Reviews from

in the past

Le système bump est très très fun et addictif, l'OST est génial, le scénario est continué dans Ys 2 mais c'est sympa quand même de voir le début de l'histoire d'Adol.


Besides the final boss (which is horrible), it's one of the best versions of an early RPG I've played. Obviously the remake spruced a lot up, and then the art got changed in this version, but you can tell there is stuff here that would have been really cool when the original game released

Overall, this version holds up pretty well all things considered

I played this on steam but I don't see that version of Backlogg'd lol.

This was so good the whole way through but the final boss was frustrating enough for me to drop a few points. Still, outside of that, it's surprising how well this has aged! Def had a fun time.

(Fair warning, I played this game on PC and not on a mobile platform)

The bump system is pretty simple and basic, with most of the strategy revolving around positioning trying to hit the enemy at spots where they can't mount a counter attack. The game is short enough where it doesn't get too repetitive and the sense of progression is strong. However, I think this game is an absolute must play 100% because of it's presentation. This game is an audio and visual treat. The pixel art in game is just jaw dropping, and that doesn't even mention the music, some standouts being tracks like the final boss theme. Though, I, 100 times over, recommend using the art from the Ys Complete over the newer ones.

my only real issue with it is the final boss being a hot mess, everything else ruled, maybe look up a guide if you're the kind of weirdo who never talks to npcs and can't put 2 and 2 together

There is a charm to this game. Its got classic JRPG style in fantasy world. I initally really liked the music, I really liked teh feeling I had with the game when I was playing it. The gameplay was fast and punchy. The NPCs contribute enough for me to feel immersed in the world. My god I love the ice stage. I think the bosses were challenging and introduced slight gimmicks that made their fights more memorable. I think its an easy game to start and play, but hard to finish when the final stage feels like progression really slows down

The first game of the greatest football player of all time, on his journey to meet blue haired women with pronouns

Lo jugué en pc. Está entretenido.

Trying out all the Ys games and the first is definitely interesting. I technically played this on Steam but haven't actually play YII and the listing is for the bundle of games. The story is kinda you normal Fantasy RPG, you are a dude who got caught up in a storm and wakes up in a port town to then go out on the journey to save the world. The Combat is very simple as its just run into the enemy, but you have to do it off center of the enemy or from their blindspot which is interesting but used to it from playing Xanadu Next earlier this year. The final area of the game was really annoying, alot of going back and forth, even more so if you didn't have a walkthrough which I had to glance at one every now and then during it cause I got so lost. The Final Boss was also one of the most annoyingly hardest things in the game, but after finding his pattern and just restarting over and over I finally did it. Overall it was a decent game and I am interested in checking out more of the series now.

i fucking hate the first boss why does he exist suck my balls

The game is good except the bosses that are genuinely the worst thing in the world

Adol go brrrrr. Simple but nice story. Bump combat is suprisingly fun.

made me appreciate FC's combat more

What a fantastic game, the plot is awesome and the world is great, loved all the stuff of "The Books of Ys".
The moment when we hear the last words of Sara I got chills bro, wtf was that.
"Adol, abandoned mine at rastin..."
What can I say of the ending? It was great. The final battle was so difficult! And the last book blew my mind.
"And so, Adol Began a new journey..."
tears in my eyes.

É meu primeiro contato com a série Ys então vou ser bem breve. Eu esperava menos desse jogo, digo isso por saber que era um jogo com mecânicas datadas e sem muita reverência, porém mesmo encontrando vários dos problemas que eu já esperava na gameplay o jogo me agradou em alguns pontos.

Ys vai ter o que se espera de um RPG antigo, fase da caverna, fase com parede secreta, sidequests de coletar itens para os npcs e tudo que possa manter o jogador mais tempo, também tem um problema grande com balanceamento de nível e introdução ao jogo. A história ainda está engatinhando e as mecânicas também e dá pra perceber que é a primeira tentativa, porém o jogo merece alguns créditos.

O papel de remake e remasterização do jogo dá uma vida nova ao clássico de DOS, o game ganha uma nova trilha sonora incrível e gráficos mais próximos da nossa geração. Após me acostumar passei a achar o Bump System bem divertido e o grind geral do jogo. O jogo tem boas propostas e dá pra ver ótimas ideias que percebem-se inacabadas ou envelhecidas pelo tempo.

Não recomendaria pra qualquer um, mas com certeza indicaria pra um amigo boomer de RPG.

The bump system will always be an interesting thing. Sometimes it felt great, other times it was annoying but overall this is a fun start of a several decade running series.

Darm Tower was so good they made it into an entire game.

