Reviews from

in the past

My mom probably spent hundreds over several years buying me webkinz plushies as a kid the least I can do is rate it 5 stars

My sister put me in charge of taking care of her Webkinz for like a day and I fed it gunk until it was at death's door

opened my account when i was 6 and i still go on often 15 years later. this was my childhood obsession, i hope it never dies

Sigh, I wish I could live there.

Screw FF14 and World of Warcraft and their subscription services, this is the og MMO

I try not to rate things high due to pure nostalgia, but I have to give this a solid 8 due to how much respect I have for the people still keeping the game alive, looooong after Flash died, and even LONGER after the Webkinz craze ended. I logged on earlier this year to see if my account with my 20+ Webkinz still existed... Absolutely everything was in tact. I even watched a TV show episode I made in-game when I was FIVE YEARS OLD.

the best days of my life were spent playing this game

Do I still log on every day and play Tile Towers and Atlantiles as a grown 22 year old woman? Yes, yes I do.

The wheel of wow went hard back in 2007 not gonna lie. A staple of the mid-2000s. If you weren't there then sucks for you.

Literally just my childhood.

the gem guy made me realize I was lacking in a father figure

2007-2013 was peak life man....

I wish i still had my Webkinz plushies :'(

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i love cash cow im on my wacky zingoz shit rn

your ass will never acquire the Webkinz Crown of Wonder

congratulations! looks like you found yourself a gem. you can keep that gem for your collection and try for that legendary crown of wonder, or i can buy it from you if you'd like. let me see what i can offer...

I was a single mother at 5 years old

This game was my childhood, I used to hop on every single day without question. I had 30+ webkinz and still have all the plushes in my closet. Best virtual world without question.

my mom caught me eating my boogers while playing it </3

This game has a lot of nostalgia for me because I used to play this a lot as a kid. I had 21 Webkinz most of which I named Fuzzy because I was not very creative. The game had plenty of fun minigames with in, ability to play with friends, and allowed you to customize your house. Besides the cartoon version of the plush there are also many fun original characters It is a cute game that is perfect for kids. As a kid I eventually started to drift towards Club Penguin. One of the big things that hurt this game was that it started to be filled with ads and things that had been open to me became for members only. I can understand having a way to make money for people that only want to play the game and do not want the plush, but prior to all the in game transactions having a plush was your ticket to everything. I think if you had an actual plush that that should remove the ads or at least count as a membership

The absolute stranglehold this had on my life in fifth grade is insane looking back

I conned my sister into logging her pink pony named Sprinkles into my account so that I could get enough KinzCash to remodel another room

That's some Gotti-level debauchery and criminality, I really should've been locked up