Reviews from

in the past

shoutout to the one rando on the forums that co-oped the game with me i think this was pretty sick

The addition of the multiple layers, plus going "outside" and completing the game like that was really cool.

Fun Elephant Game is better with more to do, bigger than 1 but not too much to keep it from being a fun arcadey speed game. My only real complaints are the slots.

Second verse, mostly the same as the first. Has a lot of creative ideas, but some of them just don't land for me.

Better than the first game in nearly every aspect, definitely at the point now where I'd call it fun for what it is, but that's really all it ends up being. Good, but hardly notable.

Another middle school flash game banger. This one basically does everything that the first game did and then some. I think this game had multiplayer too, which was a HUGE deal back in the ol computer lab days. Def a flash game hood classic.

No quiero valorar ningún juego de la lista de forma individual, por lo que la nota es solo por rigor.

As I'm moving through the Elephant Collection this is the one that's impressed me most so far- the Cataclysm on the roof being so shockingly out of place is so unbelievably funny and the Hot Coffee mechanic is incredibly clever. The Elephant Collection has made a change to it but back on browser you had to open the game in a second window to get certain achievements. It's an incredibly cute and clever bit of code and it's always stuck with me for being so charming.

This would be a 7 but it gets an extra 1/2 star because the Cataclysm terrified me as a kid but is fucking hysterical as an adult.

Basically just a rehash of the first game but changed a bit. The original is more iconic.

Great natural progression to the ideas brought about in the first game. Love that the achievements didn't evolve to become tedious just more creative!

The first Achievement Unlocked was so much fun because of its simplicity. Adding a bunch of extra rooms and mechanics sounds good on paper, but I actually found that it made the game a little worse. Sometimes, simple is better.

We don't think we miss a game's online play more relative to how often people actually played it. Seriously, that shit was GOATed if you could actually convince friends to play it, and we think maybe that was the peak of online co-op flash games.

...oh right, also it's a very fun Elephant game even offline, but like, c'mon. You probably already knew it'd be at least decent if you've touched Adobe Flash before.

i unlockwed avhiemetns 2
its better than the first