The definitive version of a game released once in the 80s and six quadrillion times since then. I think.... The Turbo CD version might be my actual favorite but it has the benefit of like a thousand years since I've played it and I'm mostly just fuming because the last boss in this version is one of the worst bosses of all time albeit also one of the funniest. I can't even be mad. Just bouncing around the screen making the floor go away when you hit him and setting off bombs in your face every 0.2 seconds it's actually comical.

Ys rules though. Amazing how "hitting guys at an angle" turns bump combat into a legitimately fun time. Not complicated, but everything moves so fast and the tunes are so rockin it works. It works!

The thing that struck me on this run was that like, for as much as I think of Ys as being grind, save up, buy equipment and so forth this first one had me hitting the level cap like halfway into the game, generously, and I assume that's at least fairly accurate to the original release, unlike the TCD version which combined the games into one long game and has you levelling up through to the end. It's almost as much Zelda as it is Dragon Quest.

I love Darm Tower as a concept. One really gigantic dungeon that takes up most of the game, a few characters scaling it parallel to you, helping you out along the way. The series would go on to have a tradition of really back-heavy final areas but I've always respected Darm Tower as the like, the progenitor, even though I now see that the later examples are just better at it. This includes the game they made that's just Darm Tower.

Anyway, I guess I ended up with some mixed feelings about the quality of the first Ys after playing it again, and obviously the plot and so on are nothing special having not even acquired the qualities that would make it funny later on, but it's still a classic in my eyes. Just like, a kinda rough classic. Dunno how soon I'd be willing to dip back in, but I could do it on like baby difficulty. That'd be fun. I'm not the kind of person who'd jack up the difficulty on this one though. The bosses are godawful as it is.

The game is really fun and the bump mechanic is really interesting. The story is very ok nothing crazy, but the game is very challenging which makes it fun. I would say the game feels a bit like Zelda without the puzzles.

The one thing that bothered me about the game is that you do need a walkthrough for the most part.

Definitely worth playing if you’re curious about the Ys games and want a solid place to start. I found both Chronicles I and II on iOS for a couple bucks and I’m glad I gave them a shot.

I hear future games in the series drop the “bump” battle system, but I did really enjoy it here. Once you’re properly equipped you basically become a murderous pinball, bouncing off of, and tearing through, everything that’s in your way. It reminds me a bit of the momentum of DOOM, as you race around literally tearing through enemies and leaving (weirdly gruesome for the setting) splatters of blood and limbs in your wake.

Unfortunately, the translation for this first game is pretty bad, so keep that in mind. Otherwise, Ys Chronciles I is fun to play and feels like a good introduction to the series and world of Ys. Plus, you can knock it out in less than 10 hours, so you don’t have much to lose!

(PSP Version)
I really dug this surprisingly. For as weird as the bump combat feels at first, it's easy to get used to and quite fun when you do. The story is pretty basic and short (the game in general is actually), but there's a charm to it and the atmosphere is just very nice feeling.
If I had to complain about something, it's the fact that the need for the silver sword against the mine boss isn't elaborated upon more and just feels annoying to find out.

It would've been fun if it didn't require a playthrough to finish.

Can feel a bit obtuse but it's sort of to be expected considering the original game was on the PC-88

Fast game play, a banging soundtrack and fun bosses make it an absolute blast to play. The PSP suffers from some annoying load times but generally great

what little i'd seen of the ys series made me believe it was one of those 500 hour JRPGs that is weirdly popular for whatever reason

i couldn't be wronger. this game FUCKS. the soundtrack fucks even harder. story's not much to talk about but the gameplay is VERY unique to me. i love this stupid ass bumper car combat. i love how stupidly simple the game actually is.

they really just said "alright. get this. YOU'RE the one who deals contact damage. that's all i got" and it was the best idea they ever had

Really Short, Bump combat is good feels like you're driving a car and running over people though I recommend you play on Easy.

Like a classic Zelda game on steroids. I loved the speed of the movement, the design of the bump system, and the satisfying feel I got while grinding. The soundtrack is mind-blowing---all three version of it that the game offers. I also think that Ys Chronicles is the perfect length--six hours for the first game, eight hours for the second. Half a star knocked off because of archaic dungeon design.

Neat, wish it had a minimap like the DS version. Bump combat good.

Ys I: Ancient Ys Vanished

Lo bueno: Visualmente mola porque es muy nostálgico. La música esta guay.

Lo malo: El sistema de combate es pff. Muy mal balanceado, con 2 niveles ya te lo cargas todo.


¿Recomendado? Depende si juegas a los siguientes.

Not sure why I can't choose PC as platform, because this seems to be the version that's on Steam (might be wrong about this) but I can't find a different one, so whatever.

Pretty short and sweet title that doesn't have a ton of depth but also doesn't overstay it's welcome. Progression is just a bit too cryptic for my taste, which seems to be a symptom of it's release date.