, along with Torchlight II, are probably my favorite ARPG games!

The game is set in the small mining town of Torchlight, and the town needs help, as its mine is being attacked by monsters. As you continue further and further down the mine, you'll see a vast array of different enemies and environments, and quite a bit of loot to be had!

There are three classes in Torchlight, and each one has different spells and weapon specializations.

The Alchemist is a mage, specializing in staffs and wands, and has elemental spells and attacks. He has the highest MP of the classes.

The Destroyer is a melee-oriented class that is best at using swords, axes, maces, and polearms. He has the largest health pool of the classes.

The Vanquisher is a range-oriented class which has abilities that strengthen her ranged combat. She is best suited for long-range combat.

Torchlight is an enjoyable game to play, and and its visuals nice. Its soundtrack is excellent, as well, and compliments the game quite nicely, giving it its cool style, just like the sequel has a nice style. The environments in the game are pretty fascinating as well, and sometimes quite varied, and there are many places to explore, and some side quests to do too.

I also appreciate how lightweight it is, graphically. I think it still looks pretty good, while at the same time, being able to run even on old machines in my home, including old laptops!

Throughout the game, just like with its sequel, there is a huge variation of armor, weapons, and enchantments that you will find, and you can also transmute items and enchant things at an enchanter. You can also find "ember" to socket items, which gives you various bonuses.

Overall, I have no complaints about Torchlight that I can think of. Its gameplay is very satisfying and quite fun, and I would certainly recommend this game, as well as its sequel, which introduces multiplayer co-op! Definitely pick both of them up, if you are someone who enjoys ARPGS, Co-op games, and loot games. ^.^

when your game has less depth and content than original diablo from 1997

The game that got me addicted to this whole loot thing for a minute. Made by the people who made Diablo I + II, and it shows! Addictive, fun, and straightforward. I guess there's a story, but the game doesn't care about it and you shouldn't, either.

This review contains spoilers

Fun, fast paced hack and slash game.

Torchlight is a clone of the game FATE from 2005 but still manages to create its own atmosphere and feeling. In general, it is like any other Diablo based game. Kill enemies, collect loot, level up, get some mad skills and repeat.

It has a story, but it is not that interesting. Just another villain that needs a good slaying and who is waiting for you at the very depths of the game world in the story mode.

What makes Torchlight fun is the effortless way it is played. Use portals if you need to go to town or let your pet take the journey while you go on with your adventure, the combat system is good and when you hit an enemy you can hear the slash or bash you made with your sword. Also, the easy way of selling, buying, hot keys for potions and skills etc. makes it really comfortable.

Torchlight has simple cartoon style graphics and nice music to get you in the mood of playing. The sound effects are good and makes this game somewhat stand out from FATE and other hack and slash games.

The game can be very repetitive. Not because it is a hack and slash game, which goes for all of them, but because you progress in “floors” rather then levels or maps. The themes change after every ten floors, but the layout is mostly the same for all of them. After floor sixty, you reflect on your life and the fun is starting to decrease. On the other hand, when going for the achievements the game has to offer, it keeps you (or me at least) motivated to complete more and more floors.

The main issue I had with the game was, because of its repetitiveness, to find a good purpose to go on. There are achievements like I mentioned, but other than that, when you kill the boss in the story, it is just endless floors of the same stuff over and over again.

But overall, for the price, this is a fun game with hours of content.

Torchlight is a hack n' slash dungeon crawler like classic Diablo, but it bears a lot more resemblance to Fate, which is not surprising since the now defunct Runic Games was formed by Travis Baldree. As such, Torchlight contains some differentiating mechanics like a selection of generic spells that any class can learn on top of their class specific skills and the player also has a pet by default that aids them in combat, can travel back to town to sell items and be transformed into more powerful forms by feeding them magical fish.
I like the Torchlight series because it feels like a classic hack n' slash, but generally more fast paced, and there's a lot more freedom when designing a character than with the usual rigid class system most ARPGs have, barring the lack of a respec system.
That being said, it's kind of hard to recommend Torchlight 1 when Torchlight 2 is superior in pretty much every single way. It's not like there's an overarching narrative to follow or something like that, there is a story linking both games, but it doesn't really matter to be honest. You wouldn't lose much by skipping this one in favor of the sequel.

Pas mal, mais ça pouvait mieux faire. Le gros défaut c'est qu'il n'est jouable qu'en solo (si je ne me trompe pas) et que pour moi ça me semblait logique de le faire avec un ami.

It was nice, I guess, but very forgettable game

I returned to Torchlight after putting it down for almost 11 years and it's still an absolute blast. It nails its central gameplay hooks and mowing down hordes of enemies is always a blast. I just wish the story beats were fleshed out a bit more.

diablo for my catholic son who is scared of the religious implications and would rather take a hammer to poisonous plants or some shit

-Great ARPG, very fun to grind in and the style of it keeps it fresh.
-Moddable giving it a long life after release.

Keeping this one in my back pocket until I need a quick and fun ARPG fix.