Reviews from

in the past

You know you're playing right when the session lasts more than 4 hours and your friend has a team made up of all the fighters and generals from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms

What can I say - it's Worms, man. As a person with a lot of nostalgia for the older games, that's high praise.

I haven't really tried any of the Worms games since the old World Party, because looking at the reviews there just wasn't much point. I played the old ones to death (I still admire my one-worm solo games against a map filled with the hardest AI - I have no idea how I managed to consistently win), but that could only last for so long. The Hedgehogs’ version was a great replacement when the old games became, well, too old (especially as it was free and online), but it's nice to see the Worms back in action, even if the game’s strongest part is doing well what it did great ~20 years ago (the vehicles are so-so).

But to have the ability to play some good Worms in this day and age without going back to an ancient game is quite appreciated (though I guess by now this is also getting there). And as it’s on PSN, even moreso.

Not a game I'll play often, but I'm glad that it exists, and is so good at what it's doing. I won't play it often, sure, but I'll play it again and love it every time.

Peak Worms experience (This is the only Worms experience I've ever had).

Лучшие вормс за долгое время. Понравилось все: физика, графика, музыка. Играется достаточно бодро. Но цена для России не очень приятная. Забросил, т.к. со мной никто не играл.

i may fucking suck at this game but i'd be lying if i dared to say it isn't fun!!
i haven't dabbled in the solo stuff, just played matches with friends and it sure is a blast.
only remarks would be : if you die early it might be boring to just watch the others finish the game and, most importantly, the randomness of the game is what makes it fun to me, but i see how some people would really not vibe with it. it's a preference thing, but fortunately I like Worms!!

Classic worms game which outdated more than I thought

I don't remember which of these i played but I just remember them being a unique party game tactics time killer.

always down for a runback fun with the homies. UNLESS UR THE ONLY ONE DYING LMFAO


o burro é uma das coisas mais engraçadas q eu já vi

I think it's the best worms game, and it's definitely fun to play when you've got friends, but worms games are all same-y and the sequels do little to improve or change things. The price tag is also pretty stupid for a worms game.

A fantastic Worms game! But it moves SO SLOWLY! The molassess-like speed of the turns feels like I'm playing Pokemon Diamond and Pearl!

If the pacing could be picked up just a bit, this would probably surpass Armageddon.

I am a Worms World Party veteran and none of the newer games I've played have cut it for me. This one is fine, it looks pretty, but I feel like it was lacking something, mainly more weapons. The vehicle system is kinda cool, the shelter one too, the weapon crafting is a bit unnecessary.

The game feels very slow and the hit boxes felt inconsistent at times. The CPU has insane accuracy from long distance and crazy angles so it gets very frustrating while some levels can feel like just hoping the CPU makes a rare mistake.

If I had friends I would love to blow them up with a holy grenade as a worm.

Played with @Allistayrian and @Dreadblocks 😘

Killing worms is my passion.

Excellent multiplayer title but half the fun is failing to properly control the game/watching others do the same because the controls suck.

A la guerre comme à la guerre

surprisingly really fun. maintains the funny factor of worms while spicin things up

Part of my old gaming mindset I still struggle to shed is this self-inclifcted necessity to "finish" what I've started. Here's an excellent case in point - a Worms game I downloaded from Game Pass last summer because it checked the hyperspecific boxes I was looking for: local multiplayer with one controller. And as far as Worms games go, it was absolutely fine. It was everything I remember Worms to be, plus or minus a couple of weapons. And that's a very good reason why there's no need whatsoever for me to spend hours blowing my way through whatever semblance of a campaign mode it had. There's no story here, it's just... Worms. I scratched the itch already when I played a couple rounds with my sister last summer. That can be fine! That can be my entire experience with a downloadable video game. The more time I spend here the less I can explore other, better games on my backlog. Still coming to grips with this. Bear with me, fam!

nothing quite like worms night

Me sorprende que pudiera jugar a juegos de esta saga tantas horas seguidas de pequeño. No puedo con los controles ni con el ritmo, me aburre y me agobia. Por lo demás, está más o menos como lo recordaba.

Le pongo una estrella más por poder ponerte el himno de españa de celebración (es gracioso), pero le bajo esa misma estrella por intentar colarnos NFTs. Que te j*dan, Team17.

Every time someone misses a shot, the entire friend group will disregard all of their shared history. It does not matter how close they are, or how long they've stuck with each other. They will forget all the good times they've shared together. All those comforting moments, moments of weaknesses, they all vanish from the mind. When that worm with the face of heavy from TF2 blows itself up and ends his turn, you no longer are talking to your friends in some Discord call. No. You now stare at the endless abyss. They torment you. They mock you, relentlessly. You watch helplessly as their calm voices devolve into incoherent screaming. They truly do no longer care about your mental well-being. Hell, they don't care about much at all. Just one thing: making completely sure you rue the day you missed that grenade in some dumb game about worms killing each other. Your own personal hell, and you caused it over a stupid misplay.
7/10. Friendships have been torn. Was pretty fun, though.

Esse jogo é incrível, realmente muito divertido, e tem que pensar estrategicamente para jogar.

Nota 8

A ideia da gameplay em turno se torna incrivelmente divertida por causa da gameplay realmente muito boa! Além do estilo muito bonito e as dublagens maravilhosas.

E jogar isso em grupo é 10x mais divertido!