Reviews from

in the past

Competent but not for me, not very deep but good enough if you like the premise.

It's an original take on the city building. It's also very pretty and relaxing. However, it didn't hook me and I got bored pretty quickly. I prefer city builders with more depth.

+ Nice twist on the citybuilder genre.

Got boring after an hour.

It's pretty good! I really hope the sequel can give me more weird random events, but I had a good time playing through this.

Enjoyed what I played but the text is too small to read on the TV and I think it'd be better with mouse and keyboard. Might play it later on PC

It's pretty good! Sort of a very chill frostpunk in that it's more of a resource management game than a city builder. It's very easy, and I'm not sure if the flying city gimmick really adds all that much to the loop... there's a hell of a lot of waiting around for your ship to get anywhere. But it's fun. Good for podcasts!

I think this would work really well as a competitive multiplayer sort of thing. Like CIV but with a city you can fly around and hoover up resources. Imagine racing your friend's city to go get some coal or something. Add in some ship combat and you've got a masterpiece in the making.

I loved how unique and flavorful this world is but it lacks a lot of polish for me and the whole time I was playing it I was thinking about shutting it off and playing Crusader Kings 3 instead.

Es fühlt sich einfach alles so langsam an.
Man kann lediglich mit der Stadt zu neuen Ressourcen fliegen und darauf warten, bis man endlich ankommt, die Arbeiter anweisen, die Mist einzusammeln und dann irgendwann ein neues Gebäude zu bauen.

Das Spiel hat nicht Komplexes, ist aber auch nicht nett anzusehen.
Es gibt so viele Citybuilder und ich weiß nicht, ob ich einen langweiliger fand als den hier.

Beautiful, hypnotic, as relaxing as a massage and keeps me coming back but it could seriously use some accessibility features. The UI is tiny and non-adjustable, and the water on the ground is the same color as the land making it quite hard for my vision-impaired ass to differentiate things.
Still, love the balancing mechanic and just floating around to keep my resources filled, low pressure and really pleasing.

Very fun, extremely chill twist on a city builder. Absolutely beautiful visuals and atmospheric music.

There is a lot to like about Airborne Kingdom, it has a great soundtrack that makes the game tranquil as you fly above the cities and cliffs below you, and I liked the resource gathering, sending the little planes down to gather what you need.

But generally, the city building doesn't need you to think too much, and because of the small building area and the need for propulsion and lift, you are a bit limited in your approach.

The game's levels also feel underdeveloped, there could be more going on down there, more to see. I also thought the first area where visibility was the best to be the best area by far. I was a bit underwhelmed as I flew around to the other places.

I wish I could fly far up in the air. Or that the world was auto-generated, so I could just take off in a direction and never look back.

The missions are also the same in every city you come to, they give you a fetch quest and rinse and repeat from start to finish.

There is enough charm and uniqueness in building a city in the sky, but I sat with a feeling during the entire game that this could be so much better. It feels like a great 1-hour demo stretched into 6 hours. But I can't say enough good things about the music, it does a lot for the game. It's on Spotify.

The visuals are clear and it's easy to pick up the gameplay loop, but the game's set ups for challenges are more frustrating than they are compelling.

Really solid resource management / builder with a spin on the typical entries in the genre. You build in the sky and fly your whole town around in order to explore, meet the main goals of the game, and gather resources. You have to deal with extra mechanics like the speed of your town, and the tilt caused by the weight of your buildings, which means you need to focus on your footprint and symmetry. It feels really innovative, and was a neat mechanic to make you think about where you place things.

The resource management isn't super difficult, and it allows you to focus on testing different configurations of your city, which is encouraged, and exploration. Your city naturally grows through the exploration, and as you get newer tech and research better upgrades, you can continuously build towards a better city, remodeling and reconstructing to deal with the tilt or the different required citizen resources. Compared to games like Cities Skylines where your initial build can often inhibit your city's performance later on without clear forethought, you can easily fix small things, or deal with problems easily, rather than having your city slowly collapse because you had to move a police station.

