Reviews from

in the past

j'ai 100% le jeu je suis le roi du trombone regarde maman

A funny little game with a goofy concept. Probably worth the play, but I think the game falls into the Gimmicky category too much to really really shine. I manage to S rank 9 songs, but the skill jump from there was just too much, and there really aren't a lot of songs so you do end up just repeating the same songs you've already mastered or are horrible at until you've met the requirements to finish. But! All in all I think the game does achieve what it sets out to do, so I can appreciate that.

bastante engraçado, embora o glorioso caminho até o final seja um tanto repetitivo. umas 10 músicas a mais já fariam toda a diferença.

5⭐ just for how many "cried laughing" moments have been wrought from just handing someone new this game with no introduction or context

Post balance patch Trombone Champ is some of the most genuine fun I’ve had with a game in a minute. Lots of laughs and plenty of stuff to unlock

Pretty fun meme rhythm game with a lot of charisma, quirky secret unlockables and really fun and quick to platinum (Heck, I got that in 3.9 hours, according to steam) but maybe because I could get S rankings easily so I didn't have to grind for toots as much. I can see someone who has trouble with the game taking a while to get the unlockables and having the game become tiring at that point.

But, alas, for me it was a fun short journey.

It has a lot of potential, great fun right out of the box. They could make a tool for players to make beatmaps ala OSU!

silly trombone game very very fun 🌭

I never finished it but what I did play was really fucking funny and amusing. It has a really nice sense of humor about itself, and it knows that it can only keep that humor up for so long which is why the game just doesn't feel like a super long game. Very entertaining, a cool take on the rhythm and music game genre, and one that I'll probably finish at some point!
And remember, baboons!

The true organic joy of analog controls writ large in booming discordant tones. Funniest game since QWOP.

A very stupid game (compliment)

I really finished it now, I'm a Trombone Champ.

OK... it's really dumb, and it knows it is, but I did find it pretty funny. This could have been nothing more than a shitpost; a character that looks like that playing sombre national anthems badly on a trombone is already pretty funny, and that could have been the end of it. But there ends up being a whole Inscryption-esque meta-narrative thread on top of everything, which I won't spoil other than to say it constantly impressed me with how stupid it was willing to get (in a good way). The actual game itself was functional and fair but pretty frustrating and the controls, despite being very simple, felt weirdly unnatural to me. Overall, decent game, good memes.

i wish there was a mode to turn this into an actual functioning rhythm game where you didnt have to be some kind of wizard to play short notes correctly. i know its not the point, but a grid-based version with nice sounding notes would honestly make a pretty fun rhythm game. the dev plans to expand the game due to its success, but i'd be surprised if it manages to gain enough substance to turn into something worthwhile.

there will probably be a games done quick showcase for this.

An authentic middle school band experience.

Great rhythm game, tons of personality, albeit most of the song selection is public domain
The controls are extremely difficult but that's on purpose, but don't worry if you do bad you'll at least get a B

A pretty great balance between really dumb joke and legitimately good rhythm game. Unfortunately there aren't enough songs to support all the things you need to do to actually beat the game so the last couple hours are grindy to the point where I finally just said fuck it and downloaded Cheat Engine. This is going to be a better game in a year when the new tracks have been added; for now, it's a great gag that overstays its welcome.

This is the best game I have played in a long while. It's absurd and kept me laughing the entire time. Three cheers for toots and turds.



Genuinely the funniest concept for a video game. Not only is the wonky honks from a middle school trombone player really funny, but there’s a hidden narrative filled with baboons, hotdogs, and a mf named Trazom. Best game of 2022. Eat rocks Elden Ring.

It's a meme game but I had a lot of fun with it. I enjoyed the absurdity and it's impressive what the developer was able to accomplish without using more recent popular music.

