Reviews from

in the past

Basically some improvements made to the formula that makes it more fun to fuck around in, yet still rigid enough to iterate and improve upon. However, it should be noted that

- The map theme is one of the catchiest tracks in gaming history
- This has not only one of the rawest dialog choices, but also one of the best title drops in gaming ever

I only ended up getting four of twelve endings in this game as opposed to all six in the first because, frankly, this one is just not very fun. A lot has been added and changed like a deeper time advancement system, actual shops and side content, but because it's been expanded so much, the repetition sets in really quickly and getting each ending starts to feel like a chore. The first game was very simple but that added to the Choose Your Own Adventure book style it was going for, as CYOA books were often pretty short with very little fluff throughout. While the parts of this game that aren't fluff are pretty enjoyable, the parts that are tend to outweigh them, and they make this a rare occasion where I'd say less is more.

Oh, and the localization is complete ass. There were at least three occasions where the game told me to do something that was completely inaccurate and just ended up wasting my time both in-game and in my miserable existence. Pro tip: when it tells you to go to Amakaze Inn when it gets dark, don't actually do that. You're supposed to go in the evening when it looks exactly the fucking same as morning and afternoon.

Si cuando empecé a jugar la primera entrega de esta saga me iban a decir que su secuela iba a expandir aún más su formula y que iba a terminar enamorado del camino del samurai te hubiera mandado de paseo. Way of the Samurai 2 es en esencia un roguelite, harás múltiples partidas descubriendo caminos para llegar a un final y no morir en el intento, quedándote con espadas y objetos pero solo los que almacenes, todo lo que lleves encima se perderá. Esto hace que su historia se permita todo tipo de disparates o de momentos serios, desde pedos tumbaniñas a venganzas familiares, aderezado de un combate que se mantiene sólido. La espadas son el "personaje" que mejorará entre partidas, es clave conseguir una buena y mejorarlas hasta límites insospechado, pero cuidado, su resistencia disminuirá si bloqueas demasiado. Pero lo interesante viene en el sistema de parrys: los ataques tienen cuatro direcciones y debes mover el joystick izquierdo en la dirección del ataque en el debido momento para reflectarlo y asestar golpes letales. Eso sí, teme al modo normal, es muy difícil y podrás acabar frustrado en cada combate, yo no he querido ni probar el modo dificil. En definitiva tanto este como el anterior Way of the Samurai son joyas de Playstation 2 que recomiendo encarecidamente, aunque solo sea para sacarse uno o dos finales.

É uma melhoria bem considerável em relação ao primeiro jogo, desde a mecânica de dormir numa safe house, o sistema de gerenciamento de tempo é mais complexo (é tipo o de Persona 3 só que bem), mapa maior, espadas novas, poder falar com qualquer npc, porém ainda peca no roteiro como no antecessor, de novo, a história do jogo tá alí mais pelo conceito do que pra ser boa, uma coisa que me incomodou nesse é que as situações não são tão orgânicas como no primeiro jogo, lá tudo gerava alguma mini ramificação, já nesse focaram mais na mecânica do tempo e tu ter que arrumar trabalhos pra ganhar dinheiro.

The ultimate simulator of being a hobo who doesn't know what's going on while people keep trying to stab you

Way of the Samurai 1 but a bit better.

its fun but i think it waste the potential it can be. im sure this game can easily be an AAA game back in the day but sadly the story building is too short and there is nothing to explore so u just feel empty playing it , i love the combat system especially after beaten the game in hard mode it gives u a new difficulty called “Finishing Blow” added realistic aspect to the game more since u just need one blow to kill ur enemy (goes the same for u too) , its sad that they only released it in japan not worldwide, worth to try.