The exploration and goals are pretty cool, and you're pretty much getting new resources throughout the game, and dealing with new ways to become more self sufficient. It's pretty well balanced, and you can become completely self sufficient by the end of the game. That said, the game does have some confusing numbers that don't perfectly line up the way you need them to for the various production houses that work with eachother, and when you upgrade to better efficiency it can be confusing to calculate how many you need of something. That's really my main complaint, though. There's an over abundance of two resources in the latter half of the game, which was kind of disappointing after the first resource reward was so nice, but it doesn't really change anything so it's okay. Besides those two things, the system is pretty solid and was fun throughout the whole game.

It's a visually attractive game as well, and the whole production feels clean and in sync. Feels really professionally done for an indie game produced by a smaller studio.

It is a bit short at 8 hours, and twenty five dollars feels like a bit much. I got it for 10, and that feels like a really good deal, but if you like these kind of games and you are hunting a game that you can finish in a day/weekend, I'd seriously recommend this. Definitely if it's on sale below 20.

An RPG where you play a city. It's a neat idea but I can't help but feel it was executed at bit too simplistic of a level as I go around fetchquesting. Rather slow at points but I can't deny it's cathartic to watch your floating city grow.

Lovely looking game, world building sort of there but not quite. Gameplay loop too slow. I don't like sim games where things get too chaotic, but at one point I had to wait a total of 24 hours for techs to research before I could do anything. I ended up saving, and doubt I'll go back.

A fairly forgiving city-builder where the consistent need to keep moving and deal with new environments makes for a good dang time. Also maybe the first city-builder to feature fetch quests (that are fun!).

I really wanted to like this game for the chill vibe and laid back goals, but there's a layer of polish missing that makes it difficult for me to choose over a Paradox game. I'll come back if resources are easier to see (such as on a minimap or with hovering tags), accidentally clicking on a village doesn't reset your view orientation, and worker management gets like.... 10% easier.

City builders and management games have always been a bit hit or miss for me. Most of them eventually become repetitive, and I begin to tire of the same atmosphere, environments and mechanics while I try desperately to keep my citizens alive. Airborne Kingdom seeks to throw the entire genre upside by having the player build a flying city while simultaneously exploring the open world and completing quests - and succeeds mightily.

In Airborne Kingdom, we begin our journey with an enormous task - rebuild the legendary flying kingdom of old and secure the alliances of the twelve disconnected kingdoms that lay scattered across the land. These kingdoms were once a whole, and now each struggles to stay alive. Beginning with the last remnants of the ancient civilization's technology, your kingdom sets sail for new horizons with a crew of ten tiny, but determined citizens.

I found many familiar components of city builder games in Airborne Kingdom; food, water, coal to run the motor, wood, clay, iron and glass to build and of course citizen happiness. Just as important as the materials, however, are the physics. The pull of gravity will begin to weight down your town as you build, and only by providing more Lift can your kingdom-in-the-making stay afloat. Beyond that, you'll also need to account for Tilt. It is exactly what it sounds like; as you build, you'll need to keep weight distribution even on all four sides, lest your city tip sideways and your little polygonal citizens tumble into the vast below.
AK2 We've started a community garden to widespread town approval.

Soon you'll have your first row of houses built, and that's when the magic happens. Before you lies a vast open world to explore from the skies, full of resources, wonders, ancient ruins and settlements aplenty. You'll need to keep your citizens happy by providing them with "desires" to plants and streetlights while maintaining the Lift and Tilt of the kingdom. Resources like wood or water are collected from the ground by sending down scouts as you pass overhead, and the rate at which you gather can of course be upgraded through a city-builder staple: a technology tree.

You'll need to be conscious about zoning, too; if you place the industrial district too close to a residential district your citizens will file complaints about the noise and odor. In the most flattering way possible, the entire thing is exceedingly cute. This is as close as a video game will ever get to Studio Ghibli's Castle in the Sky.There's also a robust photo mode you can use to show off your healthily growing kingdom to your friends. Building colors are totally customizable too, and you'll discover new pallets for buildings along the journey that can be applied to building types wholesale to keep a consistency in your town's aesthetic.