Os trombones são uma invenção do capitalismo pra vender trombone champ

very funny, but also frustrating and bland at points. progressing could be more rewarding. 12,49 btw

by the power vested in me, i pronounce you hotdog and mozart

Trombone Champ ist gut und steht sich doch sehr stark im Weg. Ich hasse und liebe es.

Wir haben hier ein einfacheres Rhythmus Spiel als Taiko no Tatsujin. Das find ich persönlich angenehm. Alles was man machen muss ist, Taste drücken und den Ton von oben nach unten regulieren in dem man die Maus hin und her zieht.

Leider ist der Ulk-Faktor hier und da zu hoch. Ein Glück, ist das Spiel von Update zu Update darum bemüht es so gut wie möglich für JEDEN zugänglich zu machen. Grelle Farben und Bloom Effekt können eingestellt werden. Man will nicht für die Töne drücken sondern nur die Maus hin und her bewegen? Ja kann man einstellen. Farben sind nicht so deins, weil Farbenblindheit? Es gibt Abhilfe. UND SO WEITER UND SO WEITER. Natürlich gibt es dann auch die Möglichkeit die Verzögerung des Eingabegeräts zu Kalibrieren, wenn eine Latenz vorhanden sein sollte. Wirklich wunderbar!
ABER HALT DER ULK! Die Story, die man nebenbei durchspielen kann, besteht nur aus Quatsch. Ich mag ihn eher weniger. So besteht es viel aus Pipi-Kacka Humor und der finale Boss kann nur durch wirklich wirklich dummen Einstellungen und Anforderungen bezwungen werden und nicht durch Skill. Es ist nunmal doof?!
Mich stört leider außerdem, dass man zwar in der Songauswahl immer sehr, wie man den Song abgeschlossen hat. Jedoch ist die Anzeige von "S" die Höchste. Ein Perfekt beherrschter Song wird gar nicht erst angezeigt sondern es steht weiterhin nur "S" da. Anstatt dass es mit einem Sternchen oder so noch symbolisiert wird? Es kommen Fragen auf. Mmmmm. Hinzu kommt, dass man Songs nicht favorisieren kann, wodurch man diese schneller findet. Bei gut 60 Songs schnell seine Favoriten zu finden, wird gerne zu Qual, falls man wirklich nur mal eine schnelle Runde spielen möchte.
Auch ist die Lernkurve etwas... gewöhnungsbedürftig. JA ich wurde von Song zu Song besser. So erwarte ich es auch. Aber 3 Tage das Spiel nicht gespielt und schon fühlte ich mich plötzlich, als hätte ich Fahrradfahren verlernt. Liegt es an mir? Ich bin mir unsicher. Immer wenn ich bei Taiko no Tatsujin eine Pause von 1 oder 2 Wochen oder gar mal einen Monat mache und dann wieder zu einem Song zurück kehre, bei dem ich eine bestimmte Sequenz nicht geschafft habe, packe ich die dann. Hier ist es nicht der Fall. Hier bin ich oftmals viel viel schlechter als beim letzten Versuch vor 3 Tagen. Das sagt einiges über Lernkurve und Handling des Spiels aus.
Der Preis ist dennoch gut Angemessen und ich freue mich, wenn irgendwann der Patch mit Songeditor kommt und die Community - hoffentlich - coole Songs zur Verfügung stellt.
Zukünftig dann noch bei den Songs verschiedene Schwierigkeitsgrade hinzufügen. Meinetwegen auch erst beim nächsten Projekt des Entwicklers, wenn es einem bei dem Genre weiter wurmt coole Spiele zu droppen.

Weiter machen.

It did make me laugh a bit but the joke wasn't worth the $15.

I don't actually think the rhythm game play is tenable. It's frantic but at least to me, precision felt impossible, which is not a pleasant sensation in a rhythm game.

I guess the joke's on me for ponying up for a meme game.

It looks like an elaborate shitpost, and it is, but it's layers of shitposting over a genuinely well designed rhythm game. There's even documentation of in-depth mechanics for potential competitive play.