Building research centers will allow you to upgrade your town and build new machines to in the pursuit of resources, storage, lift and propulsion, or luxuries. The tech tree is very simple and easy to progress through - research doesn't require any materials, just your time and a few citizens for labor. This means you're always researching, always in pursuit of the next upgrade, and being able to research without any materials got me out of one or two scrapes with total calamity. I was never worried during the six hour campaign about keeping my people alive; I was simply worried about them leading comfortable, fulfilling lives aboard my kingdom.

When flying past ruins, you can send in a scout to collect relics. These relics can then be traded at any one of the twelve kingdoms for different blueprints for new technology. The excitement of rolling up to a new kingdom, relics weighing down your pockets and checking what new technologies they boast is legitimately exhilarating. After you acquire a blueprint, you can research it and its upgrades at any time to begin utilizing it, again, for free. Additionally, each kingdom will trade materials with you based on cost determined by their local resources - if they're near a forest and far from a mine, they'll value any wood you try to trade them less than coal. The map can stay open while you continue flying so you don't waste any time or resources making plans.

Now, the real kicker; this open world adventure game has RPG-like quests to complete. Upon reaching a kingdom and making contact, you'll receive a unique quest to complete in order to gain the kingdom's favor and have them join your empire. Each quest is considerably different, and only a few of them were "go find this and bring it back." You can pop open your quest log with your map at any time and hold as many quests as you'd like at once, and Airborne Kingdom never tells you exactly where to go, only a general direction. The progression loop is smooth, and I never felt I was progressing or growing too slowly. Each expansion to my kingdom felt earned without me ever having to truly struggle for it.

The dialogue is surprisingly well-written and intriguing, and the depth of the descriptions in the flavor text make me feel like there exists somewhere a thousand page lore document for the world of the Airborne Kingdom. Each place I visited was unique and intriguing, and only the first biome kept the Middle Eastern art style that the game seems to be built around. As I traveled into the swamp I found myself in a fantasy version of North Ireland, and out in the mountain crags things began to look a lot like a dwarven kingdom from The Lord of the Rings.

The map is divided into three regions; the desert, the mountain crags, and the marshlands. The map is divided into clearly numbered tiles that were each hand-designed by an artist, so expect them to adhere to a high design standard; however, each tile's placement on the world map is procedurally generated each time you begin a new game. You'll never see the same thing in the same location twice, and new Wonders, biomes and Kingdoms will appear each campaign as well.

When I interviewed the developers, The Wandering Band, earlier this year, they did indeed note the similarities between their map's art style and the infamous Game of Thrones intro about halfway through development and leaned into it. The art style stays consistent around the many different map features and styles of architecture, and the pleasant hum of the Arab-inspired music keeps things relaxed. Which brings me to my next point.

Airborne Kingdom is not a particularly difficult or punishing game. In my experience, city builders and management games are typically about survival. Airborne Kingdom is about happiness. Keeping your kingdom afloat is extremely easy - keeping it balanced to maintain citizen happiness is not. Keeping your citizens fed and watered isn't too hard, but if you do run out of those resources they do not die - they simply leave to go live in the nearest kingdom. Without the extreme stress of survival on the line, exploration is the focus of Airborne Kingdom, and in that it excels greatly. I was never worried during the six hour campaign about keeping my people alive; I was simply worried about them leading comfortable, fulfilling lives aboard my kingdom. The entire thing is just plain cozy.

My only real issue with Airborne Kingdom is that even my high end PC (RTX 2060 Super and Ryzen 5 3600) was barely chugging along by the last hour. While I was able to hold 144 FPS on Ultra graphics for most of the game, eventually there were too many moving parts on screen and my computer was struggling to keep 20 FPS by the end. I hope the developers have an optimization patch incoming - this game is too pretty to play on lower settings.

Airborne Kingdom is hands down the best city builder/management game I've ever played, even topping 2018's excellent offering Frostpunk. The focus on narrative, lore, quests and exploration puts the management aspects in second while still keeping your on your toes. I was thrilled to be working in pursuit of happiness for my citizens instead of just their survival, and by the end my expansive kingdom put anything back down on the ground to shame. Uniting the kingdoms was just as satisfying as promised, and I recommend Airborne Kingdom as a must-play to any fans of management, sim, city builder or just pure exploration games.